
Top Tier Providence System in Chaotic Sword God

This story is about a young man reincarnated in cultivation world. How would the young man survives in this world with law of survival of the fittest? Of course it's his system, perks, golden finger or what you want be called it is. His system is from the will of the omniverse so no Talking system or System that have a emotion or gender. So no fucking simp to system. Reminder: Unlike Han Jue who chose to stay in his Dao Field to get stronger. The MC would chose a adventurous path, so there's an unexpected changes in the system. [A/N: The system of the MC is just like from the Top tier providence. The reward he will get from rerolling is randomized from different cultivation novels.The system is given from the will of the Omniverse means there's a chance that there's a higher world to travel] Worlds: 1. Chaotic Sword God(Original World)

GodOfFanFiction · Others
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12 Chs

Tian Yuan Continent

[Name: Changyang Longxi]

[Lifespan: 2 / 80]

[Race: Mortal]

[Cultivation: None]

[Techniques: None]

[Laws: None]

[Equipment: None]

[Cultivation Potential: None (Click to roll the dice)]


[Connate Providence is as follows (Click to roll the dice)]

[Earth and Wood Spiritual Powers: Earth and Wood Cultivation Potential strengthened]

[Spear Dao Spirit Child: Spear Dao aptitude strengthened, physique strengthened.]

[Click here to start your thrilling life]

In front of lake, a two year old little boy staring at sky. He is without a doubt a beautiful child. He has a face that looks like it is carved out of jade. He has beautiful skin and adorable dimples that people couldn't help but admire. He has wavy black hair and smooth that can make any women jealous. He also has blackish-blue eyes in his irises.

However, like his parents, who are each quite tall, he is also quite tall in comparison to others of his age. He had already reached a height of 1 meter tall but 2cm short compared to my brother.

Because of this, everyone in the Changyang mansion had been alarmed beyond belief, although many of them still had vast expectations for him. Expectations hoping that he would be a genius with unlimited potential, but everyone would have to wait for when they turned 3 in order to confirm anything.

After rolling a dice for Cultivation potential and Connate Providence, He still not can see any that can satisfy his needs to the top.

In the past 1 year I always see my brother training with his Technique that engraved in the twin azure sword. I can see his progress with because his body get's stronger day by day.

Longxi still accompanied his mother Bi Yuntian during sleep time and to the dining hall, but Jian chen as usual he had still shut himself off in his room every night the only time he accompany them is to the dining hall.

Longxi didn't have anything to do other than resting or regularly roll a dice but always show disappointing result.

The night went by quickly and in a flash the sky was filled with the colors of the day. And at that moment, a sound could be heard coming outside of Longxi room.

"Fifth master, it's daytime, time to get up!". came the obviously feminine cry.

Hearing the sound, Longxi slowly opened his eyes and cried out in his childish voice, "I know, sister Hong Hua, I'm already awake!" With that said, he get up from his bed.

Yet at this time, the door was opened, and two girls around the age of 18 came walking in. Both of them were carrying a small serving tray with a basin on it. Rolled around the basin was a new clean and tidy towel meant for him to wash his face with. The other tray had also another basin for Longxi to wash his teeth in to prepare himself for the day

"Sister Hong Hua, sister Dong Mei, thank you for your troubles. What about my brother?" Looking at the the 18 year old girls, Longxi thanked the two quietly.

These two maids were the servants of the Changyang family and were specifically meant to cater to the everyday needs of Longxi and Jian Chen. His mother Bi Yuntian had hired two servant girls to clean both of them upon him.

"That's right, fourth master, please refrain from being so courteous in the future. We are just a servant if you become courteous to us we might get scolded. About fourth young master we already done washing him." The other servant girl had said.

Longxi smiled, "I see but don't worry, I wouldn't talk like this if others were around." Longxi and Jian chen was extraordinarily intelligent, and the Changyang mansion had strict rules regarding statuses. If the fifth master was to be heard saying such words, then it would be sure that the two girls would not be punished lightly.

"Then fifth young master we are leaving" after saying that they bowed and left.

Shortly after the two left the room his mother enter the room, Longxi saw his mother entering the room with his brother.

"Long'er, Are you done?" With a glance at Longxi, a gentle smile full of love and adoration could be seen.

"Yes mom" Longxi said cheerfully.

Seeing that expression of love on her face, Longxi own heart became soft. In his previous world he doesn't remember except his hobby so he love this motherly love from his mother, he had clearly felt the power of this motherly love. And so because of that, he had started to treasure this feeling of love slowly over time.

Bi Yuntian placed a gentle hand on top of Longxi head patted him gently and laughed, "Let's go to the dining hall with you brother."

"Yes, mom!" Longxi nodded his head, a look of satisfaction on his face. In his heart, he secretly enjoyed the loving pat of his mother had given him.

Suddenly his brother , Jian Chen opened his mouth, "Mother!"

Bi Yuntian looked at Jian Chen warmly and said, "Xiang'er, if you have something you want to say, say it!"

Jian Chen hesitated for a second before recollecting his inner thoughts. Looking at his mother again, he said, "Mother, could you please tell your child what the outside world is like."

