
Tondo Boss Diary

Jericho was born and raised in the slums of Tondo, a gritty neighborhood in the Philippines known for its poverty and crime. Despite the odds against him, Jericho was determined to make something of himself. He worked hard and soon rose through the ranks of the local street gangs, using his cunning and charisma to gain the respect of those around him. As he gained more power and influence, Jericho saw a chance to take control of the criminal underworld of Tondo. He formed a network of loyal followers and began to expand his reach, using his street smarts and brutal tactics to eliminate anyone who stood in his way. Before long, Jericho had become the most feared man in Tondo. He ruled the streets with an iron fist and his word was law. But despite his newfound power, Jericho was still haunted by the poverty and hardship of his childhood. He knew that he could never forget where he came from, and he used his newfound wealth to help those in need in his community. However, with great power came great danger. Jericho was constantly wary of those who would betray him, and he was forced to make difficult decisions to protect himself and his empire. He surrounded himself with trusted lieutenants, but he also knew that even they could not be trusted completely. One day, Jericho's worst fears were realized. One of his closest allies betrayed him, teaming up with a rival gang to take down the Tondo Mafia once and for all. Jericho was caught off guard and was forced to flee for his life. But Jericho was not a man to be underestimated. He regrouped and mounted a counterattack, using all of his resources and cunning to reclaim his power and defeat his enemies. In the end, Jericho emerged as the undisputed ruler of Tondo, with a reputation that was feared by all. Despite his success, Jericho remained a man of contradictions. He was both a ruthless criminal and a compassionate leader, a man who had risen from the slums to rule the city, but who was still haunted by his past. In the end, he was a reminder that in the world of power, poverty, and betrayal, anything is possible.

Nad_Castillo · Action
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17 Chs

Chapter 13: The Moonlit Night  

The full moon shone brightly above, illuminating the calm waters of the sea. Daine stood on the edge of the boat, taking in the beauty of the night. She felt the cool sea breeze brush against her skin, a refreshing contrast to the heat of the day. She was wearing a simple swimsuit, her long hair cascading down her back, hiding the scars that dotted her skin from years of adventure and battles.

Daine was a woman of many talents and strengths. She had come from a well-off family, with a father who was a successful business tycoon in Spain and a mother who was skilled in traditional Chinese medicine. But despite her privileged upbringing, Daine had always been a strong-willed individual, driven by the desire for adventure and the pursuit of her own dreams.

She had taken up the study of medicine, honing her skills in both modern and traditional forms. She was a formidable medical assassin, feared by many in the underground world. But despite her tough exterior, she had a heart of gold, always putting the well-being of others before her own.

As she stood on the boat, she couldn't help but reflect on her journey thus far. The wind blowing through her hair, she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and feeling the peace of the night. Suddenly, a voice interrupted her thoughts.

"What are you thinking about?" It was Tenshi, standing behind her. He approached her, admiring her beauty in the moonlight. "You're so beautiful," he said, his voice filled with wonder.

Daine turned to face him, a small smile playing on her lips. "I was just thinking about my past," she said. "It's funny how things have turned out, isn't it?"

Tenshi nodded, understanding what she meant. "Yes, it is. But I'm grateful for everything that has brought us to where we are now."

Daine looked out at the sea, watching the moonlight dance on the waves. "Me too," she said softly. "I couldn't have asked for a better team to work with. We may have had our differences, but in the end, we all have the same goal."

"And what's that?" Tenshi asked, intrigued.

"To find the unknown benefactor and destroy the one betrayed Jericho," Daine said firmly. "We may have different reasons for doing so, but that's what unites us."

As the night sky was lit up by the full moon, Daine felt a sense of peace wash over her. She slipped off her swimsuit and dove into the water, letting the cool embrace of the sea refresh her. The darkness of the night concealed the scars on her skin that were a testament to the battles she had fought.

Underwater, Daine found herself drowning in her own memories. She thought back to her upbringing in a well-off family, where she was groomed to take over her father's business in Spain. However, Daine was a woman of strong will, and she had a thirst for adventure and a desire to follow her own path. She had studied medicine and inherited her mother's skills in traditional Chinese medicine.

As the time passed, Tenshi stood by the shore, his emotions a mystery to even himself. He simply waited for Daine to re-emerge from the water. But she could stay underwater for a long time, and as the waves crashed against the shore, Tenshi couldn't help but reflect on how his life had turned out.

As Daine stayed underwater, lost in her thoughts and memories, Tenshi stood guard on the shore, his eyes fixed on the water, waiting for her to emerge. The full moon shone down, casting a silver light on the ocean and creating a peaceful, romantic atmosphere.

However, as the waves lapped against the shore, Tenshi couldn't help but reflect on his own life and how much it had changed since he was thrown out of his clan. He stood there, expressionless, until a sudden movement caught his eye.

In the distance, he could see shadows watching them. Tenshi's hand instinctively reached for his sword, his training and instincts kicking in. He tensed, ready for anything, as the shadows slowly moved closer.

Finally, Daine re-emerged from the water, her hair wet and slicked back. Tenshi couldn't help but be struck by her beauty, even in the moonlight. He felt a stirring in his heart, a feeling he had thought long forgotten.

Just then, Daine re-emerged from the water, shaking the droplets from her hair. She looked up and saw the shadows, and her hand went to her own weapon.

"Who's there?" she called out, her voice firm and steady.

The shadows stopped and for a moment, everything was silent. Then, the sound of footsteps could be heard, and two figures stepped into the moonlight, revealing themselves to be two of their allies from the city, sent to provide them with intelligence and update them on the situation.

Daine breathed a sigh of relief and Tenshi relaxed his grip on his sword. They listened intently as the allies told them of the situation in Tondo, and what they could expect as they prepared to take on Mario and his gang.

The full moon shone down on them as they discussed their plan, their faces determined and focused. The shadows that had once intimidated them were now allies, and together, they would take on the greatest challenge of their lives.

"That was quite a long swim," Tenshi said, breaking the silence between them.

"I needed to clear my head," Daine replied, her voice calm and collected.

They stood in silence for a moment, both lost in their own thoughts. The only sound was the gentle lapping of the waves against the shore.

"Do you ever think about the past, Tenshi?" Daine asked suddenly.

Sometimes," Tenshi replied, his voice distant. "But it's better to live in the present and look towards the future."

Daine nodded, understanding the sentiment. She too had learned to leave the past behind and focus on the present.

Together, they stood by the shore, watching as the full moon cast its silver light over the water. They were two warriors, their scars a testament to their strength, and the future was theirs to shape.