
Chapter 13: Beginning of the Main Gun

Measuring nearly two and a half meters, rebellious black hair toning down to his back, blood red eyes, a pointy nose, scars covering him from head to toe and the black miasma that covered him, invisible to people normal but for people with gourmet cells he was a demon in his own right.

It was Atlas who returned home after thirteen years of hunting and capturing in the gourmet world, the number of beasts he had captured was innumerable, thanks to all his ingredients, he managed to create two plas that are yours very much to heart the first that he decided to put in his complete menu its celestial cheese, a dish that can become infinitely good, its the mixture of all the types of milk that he could find and now it could be considered as having reached the level of a legendary ingredient and the second its from the meat of the heart of the celestial deer spiced with vermilion flower.

During his time, Jiro the master knocker was drunk in front of grandma Setsuno's restaurant.

On opening the door, he settles down waiting for the arrival of setsuno while drinking more and more alcohol.

A few moments later Setsuno walked in and was shocked at Jiro's state, for it was not the first time she saw Jiro in depression but her first time to such an extent.

Worried she walked up to him and asked him "Jiro who has it?"

"We're so weak." Jiro offer "weak of what?" asked setsuno

Jiro does not answer, it will be one of the mysteries that will not be solved until a few years later.

Atlas POV

For the next four years while waiting for the GOD I will especially train myself thoroughly in the parts of the gourmet world that have effect on me: like the poisoned clouds of continent 2 to increase my resistance to poison or the gravitational cave which is 2000 times heavier than the gravity of the gourmet world.

While I was walking around the gourmet market, I saw the protagonist, Toriko for the first time, accompanied by a kid who should be komatsu. By their looks he should have finished the Galalagator.

Its soon the beginning of the Rainbow Fruit Bow, Toriko should have the strength of a level 35 beast. Really pathetic, compared to the training he has had since childhood his power level is really too low.

Thinking about that, I go directly to Olivier to get some news.

While I was wondering what I was going to do to satisfy my trouble I told myself that I was just going to follow the protagonists to see how they really do.

Toriko pov

While I was walking with komatsu in the gourmet market at first I vaguely felt a presence looked at me but which is weird its the pressures emitted its spanking me trembled but it was still abnormal that my cells trembled like s 'they fear something. Secondly, my smell to catch the smell of the guy was the smell of blood, the smell of a corpse, its almost made me vomit in disgust.

By looking around me to find the origin of this odor I saw nothing except a residue of miasma which was a hundred meters from me. The miasma smelled the same as the person.

Few weeks later

After my reunion with Olivers I followed Toriko and Komatsu in their adventure, to finally get bored so I went straight to the gourmet world to train. I said to myself that I had to come back 1 years later when they go to look for the melk stardust.

1 years later

As I climbed Melk Mountain quietly I remember the moment seventeen years ago when I scared them. It was hilarious.