
Toradora Harem

A Death Wish let a person reincarnated into an another world that he hates where his actions changes the story of Toradora Completely and before he realise he slowly and unknowingly creates a harem of his own which leads to several adventures.

Swift_Wayne · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

A Very Sweet Day

Minori and I went into the cafe she works. As she introduced me to the owner he got scared for some reason and just handed me the post hesitantly. Is my eyes really That Scary? Or are these guys just stupidly scared? An way I will help Minori, I did promise.

"Alright, so tell me what should make?"


"As I said we are short on items today, so you could make something out of your own special, if we don't sell anything today our monthly income will be at loss which means my cut will get reduced as well s do your magic Ryuuji-Kun!"

How does that work? Alright let's check what we have..... What the!?

"Hey, why do we only have milk and nuts, How charo for a cfe!"

"Hey, milk is expensive too, I tole you we are short if you want more items it should be cheap and less or else..."

"Yeah, or else you will be paid less wages."

"I will still work you know but then I have to work even way more part time jobs, I don't mind that but...

"Hmmm.... I guess you want to spend more time with your friends too or you will miss moments with them."

"Eh! How did you know."

Eh? I was just guessing and wanted to crack a joke. Dammit I wasn't exeoecting this response.

"Oh well, you know it's just.... You look caring and kind which in fact I know you are even though you act all tough on outside with no worries to me you seem like you worry The most but not for yourself but for your friends and others."

"Eh! Y-Yes Ofcourse Great Ryuuji-Kun you maybe are a psychic."

"If I was I would Have refused it knowing we only have these."

"Oh, Come On Please Ryuuji-Kun as You said... I don't want to miss some moments with my friends."

"Alright, after all you are my friend too and I have To do atleast quarter of things which what you do for friends and even that is the most someone do for someone else today."

"You are over estimating me but Thank You for the kind words."

"Alright, Bring me atleast some ingredients from the mall we came by."

I handed over a list of some items That I somehow knew are for discounts and filled with offers.

"When di md you write it?"

"I wrote it as I talked."

"Wow, Ryuuji-Kun You are amazing. I can't wait of what you will make with these."

"For that You should hurry up and bring me those."

"Yes, Sir I will Be right Back."

As She went I decided to make something from these items and searched for something more....Alright I will make some Great Beverage out if this then. I can make smoothie. Yeah right. All I need is here.

Avocado: should be very ripe to get a smooth and velvety texture. Fresh or frozen, both work.

Banana: It adds sweetness and makes this smoothie even creamier. Fresh or frozen, both work.

Milk: I've used almond milk in this smoothie, but you can use dairy, soy, oat, or any other type of milk. You can also use yogurt in place of milk.

Sweetener: Add a sweetener of your choice, like maple syrup, honey, agave, or dates. It's optional

Toppings:I used pistachio, but if you wanna get nuts, then get nuts.

Now Firstly, add all the ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. You can also use a high-speed blender like Vitamix Blender, as it blends a super smooth and creamy smoothie in a few seconds.but sadly it will take me more time because we don't have that super mixer right now so I better stop thinking about it and think of some of more dessert ideas while at it. Since it will take time to mix all of it but while doing so I can think of other desserts so let's think ah... Well no new ideas, well I still can make some tasty desserts out of items which Minori will bring in a few minutes oh wait she's already here, just how fast is she?

"Sir, items I brought the items Sir."

"Right, good work Sargent Chef Minori, I will take it from here on."

Alright now let's make some tasty beverages and deserts first the smoothie I have made I will name it Avocado Smoothie since it's made by Avocado nah care that I will name it Natural Smoothie. Now Next I will make the greatest desserts ever made. Well, I don't think it will be popular here but I will make them anyway and as I made and added various desserts to the menu, somehow I see more customers flowing in, I like to believe it's because of my desserts. Soon I realised it is as the cafe was flowing with customers. I already made way too extra but it was finishing way too quickly. For me it's not that hard as it's all easy to make within few minutes. I feel bad for the servers though. I decided to help them as I have stock the desserts perfectly and if needed I have already given recipe and shown them how to make all of it to the owner. I mean She should do something too I know she's owner but just watching is isn't enough. Not to mention we are short handed. I know she will fine though She's an excellent learner. I am impressed. Hmm it's weird I know I am impressed by the quality of the owner by why do I feel like I am way too impressed as if I love this cooking and stuff. Anyways I should better help them first and think about it later. I given hands in serving the customers but as I did I also noticed not all customers are here for my delicious deserts.

As some of the guys are troubling Minori purposely. Given Minori as attitude she could have handle it but we are too busy and short handed she don't have time to deal with these dumb perverts. Just ignore them that is the right way here but destroying them is the best right way to make them right. I went to those special dumb Perverts with some special water in tray and asked.

"Hello, Perverts. I mean customers do you need something?"

"Huh? Who are You? A waiter? How about you tell this miss to give me A me a kiss?"

The other perverts started to laugh as I answered.

"Alright, how about you drink water first which she will drink it would be an indirect kiss."

"Ryuuji-Kun what..

"Don't worry just drink it."

I said That while hinting ans assuring her.

The perverts quickly agreed to this as expected they are stupidly weird. I used the trick of glass as I mixed that water with several other glasses pretending to serve it to everyone by little as I swept it back away. Well, ofcourse in return I already added something in glass. As they all drank it can't believe they even did they soon were gasped out same time. As they looked at me angrily.

"Y-Y-You what did you added in it?"

"Nothin at all, I just served you what you wanted kiss of her."


