
Tord: Reincarnated in Another Universe

What would you do as a veteran reincarnator when you find yourself not just in an alternate version or parallel universe? What would you do when you find yourself reincarnating into a universe that you have seen to be well known in the entertainment franchise in your previous life? Would you stay quiet about what you know and let things go as is or would you willingly change things? At that moment, that was Tord's problem once he found himself waking up in one place he never expected nor did he even know truly existed. ____________________________ The use of words "Wife", "Lady" and a few other feminine identifiers doesn't exactly mean that a character is female here. In this story AU, people are fine referring to people depending on the role they usually play and whether the said person they are referring to accepts such identifiers. ___________________________ This story would now be continuing in Archive of Our Own. My Pseud there is MARVEL_DC_HEART_THROBS. P.S- There's now a Discord Server which I made just to discuss anything about this series: https://discord.gg/rVhHZzf

Sephiroth_Naruto · TV
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77 Chs

After the Flame Flower Incident

Author Notes:

"Hello There" - things spoken

{"Hello there"} - thoughts

<b> Help </b> - emphasis


Whispers of being a real angel greeted Tord once he was able to wake up from the long slumber which he had.

Everywhere he went within the Temple, respectful eyes now followed him and the silvernette blanched at the new treatment he was receiving. After all, he did what he only had to do because his son was dead, no, was dying.

Using <b>「Revival」</b> while being not in the best state of mind made Tord do a lot more than just bring back one person back from the dead. To be exact, the silvernette knew that his mind and intent was all over the place which was why he was glad that he was even capable of resurrecting his little Obi as much as the backlash of his unprepared resurrection spell did a number on him.

Tord could feel it, the spell basically made him weaker in a sense like that of a container that received a crack. He was more vulnerable now and closer to being as mortal as everyone else. The spell partially made him the offering since he wasn't exactly prepared to do the proper ritual rites and oversee how much power he used.

His impulsive casting had cost him quite a bit. Nonetheless, Tord would not take things back as it gave him his baby boy back to him. It gave him Obi-Wan and Tord could deal being weaker than he was supposed to be for his son.

Besides, the silvernette knows that he would still have the chance to recover. Time was what he needed to regather his strength and heal his damaged body and time is something which currently had plenty. He only needed to be patient and in due time Tord knows that he would recover.

So, as he ignored the current problem that he had—which made him incapable of using much of his higher tiered magic and rely more heavily on the Force—, Tord now turned his sights towards the Council and watched as the proceedings being currently shown in front of him dealt with his son's Fate as a Jedi.

"Master Obelia, what are your thoughts about who would teach Padawan Kenobi now that it was decided by not only by the Council—but also by the Force—that Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn is unfit to serve as his Master?" Jedi Master Mace Windu questioned with an all too serious look.

Green gem-like eyes blinked and Tord sighed as he glanced at all the members of the Council. Master Yoda, Mace, Saesee Tiin, Yaddle, Evan Piell, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Oppo Rancisis, Adi Gallia, Yarael Poof, Eeth Koth and Viali Lehet; everyone's eyes were on him and were awaiting his opinion on the matter.

That said, as much Tord found the selection of Master candidates that they were talking about all interesting, the silvernette knew that he would rather not choose any of these people that were filed for the selection. If anything, he already knew who would he rather have himself as Obi-Wan's Master.

"I want to be the one to take Obi-Wan as a Padawan," Tord strongly replied and immediately enough held up a hand to silence a number of the people whom he knows would reject his request.

"I know what you think. In your mind it would be unfair of me to teach my own son. Nonetheless, for what you have seen, it is already obvious that is necessary for me to teach the boy. After all, it is within our blood abilities not even known to be possible exists.

To heal injuries far more efficiently than the Force Heal and bring back the dead are just a few of the numerous things that those of my family are capable of. To be exact, it is due to such abilities that I am the only—no, there's Obi-Wan now too—why we are the only ones of our kind left. It's the reason why we were formerly hunted down during the time of the Eternal Empire."

"And you want to pass these on then?" Master Tiin asked he tried to understand the logic of such a request.

"Yes, I do. I know that during my son's formative years I have thought him a certain number of things. That as may be, it is not yet the entirety of the knowledge that our kind has. As Magic Casters—or Mages/Sorcerers—there is more than just petty tricks."

Master Oppo Rancisis snorted at his words and rebutted, "Like dealing with the lives of people—healing and resurrecting them—is something so petty. The thing you did is the Sith's ultimate goal; circumventing death. Even those who are of Light would also be tempted by your ability."

Turning his green gem-like eyes upon the snakelike Thisspiasian, Tord coolly asked in curiosity and challenged, "Tell me, Rancisis. The Light which you speak of, does it speak about you or those who may be tempted with the knowledge of resurrection?"

"What do you mean me!?" Rancisis sputtered as he pointed his hand at the silvernette and continued, "I am only stating what I possibly know and the chances of that happening is quite rather high."

"No matter," Tord remarked. "What I have done would depend not solely on the Force but with the thing that my bloodline—the Obelia—has. Our Magic being the key factor on why even the prospect of resurrection is possible."

"You speak of magic as if it is different from the Force," Master Adi Gallia pointed out which had Tord sighing at how the Council was being its usual uncooperative self.

