
Top Star: Journey to Become a Global Star

Ren, he was someone with great talent in acting and singing but due to bad luck and some wrong choices, he was only able to become a third rate actor. After dying in an accident, he noticed that he had returned to the past. With the help of his talents and the knowledge of future, he started his journey to become the trendiest star of the century! *On hiatus * * * The story will take place in an alternate world. It is just to avoid the copyright infringement. I don't want my story to end up like I'm in Hollywood or IRAS. Contact me on discord : Killerbee#4748 Here's a link to the server : https://discord.gg/F9xfJWv PayPal account: https://www.paypal.me/Killerbee11 Support me if you want!!

Killerbee · Realistic
Not enough ratings
299 Chs

Chapter 28. Frenzy

Chapter 28. Frenzy

{Young rookie impresses everyone with his breathtaking performance.}

{Xin Ren- The next superstar of China.}

{Who is Xin Ren who had impressed everyone with his acting.}

{Director Zhu said that he knew that Xin Ren will become a star the first time he had seen him.}

As soon as the articles got released in succession, it created a frenzy on the internet.

Ren's name soon hit the top of real-time search rankings and people were greatly interested in him, especially those who had watched the movie.

There were various comments below every articles.

-Wow, he had instantly reached stardom with just one movie.

-Who is he? I had never seen him before.

-He was a unknown actor before but now, he's hot after «Secret spy».

-Yeah, it seems like his acting was very good.

-It can't be just called good! It was superb! I recommend everyone to watch the film.

-Was it that good?

-It was awesome. I got the chills because of him.

-Yeah, I hope he took various projects from now on.

-Yeah, apparently he had joined Top star entertainment after the movie released.

-Really? Then, I hope he will become more popular from now on.

Just like those, there were various comments by the people who were curious about him or those who had watched the movie.

It was not just about Ren, the interest in «Secret spy» also grew. As the number of housefull shows were increasing, the smile on the face of the CEO of Forest production was widening.

Because of that, he also sent out a press release describing the incident about Ren's casting and how he was about to be rejected from the movie.

Director Zhu also spoke about him in an interview and the media also dug out the relationship between Chu Min and Ren.

Because of these, no bad articles surfaced about him and Ren continued to experience his start of stardom.

"Oh, I found another bad comment."

Ren sighed when he heard that. He glanced at White bear who was retorting to those who were writing bad comments about Ren.

"Don't do that. There would be countless bad comments. You can't retort to everyone."

"But they were writing meaningless comments about you."

"People will always do that when they are jealous."

Ren knew that, if there are hundred people praising you, there would surely be one badmouthing you.

The more he will rise, the more fans he will get and subsequently, there would be more people badmouthing him.

He knew he can't do anything about them. He just had to ignore them.

"Um, Excuse me, can I get an autograph?"

As Ren was talking with White bear, a young girl approached him. Looking for her clothes, she was a trainee.


Ren quickly gave out his autograph and even took a picture with her.

After the picture was done, the girl bowed her head and left with a smiling face.

"You sure are getting famous."

"Yeah, it sure feel nice to be famous."

Ren said as he laughed. It was not the first time, a trainee had came for him for an autograph.

Not just trainees, he was also asked for autographs or photos from staff and the managers working in the company.

His popularity had greatly increased after the release of the articles. He had suddenly became famous but he didn't hate it.

In fact, he loved it. It was the thing he had been trying to achieve in his previous life but after regression, he had already achieved it after 3-4 months.

'No, it's just the start.'

If it was his previous life, then he should have been satisfied with this much but now, he was craving for more.

People can say that he was being greedy but that greediness is required if he wanted to reach the top.

"Ren, let's go or we will be late."


Ren suddenly remembered the reason he was in the company. Jiang Wan had called for him urgently, he had said that he wanted to talk about something.

With hurried steps, they finally reached the place where he had called them. It was the PR Team office.

As soon as Ren and White bear entered, they were greeted by various tired shaggy faces.

They were of the people sitting in the room, there was Jiang Wan and several other people silently drinking coffee in the room.

"Oh, you are finally here."

Jiang Wan greeted him when he saw him entering the room but Ren was just staring at his face.

"Chief, are you okay? You looked like you will fall any moment."

Before Ren could ask anything, White bear asked him. It was same question which was in Ren's mind.

The last time he had met Jiang Wan, he was looking like a homeless person but now, Ren can say with guarantee that Jiang Wan was looking more homeless than a homeless person.

"Well, of course, I am tired but what can I do? It's my work. Don't worry, I will be going on a short vacation after this."

Jiang Wan said as he grumbled about how he will going to the countryside for his break. After grumbling for a bit, he introduced the people present into the room to Ren.

He was in the PR team office, so they were obviously the PR team but more than a PR team, they were looking like gamers who had not sleep for days just to finish a game.

They were not worse than Jiang Wan but their expressions were still of tiredness. If not for the coffee, they would have surely fall down.

"So, you are the new actor we have been constantly sending press releases for."

A woman who looked to be in her 40s said. She was wearing glasses and gave a feeling of a intellectual person. She was the Director of the PR team, Director Kang.

"Yes, my name is Xin Ren. Please take care of me from now on."

Ren said as he greeted her. He slightly bowed his head as the PR team had helped him tremendously and they would have a inseparable relationship from now on.

For him, making good relationship with the PR team was a must.

"Yeah, let's work hard from now on and you, you are also a new recruit, right."

Director Kang said as she looked at White bear and he bowed in response.

"Yes, my name is Dong Shu but you can call me White bear."

"Yeah, it's nice to meet you. Let's work hard from now on."

After some talking, Ren became familiar with the PR team. They were not bad people and were quite friendly.

As they were talking, Ren finally remembered the main reason they had came here.

"Ah, yes, Chief, why had you called us?"

When Jiang Wan heard that, his face became distorted as he clicked his tongue and said.

"I completely forgot about it. Hey, Dong Shu, don't just drink coffee there, you have work to do."

"Huh? What work, Chief?"

"Well, do you think your work is done, now that the movie has become a hit. It is only the start. There is a whole schedule to go through."


Ren said as he tilted his head.

"Yeah, there are some photoshoots and there was even an interview. You have a busy schedule from now on."

Just like that, the busy schedule of Ren began as he walked on the first step of stardom.

This marks the end of this volume and the next volume would start tomorrow. I hope you will continue to support me and Ren in his journey to become a global star. Thank you for reading this till now.

Sorry but the release schedule will change from tomorrow as my school is opening. I can't do anything about it. The new release schedule is 1 chapter per day.

Killerbeecreators' thoughts