
Chapter 96. First episode

Chapter 96. First episode

The episode started with the scene of a older Ren going through his life.

Him waking up in the early morning, running to be on time for the office and him getting chewed out by his superiors.

The public response was really heated when people saw Ren's old look.

It was not just about his appearance, his body language and his expressions were of a tired middle aged man.

The comments on the internet were really heated since the moment the drama started to air.

-Oh my god!! Xin Ren's old look is really great.

-It's like he really is a middle aged man. I wonder how he plays it so well.

-Hey, isn't his acting really good?

-Yeah, it is. I don't find any vibes of his old performance in there, it's like he's a different person.

-Lol. The people who wanted to see him make a fool of himself must be hiding somewhere right now.

-Let's see the drama till the end until we decide. It's just the start.