
Tools of Slaughter: Story of a Human

In a world filled with war and horror, she was a tool of slaughter. She fought her way emotionlessly through the war for her masters' commands. But it isn't until they die that she realizes how much the people she killed meant to her. ... People say that being immortal would be an incredible dream come true, but they are liars. Immortality is a nightmare. People also say that they would rather have no feelings than to feel hurt. But she would rather feel something than to feel nothing at all; especially when people who care about her die right in front of her, under her own hands. She would do anything to become human. To live, to feel, to die. To be in control of her own fate. Even if it means losing everything. ---- Author's note: - In-depth characters - The pace is a little slow - There are a lot of genres, such as action and military, but they don't have their full potential showcased in the first 2 volumes This is my first novel~ I hope you enjoy it!

_VA_ · Sci-fi
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88 Chs


Elizabeth reached over and ruffled Carlos' hair.

The boy flinched and backed away, his neck red. "W-Why, did you do that?" he stuttered.

The girl slightly laughed at his reaction. "Hehe. Your hair was just so fluffy I couldn't help myself."

This was the first time she had touched his hair, but it certainly wasn't the first time that she wanted to do so.

Elizabeth sighed inwardly, looking at the blush that crept up the boy's face. She had… unknowingly fallen for him.

When did it begin?

Well, maybe it was love at first sight, the girl lampooned.

She never considered herself to be so easy to seduce. It has only been less than 6 months since they met, yet she already couldn't imagine living without him.

During the little time that the two had, they chatted casually about nothing, in particular, walking along the road bordered with snow.

Well, it was mostly Carlos talking, and Elizabeth listening.

Carlos - "What are your favorite foods? Mine are creampuffs. Oh, wait. Creampuffs are sweets. What are your favorite sweets?"

Elizabeth – "I-I don't like sweets…"

Carlos – "W-W-What? No way. Um… then what food do you like?"

Elizabeth – "I don't know…"

Carlos – "What about music? What's your favorite music?"

Elizabeth – "I-I don't listen to music…"


After the above encounter, Carlos reluctantly gave up on asking Elizabeth questions, though he still wanted to learn more about her. He decided to spill everything about himself first. Maybe Elizabeth will tell me about herself if I tell her about myself first!

But he would've most likely ranted about his life anyway…

- "I have 2 sisters. They are both older than me, and they get more annoying as time goes by. Can you believe Eyrie talked bad about Fei? How could she? Fei's so cool!"

- ��I used to go to a smaller school. It was a school that had very few students. It wasn't as nice as this academy. Back then, Fei wasn't allowed in the school – not even on the campus! Can you believe it? Fei is so cool, how can they not allow her in?!"

- "Psst. I'll tell you a secret. Actually, I really like drawing—especially portraits using mixed media. Although I might not be good at anything else, I really like drawing. You know, it was Fei who inspired me. I just wanted to improve my skills cuz I wanted to draw a picture of her, but who knew I had talent in this area? Fei's an angel who brings good luck!"

- "You know, I had gotten into a big trouble with my father before. He was so mean, and he even threw my art onto the floor! He also wanted to hit me, but luckily, Fei stopped him. Fei was so cool! I knew it, she's an angel."

- "Oh yeah! Did I mention? Fei is gonna teach martial arts sometime soon. She's really really good at martial arts. I'll have to show you sometime in the future. It's sooo cool! She's like superman! Oh, wait, supergirl!"

Elizabeth couldn't help but be drawn into the boy's sparkling eyes. He seemed so happy to confide in someone, and Elizabeth couldn't bear to interrupt him.

From the details Carlos spoke of, Elizabeth figured out that 'Eyrie and Carol' were the boy's sisters, and 'Fei' was the boy's bodyguard.

But if there was something that kind of interested her, it was 'Fei.'

Having heard about that bodyguard from that talk done by Cassian's group behind Carlos' back and seeing for herself Carlos' attitude towards the mysterious bodyguard, Elizabeth was very interested in meeting her.

What kind of person is she, to make Carlos adore her so much?

The girl didn't have to wait too long for her wish to come true.

As the two students kept walking, they had lost track of time. Suddenly, Elizabeth spotted a flying object in the sky.

"A mech?"

"Hmm?" Carlos followed her line of vision. His eyes grew round. It really is a mech! But… weren't mechs restricted from flying on campus? W-What's happening?!

Wait… T-The mech is approaching us… C-Could it be searching for us since we ran out of the school?

He gulped and quickly touched a gem on the bracelet that he wore on his wrist. C-Curses… We are late for class!

Are we going to be in trouble? We definitely will be. I even ignored the teacher when he called my name!

N-no… I can't get into trouble anymore! What if Father grounds me, or worse… makes me transfer schools again?!

As the mech grew from a dot in the sky to be an entity that he could see, the boy's brain churned.

Elizabeth opened her mouth to calm him down, seeing that he was on the verge of a panic attack. But before she could say anything—

"F-Fei!" Carlos yelled at the top of his lungs.

He had decided. He would run away!

Before the girl beside him and the mech above them could react, a rush of wind brushed past, and a beautiful girl with east Asian features who had a pair of different colored irises appeared before them.

It was as if time had stopped.

Her purple and golden orbs flitted around, landing on the pretty blonde girl that was with her master. Her expression was nonchalant.

She glanced away, and her eyes landed on her master, whose legs were shaking. Her eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly.

Without a sound, the bodyguard lifted Carlos into her arms – princess style –and left just as how she arrived. There was no trace of her as if she had never existed in the first place.

But Elizabeth knew that the girl had existed.

Even as the mech landed and her homeroom teacher came out to lecture her, she still couldn't forget those eyes that, for a second, bore into the depths of her soul.

That… was Fei?

The girl clenched her teeth.

For some reason, her heart felt awfully sore—and it wasn't because of the teacher that was blabbering in her ear.