
Chapter 1

It was cold. Cold like hell. Desmond wished they would be done with the search and go back to the car that would take them to the base. But no... Of course, they had problems because the place they came to find a special map to a Piece of Eden was a lot different from the one he saw in his memories. The palace was ruined. The ground had slid many times, it seemed. They had already checked a few places and dug in a few others, and he had had enough of it. The ground was frozen, his hands were so cold he couldn't feel them, and if anyone ordered him now to start climbing up the tower, he wouldn't be able to move a finger even an inch. But it seemed – for now – that nobody was going to make him do it. Rather, they split up with bags and went in pairs to check a few places. Lucy went with Beccy... So obvious... But unfortunately, that left him with... Yes... with Shaun. It seemed that not only he was unsatisfied with this fact. Well, it's not like he ever had anything against Shaun. He even thought a few times that the historian was actually funny and smart, but no... that jackass had to ruin every moment Desmond thought they would make up. The young assassin didn't know why the bespectacled nerd hated him so much.

"Well... there's nothing we can do if they decided to go on together... Move your lazy ass, you Coach Assassin," Shaun said with his irritated tone and started to go down the stairs to the labyrinth of ruined walls and trees.

Coach Assassin was something the historian made up lately... well, you all know the "Coach potato" thing? So it's the same but worse... Shaun just reminded Desmond all the time that while other assassins risk their lives, he just kept on sitting in the Animus. Not like it was his choice, right? But no... Mr. Great had to make him feel like shit.

"You're asking for a beating, and one day you'll get it," Miles said as he went after the bespectacled guy.

He didn't stop to breathe out on his hands to keep them warmer, but that wasn't helping at all. The temperature was drastically decreasing, and it worried him. They had to find the piece before the Templars, but also before the snow blizzard came down from the mountains to the valley they were in. After a long time of walking, they made it to the ruins of the village that was under the castle. It looked as if a ghost might appear at any time. That idea made Desmond fall into a very good mood, as he got an idea to pick on Shaun a bit.

"Boo!" he showed up on Shaun's right side from nowhere, wanting to scare the historian a bit. And he succeeded, or so he thought as he saw every visible muscle on Shaun's body get stiff.

"Miles. May I kindly ask what you are doing? Has your stupidity finally taken over the rest of your already small brain?" Hasting's voice was colder even than the wind.

"Oh, come on... I scared you to make us a bit warmer. Besides, I didn't know you were such a scaredy-cat..." Desmond laughed aloud, not noticing the blush of embarrassment that showed on the historian's face for only a few seconds... 'cause it was embarrassing... letting such an idiot of an assassin scare him like that!

The silence that started after Desmond finally stopped laughing was so palpable that if you'd tried, you'd probably be able to cut it with a knife. It lasted for some hours as they continued the search. A phone ring made them both jump in surprise. Shaun picked it up, and after a few seconds he was already showing that unsatisfied face of his that always pissed Desmond off.

"Great..." the historian said as he had stopped his conversation over the phone.

"What?" Miles wasn't sure if he wanted to know.

"They found it... But they're saying that returning will take us all a lot of time, and the blizzard is coming, so we should search for a shelter for now and that we should not worry 'cause it will last like two or three hours. Not worry?! Two or three more hours with you?! This is indeed the worst day of my life," in the middle of the explanation Shaun stopped talking to Desmond and started to grumble to himself in a very unhappy voice.

"Well, I am sorry to bother you then, but it's safer for us to stay together, unfortunately..." Desmond started to speak as they walked to one of the best-looking houses in the village. A small one, but not as ruined as the others. It still had its ceiling.

"It could be worse... we could have no shelter here to find..." seeing Shaun wasn't so sure about the positive aspects of this comment, he sighed and decided to try a joke, "Well, ya know... we could always warm each other when we feel cold. There's nothing warmer than body contact," after he ended his joke he wasn't able to laugh as he saw Shaun's ears get red. He wasn't sure if it was 'cause of the cold or not.

"Well then, Desmond, you can be sure I would rather freeze to death," while Hastings was speaking those words, he didn't know that he would have to bite them later.

