
Tomorrow Dawn

The story starts from the city of Kinetan , a fantasy hierarchial city ,with two boys Tim and Kano attending their biggest cultural fest DRAGON FEAST ,following through a tragic chain of events which changes their lives forever .

trikom_0439 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


"Ladies and Gentleman ,

Welcome to the Haenkang Railway complex

The much waited DRAGON FEAST will be commenced soon ,please be seated in your respective waiting lounges, as a matter of time we will announce the details about these years DRAGON FEAST !!!

"You know its my first time "-

"yeah for me also "-

[]indistinct chattering ]

where am i ?

what happened to Tim ,Iami and others ?

Kano can sense himself lying in the floor ,he tried to open to his eyes .

"So, you came into senses? huh! you little lad!!"

Kano can see an old man is bending over him staring direct into his eyes .

"Dragon FEAST is about to begin ,you little fellow ,if I hadn't brought you with me this time you would have missed it ,Listen the situation may not be comfortable for you but you can trust me as a old grandpa "

Kano can't sense any danger from this man .He is quite calm and cool.

so Basically kano keep staring to the old man .

"call me Mr. Stack if you are uncomfortable with "grandpa", but remember be careful out there ."

"Do you know where's my friend ? I was with him before him with the incident "

"As I arrived at the situation there was no other human with you ,so sorry can't tell about him ,maybe enquiry in nearby police station will be helpful?"

"ok ,Mr stack,can you please tell me the incident briefly ?"

Kano looked at his mobile .Its almost intact but theres an little scratch in the left part .

First he have to call to Tim.If he can contact with him ,it will be really helpful .

"The mobile calling and camera services are restricetd in this area due to the commencement of DRAGON FEAST .We as a DRAGON FEAST ORGANIZING comittee ensure your safety in this area ,for lost person report to the enquiry ,if any help needed there's our staff within 100 m uniformy in the railway complex .We wish you a safe and happy DRAGON FEAST."

Kanos jaws literally dropped .Why he cant call his friend ? why even the calling and camera service is banned in this area ? 

" Don't be frustated , it's the rule for DRAGON FEAST"

"so its your first time in the DRAGON FEAST boy?"

"yes I and my friend Tim both become 16 this year"

"Your parents didn't tell you the rules ? ok,ok listen there's certain things that are not told about DRAGON FEAST ,especially to the Children ."

"First rule ,Once you enter to the DRAGON FEAST Active Zone ,you cant leave the zone until it ends ,so even if you want to go outside this station and try to call your friends its useless ,beacause currently this railway complex is under the DRAGON FEAST activity zone ."

"wh..'' Kano tried to protest.But the old man "Stack "stopped him.

"Dont excuse during my talk,I will explain you all latter briefly "

"Second,If any citizen want to relax , he/she will be will provided enough resources to take a break ,but he/she must have to stay in the acivity zone ".

"Kensan energy output of all of the human beings entered in the DRAGON FEAST activity zone will be set to 1/10th of their original ones."

"And every person who enters in the DRAGON FEAST activity zone will be monitored through kensan energy ,any serge in the kensan energy over a certain limit will be notified as a red alarm and the royal military of the KINETAN will city will take action against it ."

"usually DRAGON FEAST happens in either of the kensan arena of the five innermost circles ,but the size of these arena are not fixed ,they actually shrink or expand based on the no of person entering in it ."

"I haven;t heard about any of this arena ?does these type of arena even exist ???" - Kano asked .

"I told you before ,please dont interrupt in middle "

" These arenas are basically created by kensan energy of top class Kinnes , in real life those magically creates arenas don't have any existence but those inside the arena feels it is real ."

"Sir , coffee or tea ? " A middle aged woman with blue jeans streetwear asked Mr stack .

"Yeah one coffee please ., " ," Are you officially contracted with Haenkang railway complex ? "

"Yes ,from last 4 years it is mandatory to have a contract for sellers in the railway station ,so almost any of the sellers in the station has a valid contract ."

#Time remaining for Feast : 30 mins

"Can I see your contract ?"

The woman slightly felt discomfort , Mr stack is staring at her eyes .

" I don't have it now ,so u m.."

"Ok ok ,no problem , I was just joking , also give a cup of coffee to this little boy " .

The white dressed woman handed over the coffee to Kano .

"What's your name ,boy ? " The woman asked Kano .

"Kano *******" .

"Oh ,thanks ,Children or whatever they call ,youths at your age really adorable "

"Wasn't the woman beautiful ? " -

Mr Stack burst into laughter looking towards the red face of Kano .

" Getting complements from young ladies are such a bless ,so whatever let me continue "

#Time remaining for Feast : 25 mins

"As you can't exit once you enter the DRAGON FEAST activity zone ,specially children feel uncomfortable being caged in that with high kensan flow through the arena. Being exposed to high kensan energy flow causes serious damage to one's body .so hence children under age 16 are not officially allowed in DRAGON FEAST ."

"Also I suggest it to be atleast 18 years for the legal age to enter DRAGON FEAST " .

"Damn you Mr Old man , I was waiting for this moment and you are suggesting me to wait 2 more years ..."

"Why are you excited this much ? ,do you have any particular reason ? "

Kano hesitated for once , is it ok to tell a random stranger about the RING ? If needed I will mention about it later , let first meet with TIM .

"It's normal for our age to be excited ,like every one of my age want to attend DRAGON FEAST ."

"Do you know how people are monitored ? ,if the detector type checks a high and unregistered ,uncontrolled source of kensan pool ,they gives a red alert with a siren ."

" Ah the important thing , do you know any reapers who can break an ancient seal ? "

"Telling about breaking seals ,I don't think theres anyone in this city on par with me ,you can certainly tell me if there's some need "

#Time remaining for Feast : 20 minutes

Kano don't want to tell him about the ring as of now .He somehow has to change the conversation .

" Don't you know any other way of connecting to my friends ? "

" Theres no way ,little boy , but I can assure u will be safe if u are close to mine ."

"Ok I am going to search for my friends in this railway complex ..but please wait ,I will be right back ."


" We are almost here guys ..haenkang station is just 1.5km from this keits mark. "

"Ah it's only fifteen minutes left until the Feast ,we gotta have to hurry " - Reshya increased her speed .

"What if we can not make it in time ? Can't we enter the feast later ? "

"We definitely can ,but it will another arena ,we ,ok I am sure that we can not meet with Kano of we miss the ontime boarding ".

"We definitely can not miss this guys ,hurry up ,.. " - Iami also releasing her 100% speed .

#Time remaining until the Feast Begins : 10 minute