
Toneri in DC

After his tragic encounter with Otsutsuki urashiki and being trapped in the void known as the dragon king palace. In his moment of despair he is rescued by his ancestor, Hamura otsutsuki, the brother of Hagoromo Otsutsuki bringing him a glimmer of hope and possibly a chance at a new beginning…

Fredozy · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 33: Grounded ii

As Superman thinks for a bit. Superman continued, "All I know is that we have to try. That's what life is. We try. We push back against the darkness, just a little. We--"

"Can we... just not talk about this anymore for a while? My head hurts. I've been crying all day. I just... I just want to rest for a bit," Felicity interrupted, her voice frail and exhausted.

"Okay. You rest. I'll be here when you're ready to talk," Superman replied gently.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows and a soft glow over the city, Superman remained vigilant, his cape fluttering in the evening breeze. Felicity curled up, resting her head on her knees, her exhaustion finally taking over. Toneri's astral form hovered above her, silently watching and wondering what she would decide.

Night fell, and the city below sparkled with lights. Felicity stirred from her sleep, looking down to see the crowd and police still gathered. She turned her gaze to Superman, who hadn't moved an inch.

"Lots of people down there," she remarked quietly.

"Yes. I've seen people splattered on the sidewalk before. Are you sure you want to do that to them?" Superman asked, his tone careful and compassionate.

"I don't know... I feel like I don't know anything anymore. I don't know what to do..." Felicity's voice trembled with fear and confusion.

Toneri thought, 'The depth of her despair... how many shinobi families have felt this same way after losing loved ones in battle? The emptiness that drives even the strongest to the brink of despair ... it's a pain I've seen far too many times.'

"Can I make a suggestion?" Superman asked gently. "A friend of mine, many years ago, took her life. She was terminally ill, every day was an agony, and she decided one day that she knew—knew without question—that she would never have another happy day. And she... well, I guess you could say she checked out early. I understood. I didn't approve. Still don't. But I understood."

Toneri watched Superman, thinking, 'With all that power, it must be frustrating to witness such suffering and feel powerless to truly change it.'

Superman continued, his voice soft but firm, "If you honestly believe, in your heart of hearts, that you will never, ever have another happy day... then step out into the air. I'll keep my promise. I won't stop you."

Tears streamed down Felicity's face as Superman extended his hand to her. "But if you think there's a chance—no matter how small—that there might be just one more happy day out there... then take my hand."

Felicity closed her eyes, trembling in the cold night's air. After a long moment, she stepped forward and took Superman's hand. Toneri's ethereal form observed silently, a small smile creeping onto his face as he saw her choice.

Superman embraced her gently. "It'll be all right. You're safe. You're safe," he whispered, holding her close as she cried into his chest, repeating softly, "Okay... okay... okay..."

Seeing the choice she made, Toneri felt satisfied. As he looked at the two bathed in the light of the full moon, with the bustling city below them, he suddenly turned his gaze back to the moon. His physical body opened its eyes, the scene shifting back to him watching the Earth from the moon's surface. A smile played on his lips as he thought, 'He really does deserve his name... Superman.'

Standing up to return to his temple, Toneri's thoughts drifted back to someone who Superman reminded him of. With a chuckle, he said aloud, "He does remind me of you, Naruto."

Toneri stood on the surface of the moon, gazing down at the Earth. With a final glance at the vibrant, fragile world below, he turned and activated his Tenseigan, the azure glow illuminating the barren lunar landscape. The soft glow of the Tenseigan intensified as he used Amenosakeme, creating a portal beside him. He stepped into it without hesitation, the portal closing behind him with a whisper of displaced air.

Emerging on the other side, Toneri found himself in the familiar surroundings of his hidden moon base. The vast, intricate space, illuminated by an artificial light that mimicked the glow of the moon, was a stark contrast to the cold, dark surface outside. The temple stood grand and imposing, with its architecture reminiscent of the Dragon Palace and his own temple on the moon.

As he moved through the temple, his thoughts began to drift over the various observations he had made about this new world. The Earth's spacial curvature was subtly different from what he was used to, the air was less dense, and the gravitational pull slightly weaker. These minute differences reminded him constantly that he was far from home.

Toneri pondered the nature of this universe. 'Are there any Otsutsuki in this reality?' he wondered. The absence of a God Tree was a significant indicator. 'If there were Otsutsuki here, the God Tree would have been planted long ago,' he reasoned. His arrival in this world had been a sheer accident, a consequence of his battle with Ryushiki. It was unlikely that any other members of his clan had made the same journey.

As he continued walking, his mind replayed the scenes he had observed from his vantage point on the moon. The humans in this world were a diverse and complex species. He had seen children going to school, people engaging in mundane conversations, and others participating in various activities, such as sports. The simplicity and complexity of their lives fascinated him.

His thoughts then shifted to the Amazons. When he had watched them earlier, he had felt a presence—a powerful and ancient energy that had noticed his gaze. 'That presence felt immense,' he mused. 'It was almost as if it was challenging me, aware of my scrutiny.' The Amazons reminded him of the powerful clans in the Elemental Nations, each with their unique strengths and customs. There was something familiar in their strength and discipline, akin to the noble tribes back home.

Reaching his throne room, Toneri sat down, his mind still buzzing with thoughts. Thinking back to his clone's memories his consciousness. The clone had managed to open portals to several worlds, but not the Elemental Nations. 'Interesting,' Toneri thought, 'there must be a specific spatial resonance unique to this reality and many more that feels just like this one with a few key differences.'

The presence he felt among the Amazons intrigued him the most. 'Who or what could possess such a formidable aura?' he wondered. The Amazons were clearly not to be underestimated. Their resilience and hidden strength reminded him of the Hyuga clan and their secrets, as well as the tenacity of the Uzumaki clan. He needed more information about them, especially about the presence that had noticed him. Was it a leader? A guardian deity?

Reflecting on the scene with Felicity, Toneri couldn't help but think about the fragile nature of life. 'Life is so delicate, so easily extinguished,' he thought. 'And yet, there's a resilience in these humans, a will to push back against despair.' The choice Felicity made, influenced by Superman's compassion and wisdom, reinforced his belief in the potential for hope and change, even in the darkest moments.

As he thoughts on that stopped he formulated his plans, Toneri decided to further investigate the spatial properties of this world. He needed to understand the boundaries and limitations of his abilities here. Additionally, he would keep a closer watch on the Amazons. The presence he felt there could be an ally or a threat, depending on its intentions.

With a final sigh, Toneri rose from his throne. 'This world is full of surprises,' he thought, 'and I must be prepared for whatever comes next.' He walked towards the exit of his throne room, his mind already strategizing the next steps.