One hour later in the small house after the blizzard started

Did Desmond say it was cold? Yeah... but now it was Freezing Cold! Maybe the snow wasn't getting inside the house, but the cold wind found its way. They sat as far from each other as possible. Miles wasn't looking at his colleague for a long time. But when the cold started to be unbearable, he just threw a quick look at Shaun. What he saw wasn't a good sight. He got up and found out that if not for all this training he had, his legs would have given up right now.

"Shaun?" he walked over to the man who was sitting in the corner and not moving.

"Hey, Snow Nerd, you there?" Desmond touched the historian's cheek with his palm and found out that it was even colder than his hand.

"Damn Shaun! You're freezing! Why haven't you said anything!" 'cause of the rise of adrenaline he felt a bit hotter, so he took off his jacket and put it on Shaun. After that, he put his right hand on the man's back and raised it off the wall a bit. He then slipped into the space between Shaun and the wall and hugged the man tightly to his chest.

"Shaun, wake up!" Desmond started to rub Shaun's cheeks with his palms, and then the man's arms and chest.

"Come on man, warm up and wake up already," his voice sounded a bit panicked.

"What are you doing, you fucking American gorilla?" the irritated voice full of insults made Desmond really happy, but this was probably the only time he'd be happy about that.

"Warming you up, man. You were freezing... literally!" Desmond sounded angry and strict, like a mom trying to make her little chick stay in the nest.

"OK. I'm better now, so let go of me," Shaun tried to sound convincing, but it seemed he wasn't able to fool Desmond.

The assassin only hugged him closer.

"No way I'm letting you go, idiot... you'll freeze to death, and right after you I'll join," a cloud of steam escaped his mouth as he was saying that.

"Well, it feels like we'll freeze anyway..." Shaun murmured under his breath, his face red, which Desmond thought was caused by the cold.

A long silence settled around them, broken only a few times by the wind.

"It's cold..." it escaped Desmond's mouth before he could stop himself.

Shaun frowned and then realised that Desmond's jacket was on him. That idiot was sitting there only in his shirt over a T-shirt.

"Are you really that dumb, Miles?!" he turned back to put the jacket on Desmond, but then he stopped.

Steam was escaping his mouth as he kept on looking at the assassin below him. Desmond was half sitting, half lying on the wall. His eyes were almost completely closed, nose red, mouth light blue... that mouth just whispered that he was cold.

Shaun took a deep breath. They needed to warm up or it would be over... no time to play two arguing kids... he guessed.

"OK, Desmond... remember that thing you said about body contact and when I said I'd rather freeze... I'm taking back my words," he said slowly, looking down at the assassin.

"Wh...what?" Desmond's mind was a bit foggy, but it got even worse when he felt something hot on his face. A breath? And then a touch of something warm but rough on his mouth.

He opened his eyes wider as he saw Shaun's face up close. And the thing on his mouth was none other than the historian's mouth. Cracked from the cold and licking them, they felt rough but also warm and sent a strange sensation through his whole body, which started to get a bit warmer.

Shaun's mouth attacked his own again, his tongue finding its way into Desmond's mouth. The weird sensation flowed from every place Shaun's tongue touched inside his mouth, down to his pants. He never knew that this computer nerd would be such a great kisser. A small yelp escaped his mouth as the kiss grew more and more passionate.

After a while, which seemed like a lifetime, the kiss was broken and Desmond could breathe again.

"What the hell..." he felt warm enough to become a bit more conscious.

He was about to punch Shaun, but then he felt pain as the historian's hand grabbed his erection through the jeans. He jerked his head back against the wall and moaned erotically with the pleasure he felt. Just a second later, he felt a blush cover his face as he couldn't believe that it was he who made such a sound.

"That's right. Stop fighting it. It was your idea to start with... and we need to do something, so we won't freeze... Why not have a nice time while doing it? We can blame it on the cold later," Shaun was talking fast, but Desmond got the point anyway. So... they were to do... THIS? Wait... Desmond wasn't the bottom, right?!

"I'm not on the bottom!" he hissed through his teeth.

"Oh my, my... I think it is not for you to decide but for the one in control," Shaun smiled devilishly.

It's one of my eldest creations from another page. I decided to share it with everyone here. Enjoy ^^

DragoAMIcreators' thoughts