
Toneri in DC

After his tragic encounter with Otsutsuki urashiki and being trapped in the void known as the dragon king palace. In his moment of despair he is rescued by his ancestor, Hamura otsutsuki, the brother of Hagoromo Otsutsuki bringing him a glimmer of hope and possibly a chance at a new beginning…

Fredozy · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 15: The Abyssal Encounter

Deep in the Atlantic Ocean, near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a trio of advanced Atlantean ships cut through the water, their sleek forms gliding silently through the depths. Inside, the crews were tense, their eyes fixed on their instruments as they tracked a series of unusual energy signatures.

"Captain, readings are getting stronger," reported an officer on the lead ship, his voice echoing through the comms. "But there's interference... our equipment is malfunctioning."

Captain Lira, a seasoned Atlantean warrior, frowned at the news. "Stay vigilant. All ships, prepare to send out scouts. We need to get closer readings."

The three ships halted, and small squads of Atlantean scouts, clad in streamlined diving suits, exited their vessels and swam into the inky blackness. As they moved deeper, the interference grew worse, and the scouts found themselves relying more on their instincts than their instruments.

"Captain, we're not getting any clear readings down here," one scout reported. "It's like something is blocking our sensors."

"Keep looking," Lira commanded. "We need to find out what's causing this."

The scouts spread out, their lights piercing the darkness. One scout, a young Atlantean named Nerus, noticed something unusual. "Hold on, I see something," he called to the others. "I'm going to check it out."

Nerus swam down towards a rough, rocky surface, his heart pounding in his chest. As he got closer, his light revealed a massive, serpentine eye. The sclera was black, the iris dark red, and the pupil a menacing slit. He froze in terror, his voice catching in his throat.

A scream tore through the comms, echoing back to the ships. "It's a monster! Fall back!" Nerus cried, but it was too late. A gigantic serpent lunged from the shadows, its jaws closing around him in a swift, brutal motion. Blood clouded the water as the serpent thrashed, the lifeless body of Nerus dangling from its maw.

"All ships, fire at the creature!" Captain Lira ordered, her voice shaking with urgency.

The remaining scouts retreated, firing their energy lances at the serpent. But the attacks seemed to have little effect on the creature's thick scales. Panic spread as another massive serpent emerged from the depths, its eyes glowing with malevolent intelligence. With a roar, it clamped its jaws around one of the ships, crushing it effortlessly.

"Captain, we're being overrun!" another scout shouted. The serpents moved with terrifying speed and power, destroying one ship after another.

The remaining two ships struggled to fend off the monstrous serpents. Energy blasts lit up the dark waters, but the serpents were relentless. They tore through the hulls of the ships, sending debris and bodies spiraling into the abyss.

Captain Lira watched in horror as her fleet was decimated. "Retreat! All remaining units, retreat!" she ordered, knowing it was their only chance for survival.

As the last two ships attempted to flee, one of the serpents lashed out, its tail smashing through the stern of the lead ship. The vessel shuddered and began to implode under the pressure.

In a final, desperate act, Captain Lira activated the ship's distress beacon, hoping to send a warning to Atlantis before the serpent's jaws closed around her.

Back in Atlantis, the tremors continued, each one more powerful than the last. The city was on high alert, its defenders bracing for whatever horrors the ocean might unleash next.

The zeta-tube in Atlantis hummed to life, the energy swirling as six figures emerged. "Recognized: Superman 01, Wonder Woman 03, Batman 02, Martian Manhunter 07, Black Canary 13," the automated voice announced, the Flash absent from the group his job was to stay on the surface world and help with the evacuation wherever he can along with zatarra now that most of the league members are away. Following them was Toneri, his designation changing from "Unknown" to "Toneri B 04"

Aquaman, accompanied by his wife Mera, Aqualad, Garth, and Tula, stepped forward to greet the arriving heroes. The underwater city's grand hall was a marvel of Atlantean architecture, illuminated by bioluminescent corals and intricate mosaics that depicted the kingdom's rich history.

"Welcome to Atlantis," Aquaman said, his voice grave. "We have urgent matters to discuss."

Batman wasted no time. "What's the situation, Aquaman?"

Aquaman's face was etched with concern. "We received a distress beacon from a scout team investigating disturbances near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. They reported seeing something before vanishing."

As the group delved into the details, Dinah noticed Toneri standing slightly apart, his eyes narrowed looking to the side as if concentrating on something distant. "Toneri, is something wrong?" she asked, her question drawing the attention of the others.

