
Against Riben. The march and preparations

That night when Kuro has already taken the East Garrison. The king of Riben, as is the east. Had been informed of the total destruction of the IchiNen plains Garrison army. This has caused him to go red of madness. Though middle aged and has deteriorated through time. He still nonetheless senile, his advisors fear him for his skill in scheming and proficiency in negotiations, he can even turn the tides of war through words.

His anger was yet to be appeased, he wants to take back the plains, but how can he when the morale of both mercenaries and the royal army is down because of how no one from the Garrison got back to report. Only the magic casters got back only to say one thing, "They are fierce and has no fear. Their wild nature may seem to be their death, but their calmness and bravery won't cause them to falter even when their leader is near death." These words show that their enemy has a solid and strong foundation. This would have meant death is something they do not fear, or rather it is something they worship. All the more reason to be cautious.

"Insolent bastards. How come you can not recognize where the enemy is from?! Are you blind?!" The Mad King yelled at the magic casters who escaped.

"But your highness, we really do not recognize the banner. All you can tell them apart from is they have anger in their eyes. It drives them to go mad and slaughter the army." A magic casters humbly replied.

"Oh I see!!! Next you're gonna tell me all their horses are wild magic beasts!!! Now what?!"

"Your highness, all the horses they used were the common breed of Wild Stampede Horses. They are known for being stubborn and using stampede's as a means for both defending the herd or attacking the predator." A wise old man replied. This time, boldly.

"Hmph. Shut up!!!" The Mad King screamed his throat out. "All of you! Scram before my eyes!!!"

Dismissing the audience. He then went back to his own room. He realized one thing. He will just have to reclaim the fort.

At the Garrison now owned by Kuro.

"How is the recovery of our army?" He asked his head warrior.

"It's going quite great. The problem is, we have lesser horses now. We may have to rearrange our mobile forces, that is because, if we lose on the field. We would also lose many means of retreat." The head warrior stated.

Kuro looked at him and then he spoke: "You're right. Draft out 500 men to gather and spot wild stampede horses. At least 15,000 should be gathered. Their habits have been strange, better stock up now before they change."

As he instructed Ur, his head warrior, to all he has to give out. He then left for his nightly meeting.

"This is insane. How can we possibly fight them?" A man in eye patch stated with a shred of doubt.

"We can, and we will. The Riben started moving. They are gathering forces to reclaim this fort. We can't let the sacrifice that was made to take this place." Kuro, decisively told his men his plans.

"I do see the point. However, I have a question." A plump man asked

"Speak." Kuro gave permission

"If we win, won't that make us known over the four nations and get targeted as a possible threat?" He had a point.

"Yes, it will. But we have fought against great odds. As of now I've sent out 200 men to spread out our name. Sooner or later we will then make a decisive strike and destroy the Eastern subjugation force. Do you know why I have never bought us new gear and instead had us use second hand gear?" He asked while looking at the dumbfounded men. Then Ur spoke.

"You were stocking up. To buy something?" He asked.

"Not something, items. You'll see when their army comes. For now we will replenish horses and establish traps." He then dismissed them and retired to his room.

Great Plains, a habitat of stampede horses.

"Isn't it strange? How these horses are very much more wild? The ones we first caught weren't this spunky." A man holding a spear said with a dumb expression on his face.

"You're right. They do seem a lot more active. This morning, someone got kicked to death by a stampede horse. These horses may be strong kickers, but they never go too far as to kill." Another man said.

"Welp. Nothing to complain of now. Just gotta complete the quota and get back to report. The leader seems obsessed with horses. I wonder why?" The man once again asked with a bored face.

"Don't question why he likes horses. I heard he wants us all on horse back so we can run away from any pursuers if we ever get caught." A man from behind suddenly blurted out.

"Oh? Then wh-"

"Shut up. You've been using horses long enough to know how useful they are. Just think of it as an insurance for any inconveniences." The man from behind then moved pass him and went on.

"I haven't even asked yet." The man muttered to himself.

As the gathering team continued, meanwhile at villages and towns. Men have been spreading rumors about Kuro's army.

"I've heard he can kill 50 men, that is with his long claymore." An old man told the story at the slums.

"Kuro? I've heard of him. They say he crushed a Leven encampment and even took fort IchiNen. The mad king seems to be mad out of his brains." A youth haughtily told his friends at a pub. At another town, more rumors grew. "You heard? This man named Kuro has been opposing both Leven and Riben. He even won two wars, one a skirmish, the other a siege. He seems to be destined for greatness." A woman chatted with her sister.

These rumors that spread Kuro's name went on. And in two months time he gathered many more allies. The commoners from the small towns and villages his "rumors" spread to led 50,000 commoners to join his army. Now he has over 130,000 fighting men and 115,000 horses. And it those two months, Riben has also gathered it's army to reclaim Fort IchiNen. And in two months time, war breaks out once more.