
Top Producer Lady

After a young women lost job, boyfriend and family, she become the boss and meet her Mr Right!

Aovavarich · Urban
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13 Chs

A Morning Surprise

The night after the Christmas party was one of excitement and anticipation for Emily. She had been so captivated by her time with Richard that she couldn't sleep a wink. Thoughts of the charming and mysterious man had danced through her dreams, keeping her awake until the early hours of the morning.

With a heart full of emotions and a mind racing with memories of the previous night, Emily found herself unable to get up as the sun began to rise. She tossed and turned, trying to catch some sleep, but the excitement coursing through her veins was relentless.

As the clock ticked on, Emily finally dozed off, and when she woke, the sun was already high in the sky. It was 10 am, and she had slept through most of the morning. She rushed to get ready and, with a touch of regret for oversleeping, she descended her apartment building's staircase.

To her astonishment, a familiar sight awaited her outside. The black Mercedes was parked in front of her building, and Richard stood beside it, dressed in a smart blue polo shirt. In his hands, he held a bouquet of huge, pristine white roses.

Emily stepped outside, and her eyes widened in surprise. "Richard, you're here!"

With a sheepish smile, Richard replied, "I'm sorry for waking you up, Emily. I didn't have your number and didn't want to disturb your sleep. I was worried you might have already left for work."

Emily chuckled, feeling touched by his considerate gesture. "You could have knocked on the door, you know."

Richard grinned, "I didn't want to startle you. But I would have waited until you woke up. I didn't want to miss seeing you again."

Blushing at his words, Emily accepted the bouquet of white roses, her favorite. She inhaled their sweet fragrance deeply, feeling like a princess in a fairy tale.

Richard asked where she wanted to have breakfast, and Emily replied that he could choose. With a confident smile, he opened the door of the Mercedes and said, "I have a special place in mind. It's my favorite breakfast spot, and I think you'll love it."

As they drove to the restaurant, Emily marveled at how their story had unfolded. She couldn't believe that a chance encounter in the midst of an accident had led her to a handsome stranger who was quickly becoming a significant part of her life.

With each passing moment, Emily found herself falling deeper into the enchanting world that was now interwoven with Richard's presence. The day had barely begun, and already, it was shaping up to be a beautiful and unforgettable one.

The Red Hat Cafe was buzzy with activity as Richard and Emily entered. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee, the clinking of silverware and coffee cups, and the sound of laughter filled the air. The place was already full of patrons enjoying their breakfast, creating a lively and warm atmosphere.

The two found a cozy corner table and exchanged smiles. Emily was delighted by the ambiance and the prospect of a delicious breakfast. The waitress, who appeared to know Richard well, greeted him with a playful tone.

"Handsome Richard, you're here again. Keeping your original order?" She winked at him and then turned to Emily. "And who's this charming lady with you? Would you like to try some new recipes today?"

Richard chuckled and replied, "You know me, sticking to my old favorites. But for my friend Emily, please add the sausage samples to her order. She's in for a treat." He gave a sly wink to Emily, and she couldn't help but laugh.

The waitress noted down their orders, and Richard leaned in to suggest some of his favorite dishes to Emily. "You should definitely try their French toast; it's a house specialty. And the sausage samples meal is a must-try. It's the best in town, trust me."

Emily eagerly agreed, adding a plate of French toast to her order, along with a cup of hot chocolate. The prospect of the delicious breakfast had her stomach growling with anticipation.

As they waited for their meals, the waitress swiftly delivered Richard's order: a hearty plate of sausages, thick bacon, and fluffy pancakes. Emily's order soon followed, and the sight and aroma of the food made her mouth water.

Emily couldn't resist diving into her sausage samples and French toast. The flavors were exquisite, and she couldn't help but express her delight. "This is amazing, Richard! Thank you for recommending this place."

With a warm smile, Richard shared a personal detail about the cafe. "This place has been here for over 50 years. My grandpa used to bring me here all the time. He had a thing for the thick bacon. Some of my fondest memories are sharing breakfast with him."

As Emily listened to Richard's story, she couldn't help but feel closer to him. The old-world charm of the Red Hat Cafe, combined with the delicious food and the presence of her charming companion, made the morning a truly special and memorable one.

After their delicious breakfast, Richard and Emily were faced with the decision of where to go next. Richard inquired if Emily had to head to work at the company or if they could spend more time together. Emily asked him about his work schedule and was intrigued by his response.

"Do you need to work today?" she asked.

Richard smiled and replied, "Yes, I do have work to do, but luckily, most of my work can be done online. I can work from my notebook, and that means I can work from anywhere, even with you."

Emily was impressed by the flexibility of Richard's job. "That's really cool! It must be an interesting line of work."

Richard simply smiled in response, keeping the details of his job a mystery.

They decided to find a nearby Starbucks to continue working. Emily settled in with her laptop, ready to check the database and make cold calls to potential customers. Richard, on the other hand, opened his notebook to respond to emails and continue his work.

As they spent the next couple of hours working side by side, Emily began her calls, dialing numbers and attempting to connect with potential clients. Despite her efforts, she was met with frustration as the leads didn't seem to pan out.

Richard noticed her growing disappointment and offered some encouragement. "Come on, Emily, you're doing great," he said, his voice filled with support.

After a moment of contemplation, Richard had a thought. He mentioned that a friend of his had a large house they were looking to sell. He asked Emily if she would be interested in helping to sell it.

Emily's eyes lit up with excitement, and she eagerly responded, "Of course! I'd love to. Can we go see it?"

Richard couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. "Absolutely. Let's arrange a visit, and you can take a look at it yourself. I think you'll do a great job with this opportunity."

Their impromptu collaboration on a potential real estate deal marked another chapter in their blossoming connection. Emily was eager to embark on this new venture, and with Richard's support, she felt more determined than ever to succeed in the real estate world.