Toneri's expression remained impassive, but his eyes were intense. "It's a bit clearer now, but there is still something blocking my senses. It feels kind of dirty and tainted with corruption and disorder."

The league members exchanged worried glances. Superman stepped closer, his curiosity piqued. "What do you mean by that?"

Toneri turned his gaze towards the direction of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, pointing. "I sense a large disturbance miles away. It's coming from over there."

Superman immediately used his enhanced vision to scan the area Toneri indicated. His face grew serious. "Magic," he muttered.

Aqualad looked bewildered. "What?"

Superman nodded, his frown deepening. "My sight is cut off, which can only mean magic is concealing whatever is in that direction."

One of Aquaman's advisors, an elder named Noh, spoke up. "We should depart immediately and deal with this issue."

Superman raised a hand to calm him. "Let's not rush. We need all the facts first." He turned back to Toneri. "Will you be able to guide us there?"

Toneri nodded slightly. "Yes, I can."

Aquaman nodded, resolute. "Then we will proceed with caution. Mera, gather our best navigators and prepare the ships. Aqualad, you will lead the Atlantean forces. We cannot afford to underestimate this threat."

As preparations began, Wonder Woman approached Toneri. "Your abilities are unique. We'll need every advantage we can get."

Toneri simply nodded, his expression unreadable. Batman, ever the strategist, began coordinating with Martian Manhunter, ensuring their approach would be both stealthy and effective. Black Canary stood by Toneri, ready to support him as needed.

Within moments, the team was ready. They boarded the Atlantean vessels, sleek and fast, designed to cut through the ocean's depths with ease. The journey to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge was filled with a tense silence, each member lost in their thoughts, preparing for the confrontation ahead.

As they approached the ridge, the waters grew darker, the sense of foreboding thickening. Toneri, at the helm with Aqualad, felt the corruption in the water grow stronger. "We're close," he said, his voice cutting through the silence.

Superman, still unable to see through the magical concealment, prepared himself for whatever lay ahead. "Stay alert, everyone. We don't know what we're up against."

The Atlantean ships slowed as they reached the edge of the ridge, the disturbance now palpable. Toneri's senses were on high alert, his eyes scanning the murky depths. "It's here," he said softly, more to himself than anyone else.

As Toneri focused on the area ahead, he activated his Byakugan. His piercing blue eyes faded to a milky white, veins bulging from the sides of his face. The distinct hum of his dojutsu activation filled the vessel, a sound akin to a soft, resonant chime.

The atmosphere around Toneri shifted, his chakra creating a palpable presence. The other heroes, sensing the change, turned their attention to him. Garth's eyes widened in surprise. "Freaky," he muttered.

Batman narrowed his eyes, analyzing the transformation. "What's happening?"

Toneri's voice was calm, though his gaze was intense. "This is my dojutsu, the Byakugan. It grants me near 360-degree vision and the ability to see through physical objects, detect chakra, and perceive even the smallest details in my surroundings."

Superman, intrigued, nodded. "Impressive. It's almost like my own enhanced vision."

Dinah stepped closer, her curiosity piqued. "What do you see?"

Toneri's eyes focused on the depths below. "There is a massive shadow down there with an irregular shape. It's unlike anything I've seen before."

'And I have seen a lot.' Thinking back to the tailed beasts.

The league members exchanged worried glances. Batman quickly formulated a plan. "We need to approach cautiously. Toneri, keep us updated on any changes. Superman, be ready to use your strength if needed. Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, stay alert."

Aqualad, piloting the vessel, guided them slowly towards the shadow Toneri had identified. The waters grew colder and darker, the sense of unease intensifying. Mera, using her hydrokinesis, kept the waters calm around their ship, ensuring they could advance without alerting whatever lay below.

As they drew closer, the shadow began to take a more defined form. Toneri's Byakugan allowed him to see the details that were hidden from the others. "It's immense," he said, his voice tinged with caution. "And it seems to be moving, almost like it's alive."

Superman tightened his fists. "Magic and a living entity. This complicates things."

Batman nodded. "We'll need to be strategic. Martian Manhunter, use your telepathy to try and sense any consciousness."

As they inched closer, the shadow's shape became clearer. It was massive, serpentine, and coiled around something that pulsed with dark energy. The sight sent chills down their spines.

Aqualad's voice broke the tense silence. "We're almost there. Everyone, prepare yourselves."

