
35. One good deed deserves another (Mike Banning)

One good deed deserves another (Mike Banning-Olympus has Fallen)

Mike was a lost soul and he was convinced that was where he deserved to be.  His relationship with Leah hadn’t survived the presidential accident. In fact, not a lot had survived the accident.  He still had a job with the Secret Service but he was out of the White House and he didn’t know what to do.  They kept telling Mike that it wasn’t his fault but all he knew was the First Lady was dead and he was banished to Headquarters so the President didn’t have to see his face. So what was Mike supposed to think?

A month ago, a bar and alcohol seemed like a good choice, he didn’t care about the cliche of it.  He was willing to roll with it and find oblivion at the bottom of his bourbon bottle. He’d run in the morning until he puked out his hangover and it would all start again the next day.  It was a delightfully bitter angsty cycle that he had no reason or inclination to break.  The alcohol had the benefit of muting the memories of the car going over the snowy bridge that fateful night where he’d been faced with an impossible choice.  The trouble was Mike kept replaying that scene over and over again every time he closed his eyes.  

Tony had seen the guy at the end of the bar and could guess he was a regular fixture by the way the barman treated him.  Tony had caught the badge and the gun and left him alone, well, to begin with as he’d been there himself and was well aware that right or wrong sometimes you needed alcohol to help blot the painful memories.  The problem was when you chose not to climb out of the bottle - then you were on a one-way express trip to alcoholism.  

Tony figured he could do his good deed for the day and offer alternate distractions.  He could offer a willing ear so that he could bitch, or something more, it wasn’t a hardship as the guy was seriously hot and exactly what Tony looked for in a man.  “You know there are other distractions that can help you better than alcohol.”Tony saw the man’s immediate glance down, cataloguing the badge and the gun under his jacket.  Tony was not the type to go anywhere unarmed.  Too many years in law enforcement and too many enemies made meant that he had no intention of being caught with his metaphorical pants down.  

“Which agency?” The raspy voice asked, and Tony shivered at just those two words.  He really hoped that this evening ended with a bed and some hot sex.

“NCIS, and you?” Tony asked.  It was ironic this was their first question to each other rather than asking what their names were.

“Secret Service, Mike Banning.”Tony then understood why the guy was climbing into the bottle. Guilt was a terrible thing and misplaced guilt was even worse.  Tony knew all about it, he’d been there many times himself.  He wouldn’t dismiss Banning’s feelings or try to lecture him - that was a sure fire way for Banning to shut down and ignore him so Tony tried a different tack with the conversation. “Anthony DiNozzo but please call me, Tony.”  He added. “Can I buy you another drink?”“You’re not going to lecture me?” Banning asked him, wary, telling Tony that he was right on the money in how people close to him had tried to help him.

Tony shook his head. “Nope, not unless you want me to.” He added with a wry grin.Banning shook his head. “Sit a while if you are going to buy me a drink. You may as well brighten up the place a bit.”


Tony took the opening and ran with it.  “You might regret that.”Banning let his eyes run over the very fit and lithe muscular body. “Only in the best possible way.” He wasn’t drunk enough for his eyes to be affected.  The gorgeous agent had chosen to keep his sorry ass company so Mike could go with the flow and see where it ended.

Tony flashed a wicked grin before drinking his whiskey. “Promises, promises.”

Mike was watching his lips and Tony decided he was going to switch to a beer if only to tease him with his lips wrapped around a bottle.  Tony guessed he wasn’t going home alone tonight. Good, he was going to test Banning’s stamina all night long if he had his way.

It turns out that Ex-Special Forces soldiers really did excel in everything they did. Intense focus, great stamina   (OH BOY!) and a virtually none existent recuperation period.  Tony went to work the next day fantastically exhausted, aching in all the right places and having secured a second date.  Tony had demanded to show Mike the benefits of Italian cooking.


