
Chapter 141: The Mighty Power of the Hammer (Part 2)

We headed up to the rooftop where the meat was sizzling.

"How many servings did you get?" I asked.

"25 servings of samgyeupsal, plus 25 servings of moksal," Si-dong answered.

That worried me. Only 50 servings…with this many people?

"What? Not enough?"

"You should've bought 200."


For a moment, Si-dong was speechless. Then, he spoke up.

"There's rice as well, you know. There's also soybean stew to go with the meat."

"Wow…I'm disappointed in you, Si-dong…tsk tsk…"


Once again, Si-dong was rendered speechless.

"Then…" he said, "Should I go buy some more?"

"No. By the time you get back, we'll have to pack up. We only have an hour, right? Let's just eat what we have for now and we'll go out for dinner."

"I knew there was something I liked about you! Well then, let's eat!"

We started cooking the meat and waited for them to cook, but the waiting time was cutting into our hour.

"You should've gotten beef."


"Beef can be eaten right away…hmph."