
Chapter 139: Becoming a Bodyguard in You From the Star…(Part 5)


The sound of metal hitting metal. He definitely stabbed me in the thigh, but a metallic clang rang out when he did. How, you may ask? Because I was already made of hard stuff. That's why there was a clang. Anyways, thanks to that, my thigh remained okay while the look on the guy's face was priceless. Meanwhile, everyone watching gasped in shock. From their standpoint, they didn't actually see the knife stab me, so they weren't shocked by that. It's the fact that someone had actually brought a knife to the set.



"Are you crazy?!"

One by one, they all yelled in anger and ran forward as if to protect me, but I was faster.


With a high kick, I swiftly got him in the head and he immediately passed out on the floor. K.O. Everyone gasped again.

"S…Sian…a-are you okay…?"