"Magic is not the Force as much as the two are similar. That unlike the Force which relies on an individual's Midichlorians; Magic comes from the very person itself. It is the manifestation of the person's soul. The stronger your soul is the stronger magic you could use. And with that strength, one can do many things that even the Force cannot or simply is hard to do with the use of it." Tord explained as he wondered why they were just questioning about it now.

After all, back then when he was able to establish himself as the last of his kind—the Magical One— and receive the permission to have children they hardly gave that much thought about him. It was more like they gave in to him since he was supposedly a remnant that was older than the present Galactic Republic itself.

"Manifestation of the soul? Is not the soul part of the Force? Why would it be so different? Why would only your family be the ones who would have access to such power? After all, all individuals have souls." Master Yarael Poof fired question after question.

Tord internally frowned yet kept his face as impassive as impossible. That as much as he knew he was an academic, the silvernette knew he was hardly the type to delve that much deeper than what he needed. He'd rather not have a Thesis Dissertation about what was Magic and its possible applications in front of his colleagues in the middle of 4 in the kriffing morning.

"Since you have asked those questions. We might as well start with the basics," Tord supplied as he leaned unto his chair with as much as formality allowed him. "We do all know that the Force is around us and everything is made via the Force. Nonetheless, there's a certain misconception about that."

"Misconception!? How—"

Tord immediately raised his hand again and signaled for Master Viali Lehet to stop as he was still continuing his explanation and only dropped his hand once it looked like no one was going to intervene again.

"For those who are non-Force sensitives, the theory that they follow is that what makes up the Universe and everything else is energy. The Force is simply one type of energy just like heat and electricity are. Anyway, my point is, just like the Force is a type of energy, so is Magic.

The soul itself has many definitions and explanations for what it is. But, to correlate it to the earlier conjunction about energy, the soul is made up of another form energy that what is commonly known as Mana. This Mana, like the Force, can be found everywhere.

Nonetheless, to access the Mana which is outside and harness it to become your own would require certain knowledge. That when this power is used haphazardly and with little knowledge the effects it has are more likely to be devastating than helpful.

Anyway, the agglomeration of Mana creates the soul and from the way it structures itself an individual would be able to have its sentience. Traditionally speaking, there is supposedly a certain needed amount of Mana to create a soul corresponding to an individual's species. For a human to have an excess, this creates a manifestation or way of showing itself by having the ability to do certain phenomena using an individual's soul.

Therein, to do Magic you're basically burning your own life force or Mana. And no, it's not Darkside power because this type of energy has no affiliation to Light and Darkness. What a person does with it depends to the user's intent."

"That was a quite rather interesting explanation," Master Ki-Adi-Mundi stated while touching his beard. "However, as much you have answered most of our queries in a very thoughtful manner that all of us would understand, you still left out why is your family the only ones to be capable of using Magic?"

"As I said before, for a manifestation or Magic to happen, an individual should have an excess of Mana. To try and use Magic while only having enough would only endanger someone's life as your life span would diminish in an alarming manner in which the person would not be able have the time to recover.

And about my family, it is already common knowledge how my World of Origin is already gone and torn to asunder by that of the Eternal Empire eons ago. My home world called 'Earth' has human inhabitants and along with them another species appeared—though I still rather prefer to be called a Human and placed in the same category. My species is rightfully called as the Magic Casters or Mages.

These people were generally considered entirely different from humans in Earth due to the qualities which Mages have. Physical wise, a Mage is different from a human since their body would naturally be made stronger. Like that of a container, to hold something of value, an appropriate vessel is needed to make it function properly. For a person with a strong soul have a weaker than normal body would just mean immediate death. Hence, it was basically something which nature gave to offset what could possibly be a problem.

Besides, genetically speaking—as much as close my genes are to a human—there are still key differences. These differences are why my healing ability is faster than that of a normal human, why I stop aging and a list of all the other things which make me so 'inhuman' as others would say.

Intellectually wise, all Mages had an above average IQ. The soul structure of a Mage somehow correlates to a better memory. A Mage's comprehension ability would still depend on how they were brought up. Nonetheless, based from the records which I have, the results of Mages are more on the above average scale.

Then soul wise, a Mage can use Magic and burn Mana since the capacity they have of recovering burnt out life force is fast. It's what makes Mages have long life spans and be capable of using Magic without the immediate danger of death.

Mages were more likely to be found in my home world as much as our numbers are scarce. With my home of Origin gone, I and Obi-Wan are now the only ones left to have such an ability. Hence, of my reasoning about my family.

Only I now would be able to teach him the way to properly use his gifts."

Silence hung in the air for a few blessed minutes as the other Councilors digested the information dump given.

Tord luxuriated at the reprieve he was given and turned his sights to his former Master which fortunately enough the green elder was watching him and smiled gently as if he knew his plight.

{"Master Yoda knows that I don't like talking too much. I mean, as much as politicking goes and a few numbers of things, he already knows that I would rather keep quiet and simply do something with my actions than speak for hours.

Sith hells, I may be known as 'Negotiator' and 'The Ruler' and even dealt with more than enough lifetimes dealing with people, but as of the moment I would rather just sleep things off."}

End Notes:


The way Tord looks at things in this story is that the Force is another type of energy like Mana/Magic is.

With the way Obi-Wan's resurrection happened, Tord now can't do any more complicated feats of magic since it'll put a heavy strain on his body. If he isn't careful, it could eventually and possibly kill him if forces himself to use higher tiered magic.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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