
9. Movie Matinee (Mike Ross, Suits)

Movie Matinee (Mike Ross)  - Red_Pink_Dots


Mike thought life was pretty good. Okay, so there was the lying every day. Still, he had respect, money, and a job.  He had a mentor in Harvey and one that wouldn’t see him in a jail. He knew that was where his friendship with Trevor was heading towards. He just wasn’t strong enough to ditch him.


Still, there was one side to this new job he hadn’t considered.  The lying and the mask he wore every day.  It was wearing.  The only one who knew the truth was Harvey.  He was the only one who could know what was going on.  


He had done such good work on turning a pro-bono into a class action suit. He’d been rewarded with a day off.  Mike was savouring it as he knew they were unheard of for associates.  He would deal with the jealousy later on.

He did the only thing he could.  He found the matinee theatre special.  Perfect, he could get lost in the tumultuous love life of Clark Gable.  It would stop him thinking about his own messy life.  

Gone with the Wind was just too good a movie to ignore. He got his popcorn and found a seat.  The place was empty, which was a shame. You just had to be able to appreciate the classics.

Mike let himself be absorbed in the movie and if he mouthed along to Rhett Butler’s lines. Well, that was between him and Clark.


He saw the other guy sit down.  His suit was expensive but he didn’t carry himself like a lawyer.  Mike might have though model with those looks but that wasn’t even true.  He had callous on his right hand and Mike froze seeing the peek of a gun.  It was in a holster so he was some type of Agent.


Mike focussed on the movie. He could ill-afford to attract the attention of law-enforcement. Tragedy as the guy was hot but Mike hadn't forgotten he was pretending he was  a lawyer.  

He should have known he wouldn’t have a chance. It was all so innocent.  It was not his fault, he was clumsy.  He’d stepped up to head to the bathroom.   He got all the way to maybe-Agent and tripped.  It was a graceful fall, in that he was caught before he could land on his ass.


The guy accidently touched his ass in catching him.  Mike blushed as it had been a while.  He quipped, “You sir, are no gentleman.”

The smile he got in return was blinding, “And you, you, are no lady.” 


Mike sucked in a breath as damn, the guy was gorgeous.  He was pushing all his buttons.  Competent, pretty and could handle himself.  He resolved himself to stay strong.   He couldn’t get to know the guy.  There lay a bad path, a path where Harvey would kill him.

He could be strong. So, when Tony asked him if he wanted to go for drinks.  His response was, “Sounds like a fun time.”



Mike could handle his liquor.  What he had yet to learn was handle the good stuff. Tony was buying top-shelf bourbon.  He drank it because it was good stuff and he was being polite.

He and Tony spoke about many things. He realised that he wasn’t the only one with a mask.

“So which agency do you work for?” Mike asked, curiosity burning.  He wanted to know more but he wasn’t stupid. If Tony was a Feeb, he would be making a quick exit feigning a work emergency.


Tony pouted,  “I’m Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo. NCIS.”


Mike grinned, “You’re a Navy Cop in a Zenga suit.” Tony snorted, “Why can’t I be both?”“Salary caps.”Tony openly laughed. “You may have a point. Uncle Clive in England was a dear rich soul when he passed.”

Mike shrugged but he could see a shocked look on his new friend’s face.  He tried to think why he might be surprised. Mike figured it out,  “You’ve never told anyone that have you.” 

Tony snorted because, whilst Mike was on the money. He had no inclination to talk about the messy tangled state of his relationship with those at NCIS.   He just wanted to have an evening with no masks it was appealing.  He knew how to say it, with a movie quote from the movie they’d watched.  “I’m very drunk and I intend on getting still drunker before this evening’s over.” 

Mike smirked, “Good goal. I can drink to that.”

Tony smiled, “Good, so tell me about work. Why is it dragging you down?”Mike sighed, and explained.  He was glad it was now and not when he was too drunk.  He talked about the issue skirting around it.  Tony sat up, “I can help. I know a thing or two about playing a role.”Mike did listen.  Thanks to his memory, he would remember this even if he ended up black-out drunk.  It was good advice and he may just survive at the law firm.


Drinks kept coming, and they slipped ever closer.  They were hot and looking for an escape. Why not in each other?

Tony took the initiative and borrowed his lines from the great man himself.  It seemed right considering the movie had brought them together.  He was bold enough to touch those cheekbones. Mike’s eyes fluttered shut.  

Tony found he didn’t like being unable to see those expressive eyes, “Open your eyes and look at me. No, I don’t think I will kiss you. Although you need kissing badly. That’s what’s wrong with you.  You should be kissed and often and by someone who knows how.” 

Mike snorted, “And I suppose you think you are the right person.”

It may have been Scarlet’s line but there was no other way to respond to such a line.  


Tony took the opening, “I might be... If the right moment ever came.”Mike took the lead, not letting Tony make all the moves.  “Well, I say the right time is now.”And he did something.  He kissed Tony and damn, Tony was as good as he promised.  He was revved up and ready to go from a kiss.  He took Tony’s hand to his, “My place, or yours?”“My hotel room is two blocks away.”


Mike smirked, “You win.” And the fact was Tony’s room was probably bigger than his whole apartment.  And he was right. Still, more room to have fun in.  Damn, Tony was the right guy.  He did things to Mike that he thought were a myth.

Mike let go and fell back in a sated pile of contentment.  He could feel Tony use a rag to clean them off and he too slipped under the covers and fell asleep.  

In many ways, this sucked. Mike wished he’d had the strength to walk away before he spoke to Tony.  Now, he’d met a great guy.  He could never be with Tony whilst he worked as a lawyer.  He was doing good, he was making something of his life.  In all his musings, he never realised he was alone.  The room was empty, except for a note.



It is not my misfortune that I got the chance to love you.


If Tony had been there, he would have given him crap for butchering a movie quote.   It was sacrilegious.  Mike kept reading,


I will remember my day in New York with fondness.

Masks are good, but find someone who knows all of you.

You helped me remember that,

Love Tony