A month later and there was a marked change in Banning. Tony knew it was early in their dating but he pulled Mike into his apartment.  It had caused a brief argument but Tony had put his foot down.  Mike’s apartment was shit, and a wallowing, health violation pit of despair and since Tony cared about him, he may as well move in.  It was not like with their schedules that they would be under each other’s feet. So Tony being Tony,  sneakily had used sex and asked him again just as he sucked his brains out of his dick.

Mike was powerless to say no to that smug smile and whilst it may have been quick it was helping. In fact, Tony was helping his mental health way more than the futile counselling sessions. Mike doubted the counselors would listen if he said he didn’t need to talk. He had a partner at home who listened and understood, or alternatively, demanded Mike screw his brains out (that is when he wasn’t being nailed to the mattress himself).

Mike’s change in demeanor had been noted by his superior, the Director of the Service, Lynne Jacobs, and when she saw the change of address she wondered if this was related to the change in attitude.  The background check on the other occupant of the flat was intriguing and Lynne could admit she was curious.  The man’s service record read like a Hollywood script, plague, air-force one, framed for murder and so much more so she decided to drop in because she needed to know if her best agent had his head back in the game.  Plus, she was always on the look-out for talent.

So here she was, outside a nice apartment, not too far from several of the Federal Agencies.  The obvious wealth needed to afford the apartment might make some suspicious - but she had seen the financial background, and the size of the inheritance DiNozzo had received from the British uncle.  It kind of made her like DiNozzo more - with his wealth he didn’t need to work at all let alone serve - he did it out of duty.

Her knock was answered by a tall man, dressed casually but stylishly.  His bright eyes were the first thing she noticed and the shrewd intelligence she could see in those eyes.  DiNozzo had seen her, her security and didn’t even blink instead he greeted her.  “Hello Director Jacobs, we weren’t expecting you, Mike is at work, which you already know.”

As he said it, there was a look of dawning realisation - like he’d just figured out something.  She was guessing he’d figured out just who she was here to see, and it wasn’t Banning.


“I know.” She said with a smirk on her face.He was still frowning but he remembered his manners. “Come in please.” Tony offered, wondering just what the hell was going on.  He didn’t think he’d done anything to piss off the Secret Service and the FBI had gone a whole two years without trying to arrest him for murder. It was a record.

He watched as Jacobs sat on the sofa opposite him and her guards took up sentinel posts outside after having thoroughly swept his apartment. So much for a private life , Tony thought with irony as they checked his bedroom. Oh, he knew Jacobs was aware of the relationship between him and Mike.  What he needed to do was figure out why she was here.


She actually said as much to him. “You must be wondering why I am here?”His lips twisted with wry humour.  “The thought may have crossed my mind ma’am but you strike me as the type of person not to leave me guessing.”

Jacobs nodded her head in agreement because she prefered frank conversations.  She had so few of them in Washington that she adored the few she did get.  “There has been a marked improvement in Agent Banning’s health and I am seeking the cause of it.”Tony snorted. “Well, I met him in a bar and I took home. The relationship that developed surprised both of us but we’re too old to give a shit about what anyone thinks anymore.”Jacobs couldn't help but think that the agent had his thinking all wrong.  They were too dangerous and lethal to care what others thought. “So the love of a good man?”Tony raised an eyebrow and was ready to draw a line in the sand. Whilst he was willing to have a serious conversation, he wasn’t willing to discuss his love life. “If you like.”

Jacobs seeing DiNozzo was on guard with that line of the conversation.  “I’m sorry Agent DiNozzo, you have to understand why we would have concerns about a serious relationship that suddenly appears out of nowhere, especially as our agents guard the President.”

Tony stiffened because he was surprised by where this conversation was going. “I wasn’t aware Mike was back on rotation.”Jacobs smiled at him and Tony wasn’t too sure whether he should relax or be scared.  “You would be right but Agent Banning was our best agent up until the accident and it has been noted about his improvement in the last month. I wanted to see if it was something we could use with other agents.”