The underwater vessel crept closer to the massive shadow, the tension within the ship palpable. Toneri's Byakugan continued to scan the area, providing vital information to the rest of the team.

"There," Toneri said, pointing to the display screen showing a distorted view of the dark entity below. "It's coiled around a source of immense energy. It's like it's guarding it."

Superman frowned, his eyes glowing faintly as he attempted to peer through the darkness.

"It feels like magic is at play here. I can barely see through it." Wonder Woman nodded, her expression resolute. "We need to confront this head-on. If it's magic, we have to be prepared for anything."

Martian Manhunter closed his eyes, his telepathic abilities reaching out to sense any consciousness within the entity. His eyes snapped open moments later. "It's sentient, but it's chaotic, fragmented. It's hard to get a clear reading."

Batman turned to Aquaman. "Arthur, what can you tell us about this area? Anything unusual that might help us understand what we're dealing with?"

Aquaman shook his head, his expression grave. "This region of the Atlantic has always been mysterious, but nothing like this has ever been documented. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is a tectonic boundary, but these readings are beyond natural phenomena."

Toneri continued to observe, his Byakugan picking up faint fluctuations in the entity's movements. "It's reacting to our presence, but it doesn't seem fully aware yet. We might have a small window of opportunity to get closer."

Superman nodded. "Alright. We proceed with caution. Aqualad, maintain our course. Mera, keep the waters steady."

As the vessel advanced, the shadowy figure began to stir. The dark, serpentine form slowly uncoiled, revealing glimpses of its true size and power. The heroes braced themselves, preparing for the worst.

Dinah leaned closer to Toneri. "Do you think we can disrupt whatever it's guarding? If we can cut off its energy source, maybe we can weaken it."

Toneri considered her words. "It's possible. But we need to understand more about its connection to that energy source first."

The vessel finally came to a halt, mere meters from the monstrous figure. It loomed in the water, an imposing presence that seemed to radiate malice. The team could now see the entity more clearly: a colossal serpent-like creature having a bi-pedal upper body with dark, scaly skin and eyes that glowed with an eerie, malevolent light.

Superman took a deep breath. "Alright, team. This is it. We need to find a way to sever its connection to that energy source and neutralize the threat."

Wonder Woman drew her sword, its blade gleaming even in the murky depths. "Let's move."

As the heroes prepared to exit the vessel and confront the creature, Toneri's Byakugan picked up something unusual. "Wait," he said. "There's a barrier around it, a concealment spell. It's masking something deeper within."

Batman's eyes narrowed. "A concealment spell? That complicates things. Zatara might be able to help us with this, but he's not here."

Martian Manhunter stepped forward. "I can try to weaken the barrier with my telepathic abilities. It might give us a better chance of seeing what we're dealing with."

Superman nodded. "Do it. And be ready, everyone. This is going to get intense."

Martian Manhunter closed his eyes, focusing his mental energy on the barrier surrounding the creature. As he did, a faint, shimmering light began to appear around the entity, revealing the outlines of the spell that concealed it.

The serpent like entity sensed the intrusion and let out a guttural roar, its eyes locking onto the vessel. The water around it churned violently, creating powerful currents that rocked the ship.

"Hold on!" Aquaman shouted, gripping the controls tightly. Mera concentrated, using her hydrokinesis to stabilize the waters. "We're not backing down now."

Toneri's Byakugan focused on the now-visible barrier. "It's intricate, but not impenetrable.We need to find the weakest point and attack it."

Batman quickly analyzed the barrier's structure on the display screen. "There," he pointed. "That's the focal point. If we can disrupt it, we might be able to break through."

Superman clenched his fists. "Alright, team. Let's give it everything we've got."

"Go I'll be right behind you." Toneri said.

The heroes exited the vessel without Tōneri and with a tactical gear, each one ready to face the monstrous entity head-on. As they approached, the serpent reared back, preparing to strike. 

"Right There," Tōneri said, focusing on a specific point in the barrier, "I can see the weak point." He moved with impressive speed, he performed three precise hand seals, his movements fluid and deliberate. "Fuinjutsu: Masan (Sealing Technique: Negation Seal)!"

Disappearing from the ship and appearing right before the barrier with chakra coating his form, unbothered by the pressure from being that deep in the water. A wave of energy surged from Toneri's hands, striking the barrier. The barrier flickered, then shattered like glass and disrupting its connection to the energy source, revealing the monstrosity within. 

'I wasn't sure but it would seem that chakra can influence magic huh, good to know.' Toneri thought with a small smile.