
Too Dangerous To Mate

After eighteen years in the Tate family, Paige Tate suddenly found out that she wasn't her parents' daughter. Their biological daughter was back, and Paige was abandoned. They were about to send Paige back to her hometown, which was an allegedly poor county... However, the so-called poor county turned out to be the area where the most expensive villas in the country gathered! Overnight, she went from a fake daughter of a relatively rich family to a real daughter of a top family! Her biological parents doted on her unconditionally. They allowed her to have at least 1.6 million dollars as her pocket money, drive whichever luxury car in the garage she favored, buy whatever customized luxuries in the world she pleased, and choose any top school she preferred. If she didn't want to go to school, she could kill her time with the family business! What shocked Paige the most was that she had a fiancé... Her fiancé proposed to break off the engagement, and Paige didn't give a damn. However, she was confused by what happened afterward. He had proposed to break off the engagement, and then he clung onto her as if he was a completely different person! He became so clingy and handsy. Paige was annoyed. "Who are you, Sir?" "Baby, I am your husband." "I don't have a husband. An ex-fiancé who wants to break off our engagement is all I have." Martin Stowe, the world's richest man, feared by everyone in the world, was speechless. He wanted to punch himself as he was so silly that he called off the marriage without even meeting Paige...

Zoe Butler · Urban
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282 Chs

Chapter 8

He's about to climb in when he glances towards me and Jeremy. Jeremy, who is currently almost sitting on my freaking lap and grasping onto me with a vice like grip. I wince and look away from Liam, about to attempt to peel Jeremy's fingers off me when Liam growls.


"What the fuck do you think you're doing, Jeremy?" He questions gruffly, "Get back to your side of the car and don't touch my mate again!"

Jeremy doesn't even blink at Liam's command. Instead, he slithers away from silently, now gripping at himself. He looks like he's just pissed himself. Before I get the chance to say anything, Stella appears and takes her seat. Wordlessly, she casts a glance in Jeremy's direction, smirks, and then starts up the van. And we're off again.

Half way through the drive, realization dawns on me.

Liam has actually spoken a full two sentences!

The van broke down the next night. Just our luck, right?