"By her I mean Herbeans in short Hot beans It's cool right I named it myself, but it was too hot for you to handle"


"Oh, yeah I also Added Avocado, and all."

"What do you mean by and all."

"You know Avocado is health but the more amount the more pressure you feel and just avocado just like beans, pears and everything I washed It thoroughly in those glasses for specifically of you people I think you were thinking so much weird stuff already you didn't notice the actual weird stuff at all, all those ingrediants would make you want to go to your home toilet quickly for atleast an hour with that amount."

"Y-You t-t-that's what I feel I will complain about you.."

"Go ahead I didn't added anything harmful the only thing they will find are some of the most healthy ingrediants that's all it would be you fault to take it too much."

"W-We didn't take that much you did something though."

"Oh, But We Will Never Know That Now Will We?"


"Do you know only to say that?"

He and other angrily tried to control themselves but the pressure finally got them as they tried to go to the washroom of cafe as I interrupted.

"Didn't I said it would make you wanna go to your own House's Toilet Sir because our cafe's one is out of order."

"Huh? What are gonna do now then?"

"Obviously Get Out Sir."

As they tried to leave I stopped them again.

"First pay up 5000 Won Each."

"We didn't even take anything though, just your stupid water."

"That water consisted many valuable ingrediants."

"I will tell the police it's staright up thievery."

"Don't you know even coffee is made from water, From our Cameras you clearly drinked the many healthy valuable ingrediants which will be found in the glasses itself, Hurry up if you did your business here ten I will charge you more for dirtying this place close to the public place."


"Didm't you notice there a shrine right there That I made the public itself will charge you freely and me separately alongside the police accurately if you didnt hurry and get out sir so what will it Be Sir ?"

"Tch, everyone empty all your pockets."

As everyone did emptied thier Pocket I insisted them to even drop the watches and other valuables and so they did I only said that that it wasn't enough Even though I knew It was more than enough after that they all got the hell out. Minori just kept standing near me and staring at me. As I broke the ice.

"Alright, Minori I will go now."

"W-W-Wait R-R-Ryuuji-Kun Thank you for helping me but what if they came back again and..."

"Don't worry it won't be a problem the police will take our side and besides even if they somehow take thier side I don't care I don't even work here I just came here to help for one day."


"I mean you know that but not them so I will take all the blame on myself and pretend I worked here and also pretend to get fired as that's the most they could do and that only if they have evidence without it nothing at all so once again Don't worry, You, Owner and this cafe would be safe."

"T-T-That's not what I meant. What if they came after you."

"Then Let Them as I Said I Don't Care. I will beat them glady and call it out self-defence"

"Even though you have scary eyes Ryuuji-kun I thought you were easy-going person and hate violence."

"Well, I don't like Violence."

"Didn't looked like that."

"I don't like it doesn't mean I won't do it or that it bothers me that much that I won't ver do it you see There are many things That we don't like but we do it regardless."

"Like what?"

"Like going to school Or something like that."

"I though you were an academic student."

"That's not the point! and besides they did not bother me if they did I may ignore that but They Bothered My Friend that I cannot Ignore."

"Hmph Well is that right."

"Ofcourse, It is wouldn't you do the same Minori."

"Hmm.. You got me there, If they bothered you then I would have done the same."

"If they really bothered me you would after all, You would do anything for your friends no matter what you have to sacrifice."

"How do you know so much about me."

"Beacuse You are my friend and I am Yours."

"Humph... Stop flattering me and go to work."

"You mean go to your work."

"Shut up and go."

After That I went and made more items, soo the customers lined up and I got more and more ingredients to do so. After the shift was over. The owner gave me some money too. Even though I was just helping friend. Well, I still asked for more in exchange for coming back and I got it, well I am gonna come back as a customer. Minori and I met up and went together to our home. I remembered suddenly to thank Minori.

"Oh right, Here take it."

"Huh? What's this?"

"A chocolate I specially made for you It's a thank you for the chocolate for the other day."

Minori ate the chocolate that I made right away as I mentioned it.

"How is it?"

"It's Very Sweet."

"I am sorry, I thought...."

"No I mean It in a good way that it's very sweet and very well made."

"Then I am Glad, I was worried because I didn't tried it myself."

"You didn't."

"Well, I was busy with making other stuff And helping out waitresses also even though I got more ingredients,I wanted to save them up.I can make them up again and see how it taste."

"No, here take it and see how it is."

Suddenly Minori came closer and suddenly I suddenly felt warm inside my tongue with the taste of sweet chocolate. After that Minori pulled back.

"How was it?"

"It was very sweet."

"I told you, I will head home now see you again."

"Huh, Y-Y-Yeah."

I stood in the middle of the road wondering what happened as that kinda god appeared again out od nowhere and started his job to annoy me.

"How was it?"

"What did you Do?"

"Hmmm You should stop putting everything on me I may do a little things here ans there but the whole thong is up to you and I didn't do anything at all not even a little."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

"That means She totally kissed you."

"Shut Up."

"Did You kissed her back?"

"Shut Up."

"I bet you totally did too

"I said shut up."

Just like that all the way he kept annoying me to the home. As I arrived Yacchan came hugged me.

"Where were you Ryu-Chan? I was so worried."

"I am sorry I was just helping out a friend. Sorry I didn't told you from now on. I will let you know if anything like this happen again."

"Hmph. Okay But you wanna make up prepare something very sweet for me today."

"Huh? Yeah I will do right away as I started to go to kitchen Yacchan called me."

"Oh, Yes Ryu-Chan How was your day today?"

I smiled and replied.

"It was a sweet day."