
Tomorrow's Legacy

Edian's story begins in a small town where he lives a normal life, until one day he hears rumors of disappearances in a nearby cave. Together with his friends, he decides to investigate and they discover something that leaves them speechless.

Elianh · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Edian walked through the forest cautiously, looking at the remains of what appeared to be ancient buildings. She wondered what would have happened there for everything to be destroyed and buried under the earth. But as she walked, she began to feel a strange presence around her. A feeling that something or someone was watching her from the shadows.

Despite the fear she felt, Edian decided to move forward. The presence was leading her somewhere, and she couldn't resist. As she went on, everything around her became more unreal. The trees seemed to have a strange energy, and the air was hard to breathe.

Suddenly, Edian came to a clearing in the forest. There, in the center, was a strange structure that appeared to be some kind of portal. Edian approached it cautiously and observed it closely. She had no idea what it was, but she had a feeling he should do something with it.

Suddenly, the presence he had been feeling grew stronger. Edian felt a strange sensation that someone or something was trying to communicate with her. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the sensation, trying to understand what was happening.

Suddenly, a voice echoed in her head. It was a soft, feminine voice speaking to her in a language Edian could not understand. But the feeling it conveyed was clear: the voice was trying to help her.

Edian opened her eyes and looked around, but saw nothing. However, the presence was still there, guiding her. She decided to follow her instinct and entered the portal.

What she found on the other side was beyond her dreams. A huge city stretched out before her, with buildings that seemed to touch the sky and technology she had never seen before. Edian was speechless, not knowing how to react.

But as she observed the city, she began to notice something strange. Despite all that this city had, there was something that did not fit. The city seemed empty and abandoned, as if it had been abandoned a long time ago.