
Toradora Harem

A Death Wish let a person reincarnated into an another world that he hates where his actions changes the story of Toradora Completely and before he realise he slowly and unknowingly creates a harem of his own which leads to several adventures.

Swift_Wayne · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

A Very Cold Welcome

As Sumire approached me, I prepared myself for a cold beating and raises my hands up to shield myself.

"RYUUJI, Can you tell me What are you doing here with my sister?"

"Woah, Sumire W-W-What a surprise I didn't see you there, woah Sakura again what a surprise I didn't see you here either, you know I waa just standing here and there and...."

"Ryuji and I came to see the movie together."

Out of nowhere Sakura spoke as I stummered to speak further, Sumire glanced at me and Sakura back again.

"Didn't you say you were going out see a movie by yourself?"

Eh, didn't She say she told her sister she's going out on a date or maybe to see movie or maybe I heard wrong.

"No, I just told I am going out to see movie that's all, I just didn't mention I was out going out with someone that's all."

"Oh so where's that someone, don't tell me it's HIM!"

"EH?! Wait I think there's a misunderstanding Sumire I guess I mean I was just..."

"Yes, He Is!"

"Eh?!.... Sakura I think..."

"And not only that today I was going on to see the movie as a date."


"So you are telling me " This" is your date?"


Damn it everyone walking by is looking at us. Alright I will turn around. As soon as I did Sumire grabbed me by neck pulled me aside near her head and started to interrogate me which clearly sounded like threaten to me, in whispery voice.

"Hey, how did you you hypnotise my sister?"

I whispered black.

"I wanna know that myself."

Suddenly Sakura pulled us both and said.

"Hey, what are you trying to do to him."

"I am trying to do something him!? What has done to YOU? You are acting different that usual."

"I am not afraid anymore that's what happened."

Sumire paused for a second after hearing that and said while looking at me.

"Hmm... Ryuuji, did you try to do anything to my sister.?"

"Huh? L-L-Like what?"

"Like anything at all?!"

Damm it shouldn't I confess abd say it, Alright let's do it.

"Do you trust me?"

"Definitely not."

"Then there's no point in saying anything at all."


"Alright, I will leave it at that. I will go hone now and do something like nothing at all."

As I tried to esacape Sumire grabbed me by hand tightly very quickly and damn It my mission escape failed.

"Hey, Ryuuji prove it!"

"Prove what?"

"Prove that you didn't try to do anything with my sister while watching the movie."

"How would I do that?"

"Let's see the movie together."


"I know for a fact that there's no way a player wouldn't try something and I don't trust you either."

"If you Don't trust me and know for a fact that..."

"To confirm it, I only know it based on assumptions but today I will confirm it and beat you to a pulp As soon as you try to do something."


"Don't Interrupt me!"

"Oh, sorry, continue."

"Also by that I can confidently convince Sakura too to stay away from you."

"Are you saying you wanna watch the movie?"

"Together, yes."

"Alright then."


"So go buy the ticket."

As I said that I felt sumire's punch in the face.

"Shouldn't you the one who should buy it?"

"Eh!? But You are the one who wanna confirm and all that things, I even confirmed if you wanna watch the movie and you said 'YES', right?"

As I said that I felt another could punch on another cheek from Sumire.

"Don't make fun of me and go buy the ticket."

"Yes, Ma'm."

Sakura pulled me up and exclaimed.

"Go buy one ticket for me too."

"Okay, Ask right."

Sumire pulled me out on other hand amd exclmaied too.

"What do you mean by Okay my, Alright, Sakura didn't you already watched it?"

"If you wanna see if he tried anything shouldn't I come too or else what is The point you wanna prove it to me I will see it myself this time and now that I don't have to see the movie, I can See Ryūji all the time and see if he tries anything or not."

Sumire sighs

"Alright Ryuuji get One more ticket too."

"You don't need to tell him, he will right Ryuuji?"

Sumire gritted her teeth as I quickly went to The ticket counter yo buy the tickets. Ha... Who would have thought Sakura would stand uo die herself and not only that fight back. What is happening? Like did I do something or am I responsible for this just this morining she was her herself I thought she earned some confidence but I was wrong she earned more than just some confidence, she earned a lot of confidence. I went and bought tickets from those weirdoes again and guess they heard the commotion and thought I am two-timing or something and increase the price with a very cold welcome too. To which I replied.

"Hey guys I am have a harem of thousands and If you keep increasing the price I amy have to go elsewhere and bloom thier business instead so for a while think from the mind than the heart, it's not like you won the theatre now do you?"