Tony shrugged because it wasn’t his agency or his problem, he just cared about Mike so he repeated what he said. “I saw him in a bar and I had been where he was. I offered him a friendly ear, I didn’t ask insensitive questions and then I not-so-slowly seduced him.”“You’re very blunt.”

Tony snorted because the only way he could explain it was to say. “I was a cop for six years and I’ve spent ten years with NCIS. Unless I am playing an undercover role, I lost being coy a long time ago.”

Lynne had her answer and could guess the agent could be way more of a handful than Banning could ever be.  “Thank you for your time, Agent DiNozzo.”The explosion nearly rocked them off their seats.  Tony didn’t hesitate, he instinctively launched himself and covered the director for the initial blast until her guards could take over.  All four of them: the two guards, Director Jacobs and Tony were armed with their guns within seconds - a natural reaction to the perceived danger. Tony looked out of his window needing information about what the fuck was going on.  It was their worst nightmare. “Christ, it’s the White House they’ve attacked.”


Tony knew he needed to get to NCIS and he was sure that Jacobs was about to get whisked somewhere secure.  She looked at him. “I know Mike, he is a tough bastard and won’t let any terrorist kill him.”Tony managed a weak smile already thinking about the tasks in front of him as a way to distract himself. “I know Director. Good luck because I think all of America needs that right now.”Tony’s worry wasn’t unfounded because whilst he knew Mike was actually working across the street, he knew his lover and there was no way he was going to stay there. He would be heading towards the President, killing anyone who got in his way.  He had to trust that Mike would stay alive and he would do what was required to find the bastards.


Tony had reached the office with record speed and the bullpen was in chaos and so Tony took a deep breath and bellowed.  “Now is not the time to lose your heads! We have a job to do and one you have trained for, we will be doing whatever is necessary to find the bastards.  Until then, make sure and check in with all our sub-offices, we need to know our military bases are secure and what everyone’s status is.”

Vance had just come out of his office where he’d been discussing the priorities for their agency.  DiNozzo had waltzed in, on his day off, and took control of the agency and the orders he spat out were exactly what was needed.  Gibbs smiled. “He knows how I think Leon, he’ll keep them busy until you’re ready to give serious tasks after the initial call.”

They both grimaced as neither were looking forward to this - all agencies would no doubt be scrabbling for power at the worst possible moment. Vance was inspired for a second. “DiNozzo get up here, we’re going to MTAC.”Tony looked up surprised by the order, not used to the idea that Vance no longer hated his guts.  Vance waited until he reached the upper-level. “You and Gibbs will be coming as you are the only people in the office with the right security clearance.”Tony sighed but didn’t argue as it made sense, instead, he had the good sense to say. “Yes Sir.”

The video-conference was between all the relevant agencies, Tony recognised the big terror-related agents.  So this was real. Tony shuddered at just the thought of the loss of life.  It didn’t matter, he got his head in the game but the bad news kept coming. The President was trapped in the bunker with terrorists, who seemed to have got in as the South Korean contingent. Trumbull, the Speaker of the House, was the de-facto leader and interim President whilst they awaited further information and took control of the situation.

Gibbs was the only one to know about Mike because Tony had no inclination to become the butt (no pun intended) of every joke on the team.  Tony had told Gibbs pragmatically in case something happened when he was working.  “Banning is a tough bastard. He won’t go down without a fight.”Tony smiled weakly. “I know that, did you know I had his boss in my living room just before the explosion?  She wanted to know why he was doing better this last month.”Gibbs smirked. “Well then, sounds like you’ve got a useful contact to find out about Banning. Until then, keep your focus on finding out how the Korean bastards got here.”Tony nodded. “On it.”


Tony went back down to the bullpen and started ordering about many of the agents, refining the original orders.  Gibbs watched the one minute where McGee was about to argue and was silenced with one look.  Wise boy, if he had started something with Tony today, well, Tony would have finished it, and he wouldn’t be nice about it.   

