
Top Producer Lady

After a young women lost job, boyfriend and family, she become the boss and meet her Mr Right!

Aovavarich · Urban
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13 Chs

A Real Realtor

After months of relentless study and dedication, Emily felt the day of her real estate exam approaching. The culmination of her efforts and the fulfillment of her dream were within reach. She knew this exam was the gateway to becoming a real, licensed realtor.

The morning of the exam arrived, and Emily couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and anxiety. She had reviewed and studied tirelessly, and she was as prepared as she could be. She took a deep breath, straightened her outfit, and left for the exam center with determination in her heart.

The exam was challenging, but she tackled each question with a sense of purpose. The hours seemed to fly by, and when she submitted her answers, she couldn't help but feel a wave of relief wash over her. She had done it.

Emily received her exam results, and they confirmed what she had hoped for. She had successfully passed the exam, and she was now a licensed realtor. The moment was a dream come true.

In her excitement, Emily immediately called Sarah, eager to share the news. Sarah's phone rang, and she answered with a warm greeting. "Sarah, I did it! I passed the exam! I'm a realtor!"

Sarah's voice was filled with pride and happiness. "Emily, I knew you could do it! Congratulations! This is the beginning of your journey."

Emily couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude. "Sarah, I couldn't have done it without your guidance and support. Thank you for everything."

Their conversation shifted as Emily took a breath to ask a question that had been on her mind. "Sarah, I was wondering, would it be possible for me to work with you as a realtor? I've learned so much from you, and I'd love the opportunity to be a part of your team."

Sarah's response was filled with genuine appreciation for Emily's request. "Emily, you've been an exceptional student, and I believe you have a bright future in this industry. But, there's something I want to tell you."

Emily listened intently, her heart pounding with anticipation.

Unexpectedly, Sarah continued, "I think you should go to CW Realty. It's the biggest realty company in the area, and they can offer you the best start to your real estate career."

Emily was taken aback, her excitement turning into confusion. "But, Sarah, I want to work with you. I've learned so much from you, and I think we could make a great team."

Sarah's voice was filled with sincerity as she explained, "I appreciate your trust in me, Emily. But you deserve a wonderful future in this industry. If you go to a big company like CW Realty, you'll have access to professional coaching, experience with a broader range of clients, and a higher level of clientele. Trust me, going to CW Realty is the best decision for your career."

Tears welled up in Emily's eyes as she processed what Sarah was saying. She couldn't believe that Sarah didn't want her to work alongside her. It was a moment of unexpected disappointment.

Sarah reached out to reassure her. "Emily, I believe in you, and I have every confidence that you'll excel in your career. This is a chance for you to step onto the right path with a strong foundation. Remember, I'll always be here to support and guide you."

With a heavy heart, Emily realized that Sarah was guiding her toward the brightest future possible. She had become not just a mentor but a true friend. It was a bittersweet moment, the end of one chapter and the beginning of another.

As they said their goodbyes, Emily knew that this was just the first step in her real estate journey. Sarah's belief in her abilities had brought her this far, and now she was ready to take on the world of real estate, armed with the wisdom and guidance she had received from her mentor.

After Sarah's advice, Emily decided to explore the opportunity at CW Realty, the largest and most prestigious real estate company in town. She had an appointment with the HR department and arrived at the company's impressive downtown office, located in the tallest building in the city.

The moment she walked into the building, she was struck by the grandeur of the place. The lobby was adorned with sleek, modern decor, and the atmosphere was one of energy and ambition. It was clear that this was a place where big dreams were pursued.

Emily was greeted by the HR representative, who led her through the bustling corridors of the company's headquarters. She was captivated by the environment – there were different functional rooms, a coach corner for training and development, a classroom for the new agent program, a computer room, and even a printing room. It was a world of opportunities, a place where realtors could hone their skills and grow their careers.

As she was introduced to various team members, Emily realized that CW Realty was more than just a workplace; it was a community of professionals. She met the coach, who was dedicated to guiding and mentoring new agents. The broker, with an air of experience and wisdom, shared insights about the industry. The team leader was enthusiastic and encouraging, fostering a sense of unity and collaboration.

The technicians were always busy with cutting-edge tools and technologies, providing the infrastructure necessary for realtors to thrive in a digital age. The office was filled with a diverse group of realtors, each smiling, exuding charm and professionalism. They were the faces of CW Realty, and they were passionate about their work.

In the buzzing hallways and communal spaces, the realtors spoke with confidence and enthusiasm. Emily was inspired by the positive atmosphere and the camaraderie that she felt among the team. It was clear that CW Realty was not just a company but a place where aspirations took flight.

Excited and motivated, Emily signed a contract with CW Realty and became one of the 700+ realtors in the company. She was assigned her own stable workspace, a cube in the bustling downtown office. The journey had brought her here, to the heart of the real estate world, and she was ready to embrace the new challenges and opportunities that awaited her at CW Realty.

With a sense of determination and the support of her new colleagues, Emily was prepared to make her mark in the world of real estate, and CW Realty was the perfect place for her to begin her exciting career.

Emily's first week at CW Realty had been a whirlwind of introductions, training, and getting acclimated to her new surroundings. As Tuesday rolled around, she was looking forward to her first team meeting. She had heard about the meetings from her fellow realtors, and they were known to be both informative and entertaining.

The team gathered in a spacious meeting room at the highest floor of the downtown office building. The excitement in the air was palpable as everyone took their seats. Emily found herself surrounded by colleagues who exuded confidence and charisma.

The meeting commenced, and the broker, Michael, began by reporting the team's statistics, highlighting the successful deals and listings that had taken place in the previous week. As he spoke, it became evident that the real estate business was thriving, and the team was achieving remarkable results.

Then, Michael announced a surprise game named "Money Tree." Emily's curiosity piqued as she listened to the rules. Michael's secretary, Diana, held a stack of cash in denominations of 5, 10, 20, and even 100 dollars. The game was simple – realtors who had closed deals, secured listings, or achieved certain milestones would receive cash prizes.

The atmosphere in the room became electric as the game began. Realtors eagerly made their way to the center of the stage one by one, eagerly anticipating their rewards. Some were excited to receive their first-ever money, while others were confident and beaming, having sold multiple houses or secured numerous listings in the past month.

Diana handed out cash with a smile, and realtors left the stage clutching their prizes, cheering and celebrating their achievements. It was a fun and motivating exercise that encouraged camaraderie and success within the team.

However, Emily watched from her seat, unable to join in the excitement. She hadn't closed any deals yet, and her lack of listings left her without a chance to step onto the stage and claim her share of the Money Tree. The room was filled with the rustling of cash and the joyful sounds of her colleagues' achievements, but she felt a pang of disappointment.

As the meeting continued, Emily was deeply influenced by the atmosphere and the success stories of her fellow realtors. She realized that she was determined to make her mark in the world of real estate and be a part of the Money Tree celebration. It was a turning point, a moment that strengthened her resolve.

After the meeting concluded, Emily approached Michael to express her determination. "I want to be on that stage next time," she said, her voice filled with unwavering resolve. "I'll sell a house this month."

Michael smiled, impressed by her determination. "That's the spirit, Emily. We look forward to celebrating your success at the next meeting."

Emily left the team meeting with a newfound sense of purpose and a burning desire to make her first sale. The Money Tree game had left a lasting impression, and she was ready to work tirelessly to achieve her goals and become an integral part of the thriving CW Realty team.