
Tord's Red Army

T.R.A is a different take of a fanfic. It takes place in the Blended AU which I created and is a cross between a fanfic and an OC story. The main character Violet is adopted by Tord's family and she struggles to make friends, this has given her trust issues. This also contains shipping so please don't judge.

AliciaM99 · Book&Literature
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40 Chs

The Beginning

It all started at the recruitment. Tord, or should I say Red Leader, was looking for new soldiers. We all knew we were all going to get in anyway, I mean, he literally wanted to take over the world. I gazed up at his podium in awe. There was so many recruits here, better than facing death I suppose but I actually wanted to be here. I have my reasons for it but I don't want to get into that right now. Anyway, I was actually looking for my bff, who was actually Tord's sister, Yuki. She was the one that suggested I join the Red Army, and to be honest I signed up and never looked back.

Tord looked over us all and started his welcoming speech. It was good, for being a speech, I am not into long boring things. I am here for action! I saw Yuki on the podium standing beside Tord. I guess she had to be there being his sister, and all, but I wish she was here with me. I realized then, the hall was silent and everyone was staring at ME!

Oh shit, I wasn't listening.

Yuki was on the podium encouraging me to go up there as well. I chuckled nervously as I made my way up to the podium and up the steps. "Congratulations Violet!" Yuki shouted to me and the masses of people in front of us.

"What for Yuki?" I Whispered quietly.

She laughed quietly and whispered back, "You're Tord's new second in command."

"No way!" I whispered as quietly as I could.

This was obviously Yuki's Doing, eh but I appreciate it.

"Thanks, Yuki."

"No problem, but now you need to get up there next to Tord." She said as she practically shoved me on the podium in Tord's direction.

I walked the rest of the way, turned to face the new recruits and saluted, just the way I practiced. The Recruits and the rest of the Red Army saluted back. That was the best day of my life!