"That's what I thought even if you think from the heart to take care of that heart you to mind yourself and listen to your mind once in a while."

Yup just like that got one ticket for free, well they are thinking I while probably come back more times but now way for now. As I watched the movie I just wander what is happening I am watching a romance movie with two girls one of which I respect the most and one of which well I like her. Hmmm what the Sumire is completely focused on the movie. Shouldn't she wait... Nah well it's easy and more better this way I knew she wanted to watch the movie couldn't she have just said it. My money that was not really mine gone.Huh.. What Sakura is completely looking at me the entire time Instaed of movie. What the hell? Eh? Now both of them have held my hand from each side, Sumire from my left hand and Sakura my right side. This is insane. I couldn't focus on the movie at all. As soon as I walked out. Sumire started to express ow good the movie was. She co.oletely forgot why she was here. Suddenly I got a call from my cellphone. I Picked up the Phone.

"Ryu-R-Ryu-Chan wash help me."

"Eh? Who is this?"

Suddenly Sumire hit me.

"Don't you even rember your own mother?"

Oh Yacchan I actually did forget about her with all th si happening right now. God Damn it.

"Hey, Yacchan Hello what's happening are you alright?"

"Ryu-Chan Please come home hurry they are all here I am scared."

"Hello Yacchan!"

Suddenly her phone cut off. What's happening. I looked at Sumire and Sakura with Cold-Face. As they both didn't say anything and neither do I. We rushed to my house as quickly as possible. I saw Yacchan outside the house near the door.

"Yaachan's, Are you alright."

She looked at me and jumped right to hug me.

"Wash Ryu-Chan they are in the house."

I felt with rage as I sleeve up ready to fight as Sumire called me.

"Hey Ryuuji maybe we should first..."

"Don't worry Sumire Leave it up to me I Can Handle this."

I opened the door and then I saw a damn Bleep. What the hell these bleep doing in the house. I fall back on the ground quickly as they started the crawl towards me."

"Aa-h save me."

Then My savior Sumire stepped right in and with paper bundles smashed those damn bleep and thrown them out. I looked at my savior with sparkle eyes and expressed my gratitude.

"Oh my lord hero savior I won't forget your courageous act until tomorrow morining for sure."

Sumire hit me again. Damn how many times is he gonna hit me in this chapter of my life?

"Quit acting like a child, how can you be scared of just some bleep do you have phobia of bleep or somthing?"

"I mean you have to blind to not have phobia of that, not only they look and crawl disgustingly and creepily but also even thier namesare so disgusting and creepy that it has to be censored."

Sumire sighed and said.

"Anyways, how did these bleep came into your house aren't you clean freak?"

"Hey I am not a freak I did kept Everything clean."

"What about your own room."

"Well, I didn't dirty it."

"So did you clean it?"

"I didn't dirty it so I didn't have to clean it."

Sumire sighed again. But how come there were these many bleep. Oh await that damn kinda god was actually eating my snacks nad drinks like it's is his own home. Why did I think he would make it all disappear amd clean it himself where is he? As I remembered him he appeared quickly behind me. With relief face. It's clear he was scared too and hiding somewhere.

"Alright, Yacchan let's go into the house."

"No Ryu-chan I saw more of them in the bedroom what if they crawl uo while we are sleeping."

That Is a thought I don't want to even think about. I looked at my lord savior hero once again.

"Sumire,I will never forget your kindness of letting us stay at house tonight for the rest of the night."

"Hey if You are requesting of inviting yourself atleast show some humbleness."

"I mean You are my friend so I don't need to thank you right?"

"Ofcourse not just do everything I ask for the rest of your life."


"I am joking."




"Alright, come one I am allowing you for only Yacchan alright? You better not forget it ever."

"I won't forget it till I have."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means I appreacite it."

"Alright, Let's go."

Then the four of us went in Sumire and Sakura's house. As Sumire welcomed us."

"You can go and bath First if you like."

"Oh, thank you."

"After that throw that water and Poe fresh water and boil it for all of us."

'Why you!"

"Oh and Ryuuji do you wanna eat boiled eggs."

"Oh yeah, I would Love to."

"Then go and make it and while you are at it. Make it and bring it for all of us too."

"Hey what kind of welcome is this?"

"You should be thankful I am showing this much welcome after I tell you personally what you have done I won't let you sleep peacefully either."

Eh? What did I do? I mean I did a lot of things. Which one's she's talking about. I am totally screwed. For some reason I get The feeling that this Very Cold Welcome might be the most nicest thing happen to me tonight compared to what's gonna come next.