
Excelling Above The Others

Before Leonidas could say anything, the other experiment spoke.

"Hey, I'm not going to lose this fight so just remember that number 0023 was the one that killed you. I've trained the hardest out of anyone under the guidance of one of the mid level scientists. You can't beat me, I was told that I had high potential and I was treated better than the other experiments."

"Well, when I win remember that it was Leonidas that killed you, or if we are using the code names then it's 0000. Also, being trained by a mid level scientist is not that great considering the fact that the Head Scientist trained me personally. While you may think that special treatment or being pampered proves that you are better than me, it doesn't. Taking the easy way is pointless, I was treated harsher than anyone else because I have the most potential than any of you."

"Y-you're number 0000? The one who was injected with more of the strengthening fluid than any one else."

"Yeah, I am. Now stop stalling and fight me."

Leonidas shouted up at the screen and asked if he could get a weapon. The spectator responded with a yes, and a combat scythe dropped down from the ceiling. Leonidas caught it and waited for his opponent to ask for one as well but instead a pair of daggers dropped from the ceiling and he caught them.

Leonidas ran straight towards 0023 and swung the scythe towards him, 0023 attempted to parry Leonidas' attack but it did not work as he sliced off his hand. He screamed out in pain and dropped his knives. Leonidas swung the scythe again and killed 0023 with a clean cut. His head fell off and the scientist on the screen told him to exit the room and make his way to the original room.

Once he arrived, he saw twelve remaining test subjects in the room. The screen came down and the head scientist appeared, "You are the remaining thirteen test subjects after the five years of experiments so far. Once again, test subject 0000 is the most outstanding of all of the subjects. No other subject has managed to master everything they have been taught, but 0000 has exceeded our expectations. you are all now ten years old, and we will start the training for the events that will be happening in the coming years. Each of you will be assigned an element based off of your capabilities and you will be trained in familiarising yourself with it. You must all work harder as here will be an apocalypse in around six years, and everyone who kills zombies or monsters and eats their evolutionary material will gain an ability. These skills can be evolved when you eat more and more evolution materials from monsters and your bodies will also become even stronger. We are hoping that you training with an element without skills will lead to you awakening the elemental ability you trained in. We do not know any more information about the apocalypse but we will be ready."

The chief scientist started listing out the elements from weakest to strongest and who would be trained in them. Leonidas was assigned the Lightning element which was the strongest of them all. The others got elements like wood, water and wind which would be less offensive and therefore the training would be easier. However, Leonidas' training would be much more intense but if he gained the Lightning skill then he would be better off than the others.

Before the test subjects were taken for their next six years of training, they were allowed to spend some time talking to the others. Leonidas did not really want anything to do with this, but some of the others attempted to speak to him. He did not want to be completely ruder, so he responded to them, "I'm 0000. I don't want to know your name or anything about your life so far at all. After today, I won't be seeing you for six years so I see no point in getting to know one another. You guys will probably die before the next time we would be meeting so go speak to someone else."

"What makes you think you are better than us? Just because you receive special treatment for having the best potential does not mean that you should look down on us. We've had it rough while you're congratulated every time we meet."

"You want to know why I get congratulated? It's because I work hard and I get pushed further than any of you have been. What special treatment are you talking about exactly? Having more pain inflicted to me than anyone else to the point that I can't feel anything anymore, is that special treatment? Or maybe having my brain augmented to be able to learn how to kill more efficiently which means that there is metal in my brain is special treatment? I didn't think so. Get off your high horse, just because I have the most potential doesn't mean that I get looked after better, if anything it's worse. I can adapt to what happens to me which means that whatever experiments they conduct on me, I'm fine no matter what. Now leave before you ruin my day anymore."

Leonidas' fellow test subjects left without saying a word and he was sitting alone again. He signalled to the head scientist who was still on the screen, "Considering these lot think I have special treatment, why don't you do me a solid and let me have some orange juice. Sure, it might prove them right ,despite my previous torture, but I've worked hard to be the best. This is all I have asked for the entire time that I've been here, just let me have this."

"You're about to be taken to your new home for six years, but yes I actually can do that for you. There will be a glass of orange juice in your room when you arrive."

"You might have kidnapped me or bred me specifically for this. I don't know and frankly, I don't care at this point. Most would think you to be a bad person, but if you'll get me some orange juice then you're okay in my book."

"Good luck 0000, I mean that."

The test subjects were told one at a time to leave the room and were taken to their specific rooms. Leonidas arrived in his and drank his orange juice, "God, that was good. Well, time for some more training."

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