
Tools of Slaughter: Story of a Human

In a world filled with war and horror, she was a tool of slaughter. She fought her way emotionlessly through the war for her masters' commands. But it isn't until they die that she realizes how much the people she killed meant to her. ... People say that being immortal would be an incredible dream come true, but they are liars. Immortality is a nightmare. People also say that they would rather have no feelings than to feel hurt. But she would rather feel something than to feel nothing at all; especially when people who care about her die right in front of her, under her own hands. She would do anything to become human. To live, to feel, to die. To be in control of her own fate. Even if it means losing everything. ---- Author's note: - In-depth characters - The pace is a little slow - There are a lot of genres, such as action and military, but they don't have their full potential showcased in the first 2 volumes This is my first novel~ I hope you enjoy it!

_VA_ · Sci-fi
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88 Chs

'Dear Master, Be Happy'

Fei sat at an elegantly carved wooden table with a book in her hands.

She was trying very hard to focus on the book that was on entry into economics. Fei didn't exactly understand why she needed to learn such information even though she was only a bodyguard, but she read and memorized it, regardless. Her goal was to read the entire library anyway.

However, she felt a little restless.

Perhaps it was because part of her conscience felt uncomfortable, knowing that she wouldn't be able to see her master before he left, but unlike the earlier days of the week where she immersed herself deep into the words and vocabulary of the books that she read, today, Fei could not do so.

But it didn't matter. He will eventually come back, so there's no point in dwelling too much on such a matter. That's what she told herself, but her brain would not listen. It would wander off, often thinking about things other than the knowledge in front of her.

Fei looked through one of the many windows from her seat. As this was only the first floor, one couldn't exactly see beyond the Rochester estate. All Fei saw were the endless green garden and parts of the courtyard.

She preferred to look outside from the third-floor lounge instead, where you could catch glimpses of the world aside from purely the estate. Although the lounge's windows faced the courtyard, Fei could see the pedestrians walking by and the cars that rushed past with lightning speed.

In truth, Fei was very curious about the world outside. During the week, she read many books on the different machinery, technology, lifestyles, and entertainment. What is it like outside? Apparently, the Rochester estate is one of the few places in the entire city that has trees and fresh grass… Unbelievable…

She chastised herself for her drifting attention and began reading the next chapter of the book in her hands.

As she was flipping the page, Fei suddenly heard a person's hurried footsteps and his heavy breathing entering the library.

This… who is it? She pricked open her ears. The person was calling her name, using the term 'Fei'. There was only one person in this estate that called her that. This voice and this gait pattern…

Could it possibly be… Master?

Fei had the sudden urge to throw down her book and go find him.

But then she remembered that she was supposed to stay here until she had to go to the next section of the library.

Fei stared at the book in her hands in uncertainty. What… should I do? What would be the correct path of action?

"Fei!" Carlos finally saw his bodyguard after running for so long. She was sitting at a table in Section 7.

"Why… were you…" he rasped, "sitting so far away?"

At this point, Fei quickly approached her master who was on the verge of collapse and supported him to the table where her books piled up high. "This is the section of the library that I'm supposed to be in…"

When she saw her master's exhausted figure, her heart couldn't help but feel guilty. That line of action was wrong after all, she thought with a start.

The importance of the Master should be above all else.

Carlos cleared a space on the table and laid down his head. "I… saw the note that you gave me…" he said in a quiet voice.

"Fei… Where did you learn this stuff?"

"My teacher taught me." Hearing his words, Fei felt a little worried. Was he unhappy? The way he acted didn't seem like a person that is happy… Did Teacher's idea fail?

Carlos lifted his head, and when he saw Fei's reaction, he giggled, and his face broke out into a smile.

Just when he opened his mouth to say something, a person's yelling cut in.

"Young master Carlos, where are you?! Please answer, PLEASE!" This phrase was repeated over and over again in a panicked voice.

Having recognized this voice, Carlos flinched, "Oh, no!"

"Young master! Why did you suddenly run off? You need to go to the fourth floor right away!" A plump middle-aged woman stood at the entrance of Section 7 with exasperation.

"Mrs. Kleinen… Can I please stay just for a little while? Please?"

The nanny's eyes softened as she saw the little boy's pleading eyes.

"Your father's waiting for you upstairs, let's go together, all right?" She held her hand out.

Carlos reluctantly received it. Just before the pair left the area, he suddenly turned around and waved his hand in the air.

Fei saw his gesture and the corners of her lips lifted into a beautiful smile. She waved back.

When Carlos saw her smile, he was stunned for a second and stopped in place, causing his nanny to questioningly look back at him in concern. He replied that nothing was wrong and skipped out of the library, with his hand clutching the folded piece of paper that Fei gave him.

It read:

'Dear Master,

Be happy

- Fei'

Wow~ Who would've thought the message was actually so simple?

Do you think that Carlos will be happy in camp?

What changes do you think will Fei go through when her master isn't there?

~Thank you for reading!

_VA_creators' thoughts