The office was working like a fine cog in a machine and Gibbs trusted he could go back into MTAC and work his contacts. Vance sighed. “I need someone to work the update loop every thirty minutes.”“Ask DiNozzo, he is the charming one of us Leon.”  Gibbs didn’t want to let Leon know the real reason but he hoped he would see reason.

Vance thought about it for a moment and realised that Gibbs was right. “Agreed.”


Gibbs looked up and heard Tony order McGee. “Just fucking hack who you have to ... no one will say anything today McGee, this was an attack on our President.”

Gibbs had to agree and he did wonder why McGee seemed to pick and choose when it was convenient to have a moral crisis about his hacking.

Gibbs broke up the conversation before McGee could say something to infuriate Tony. “DiNozzo, thirty minutes, starting on the hour with updates of our position.”“On it boss,” DiNozzo said without missing a beat.  He then did something to his fancy watch - no doubt as a way to remind himself of the update times.

Gibbs didn’t miss the look of gratitude in his SFA’s eyes but he waved it off.  


Less than twelve hours later and Tony was now aware that Mike was acting as a one-man wrecking ball against the terrorists' plan; he’d already rescued the President’s son and now he was going for the Commander-in-Chief.

The video conference was closing down when Lynne Jacobs had one final order. She didn’t give a shit if she was stepping on toes.  “Agent DiNozzo.”“Yes ma’am.” Tony answered hoping she was going to let him see Mike before he disappeared into debriefing after debriefing.“Get down to the gates, you deserve to be the first person to see your partner.” She ordered, without missing a beat.Tony’s smile was beatific and she found herself thinking Banning was a lucky bastard in more than one way.  “Thank you, Director.”

Tony could hear Vance asking Gibbs. “Did she just imply DiNozzo and Banning are...”Gibbs smirked and because he is a bastard and proud of it. “Did she? It’s none of my business and I won’t ask until he chooses to tell me.”


Tony was standing by the security cordon waiting for Mike to emerge.  He’d heard on the radio that the President was secure and they were on their way out of the seriously damaged White House and he could finally breathe properly again.  Tony had focussed on the case as a way to distract himself, not realising just how invested he was with Mike until terrorists tried to kill him.  

Mike had never looked so badass. He was carrying the President to the gate covered in soot and grime and blood.  He looked like a one-man war machine which was what he had turned himself into.  The smile on his face told Tony something else -The President was alive against all odds and that was all thanks to Mike.  He also knew that whilst Mike’s demons weren’t magically healed - Mike would be more than okay, he would be great again.

Tony’s heart was in his mouth as Mike turned to him.  He didn’t give a shit about the World’s Press photographing events as they unfolded or the implications of what it would mean for his own career.  He met Mike in the middle and pulled him into the fiercest, most passionate kiss he would risk with the injuries he couldn’t be sure of.

Mike was more than equal to the task, the one thing guiding him through the White House apart from his duty was the idea he had to make it out alive for Tony.  He pulled Tony close. “I’m alive and I’m OK.”“I know you sexy bastard but you can’t scare me like that ever again.” Tony said, letting his worry show.

Mike kissed him once more, not liking the look on Tony’s face - knowing he had put it there. “I love you Tony and that’s stronger than any pansy-ass terrorist.”The last kiss they shared was plastered all over the world’s newspapers the next day, domestic and foreign.  That one kiss did more to further LGBT rights in the military than anything else previously.  After all, even the most extreme protesters who argued against gay men serving in the military were hard pressed to argue against the man who had single-handedly saved the President, and his son, from the terrorist threat. Anyone who tried to argue against his deeds or military record just came across as unpatriotic.

President Asher was only all too happy to use the national sentiment to push through the repeal of DADT and shake up the marriage laws. After all, he felt it a fitting gift for the man who had saved the White House, his child, and his life - To be able to marry the love of his life.