Hearing Jian Chen, I got also interested and also listen attentively. Bi Yuntian was clearly shocked by his question. Seeing his other son also listening attentively, Opening her mouth, she asked, "Xiang'er, could it be you're interested in the outside world?"

"Your son is only curious!" He answered.

Bi Yuntian laughed, "Xiang'er, the outside world is extremely vast and also extremely complicated. The matters of the outside world could not be made clear through words alone. If you want to learn about it, then it would be best if you went to the library and read a few books on it." Even as she voiced her answer, Bi Yuntian's face had looked a little bit helpless. "But Xiang'er, you still don't know how to read, even if you go to the library, you wouldn't be able to read any of the words."

"Mother, then why don't we bring some people to teach me how to read?" Jian Chen's voice contained some dissatisfaction.

Hearing his brother suggestion, Loungxi also raise his hands saying, " Me too, mom".

Giggling because of how cute his two son, Bi Yuntian said, "Xiang'er, Long'er you both are only 2 years old. Your mother has never heard or seen a 2 year old child learn how to read before. Even in the entire Tian Yuan continent, this type of situation has never happened before. Generally speaking, the earliest any child has ever started to learn to read was when they were around 4 to 5 years old."

Jian Chen understood instantly, "Mother, your son wants to learn to read. Could you please find some people to try and teach me still?"

Bi Yuntian was speechless, but a happy smile crept up on her face nonetheless. "Xiang'er, learning to read is an exhausting task as well as being extremely boring. You must understand that there are many different words in the continent. This isn't something that can be learned quickly, are you sure you want to start learning now?"

Jian Chen nodded his head in confirmation, "I am!"

"Me too, mom I also want to learn" Longxi raised his hand excitedly.

Hearing Jian Chen's and Longxi answer, Bi Yuntian's smile became even more splendid. With a happy laugh, she said, "If this is what my son's request is, then mother will support you both entirely." Turning her head, she called out, "Xiao Liu! In a moment, go to Lore City and hire the most prestigious teacher and bring him to the mansion so he can teach my Xiang'er and Long'er how to read"!

"Yes, my lady!" The servant girl who was combing Bi Yuntian's hair agreed respectfully.

"Xiang'er, Longxi it's been a decent amount of time, let us go to the dining halls before the both of us starve."

The day went by quickly, and when the second day came, the teacher Bi Yuntian had hired arrived at the mansion and began to teach them to read.

And so from that moment on, Jian Chen and Longxi would spend their daytime earnestly studying how to read. Since they both retained some mental fortitude and knowledge from their memories of the past. Learning the written language of this new world was not all that difficult. Combined with the teacher who was putting his heart and soul in teaching them as well as his amazing memorization capabilities, learning to read was extremely fast and easy for them. In just a short span of three months, they had already mastered the most basic words of the continent.

Jian Chen's and Longxi learning rate had made the teacher exclaim in astonishment. Immediately after Bi Yuntian had learned that they had learned most of the written language in three months, she couldn't believe it. In the end, she had put Jian Chen and Longxi in a test before she could accept the fact. If one wanted to read and write most of the words used in the continent to the extent Jian Chen and Longxi had, then one needed to spend at least 2 years. To have Jian Chen and Longxi accomplish this in 3 months while it took most 2 years, not even any of the geniuses could claim to have accomplished this feat.

This achievement quickly reached the ears of Jian Chen's and Longxi father. Changyang Ba had then personally paid a visit to both Jian Chen and Longxi about it.

"Xiang'er, Long'er you have both endured much in such a short amount of time, it's time for the both of you to relax for now. Let your father give you a reward; since you have painstakingly learned to read in these past few months, I don't know what reward Xiang'er and Long'er would want though." Changyang Ba's face contained a smile as he looked down at Jian Chen and Longxi as he spoke. Having such a genius for a twin son, he was extremely proud of himself and cared much more for Jian Chen and Longxi other than any other child automatically.

Hearing this, Jian Chen's eyes brightened and thought for only a few seconds before responding, "Father, would you allow your son to go to the library and read some of the books there so I can get some experience and learn even more."

"Me too father I also want to learn more about the tian yuan continent" Longxi also said excitedly.

Changyang Ba's eyes brightened as he looked at Jian Chen and Longxi with proud expression. With a loud laugh, he said, "This is no problem at all, Xiang'er, Long'er. You have a heart that desires to improve itself, and your father is proud of this. I approve the request of the both of you, the library will be free to both of you whenever you desire."

"Thank you father" Jian chen face exuded a happy and excited expression.

"Thank you father!" Longxi face also exuded a happy expression. To be able to enter the library was an achievement that Longxi could truly be happy about. After all, he had understood that the library wasn't a place anyone could walk in freely. One had to be 6 years old or older and had to be directly descended from the Changyang clan in order to enter. Of course, if one received the permission from the clan leader then the requirements could be waived.

Soon after, Changyang Ba began to dote upon Jian Chen and Longxi for a while before departing from his room. After he had left, both Jian chem and Longxi prepare to study in the library.

After their preparation they entered the library and see two guards in it. They enter the pavilion after the confirmation of the two guards. They see in the hall is 'Pavilion Book' then immediately sat down and they started to read books.

(To be continued)