
Top Star: Journey to Become a Global Star

Ren, he was someone with great talent in acting and singing but due to bad luck and some wrong choices, he was only able to become a third rate actor. After dying in an accident, he noticed that he had returned to the past. With the help of his talents and the knowledge of future, he started his journey to become the trendiest star of the century! *On hiatus * * * The story will take place in an alternate world. It is just to avoid the copyright infringement. I don't want my story to end up like I'm in Hollywood or IRAS. Contact me on discord : Killerbee#4748 Here's a link to the server : https://discord.gg/F9xfJWv PayPal account: https://www.paypal.me/Killerbee11 Support me if you want!!

Killerbee · Realistic
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299 Chs

Chapter 230. First day of shoot (1)

Chapter 230. First day of shoot (1)

"I can't believe they didn't edit me out completely."

White bear groaned in frustration and anger as he stomped his feet but he kept focusing on driving the van. 

It was currently the start of December, one will feel chills just by going outside the house and in this freezing morning, Ren and White bear were going towards the filming set of the drama «Slayers».

"It's not like you said anything wrong and people are actually liking what you said online."

The reason White bear wasn't in a good mood was because despite saying that he will edit it out, Tan Zheng had put some parts of the interview he gave in the final edit.

White bear didn't like that at all.

"But because of that, I am getting more popular. I even saw some articles about what I said."

"You were already well known among the fans after Movie making. It's not a bad thing to get some more popularity."