
Tomorrow's Graveyard

In the year 2**1 humanity fell to the grounds... Citizens tried to reach the government... many didn't make it... It happened so quickly... how did God let this be.... In a blink of an eye... the world turned a blind eye... To the agony in the people... and to those who are capable... Fight with us! and together we will end all of this fuss! We will bring you a bright future with no sorrow... We are the "Tomorrow"!

Cp_Bornfighter · Fantasy
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5 Chs

#1 Tomorrow's Sunset


Have you heard?

of the Rumor?

A Squad...

who faced a country of...


It was 2**1, revolution was in the air... new innovative inventions were introduced to mankind... it may be electrical, wireless, voice commands, VR slowly dies and AR is the new big thing, Plasma Technology was was also starting to hit the market!

My father's research team was tasked to make Plasma Tech powered device, while my mother's research team was to analyze a foreign substance that was found at a crater. That leaves me with my grandparents... My parents couldn't visit me often because of their work, but I know that the deep inside they want to spend time with me.

One day, I helped grandma gardening the plants. The weather was nice, a cool breeze came from the mountains and it was very peaceful, then all of a sudden 3 helicopters came flying from "Ewid city". I was scared of the sound, I ran to grandma and hug her but grandma told me "their was nothing to be afraid of" . I raised my head smiling at grandma.

A huge explosion came from the city, all of the news stations were broadcasting it. Grandma turned off the TV while grandpa was on the phone, then I heard papa's voice saying "I'm coming home". When he arrived, I came running towards him calling out "Papa! Papa!". I was so relieved that papa was home, then I asked "Where's mama?".  He replied "She wishes to see you... but she can't". I looked at papa, I could tell that papa was holding his tears, so I gave him a big hug, and he smiled back saying "Come on let's get inside".

Papa and grandpa was having a discussion while grandma was telling me a bed time story. I doze off but kept wondering, what did papa and grandpa were talking about?... I was half asleep when I heard a scream, it sounded like grandma's voice. When I opened my eyes, papa was carrying me to the garage. He placed me in a motorcycle and started the engine. There were more screams coming from outside, I was scared. Covering my eyes, grandpa told me "Be a good girl and stay close to your father, okay... and remember, me and grandma always love you". Papa drove off leaving grandpa in the garage behind. The house was raided by "the scary looking people", I caught a glimpse of grandpa waving goodbye at us with his warm smile.

Me and papa traveled south for a long time, avoiding both the "Town of Azura" and "Sendoir City", we passed through the "Brisk Bridge" and going in the "Forest of Misupote". Papa took me in a military base where he said I'll be safe. Before we went inside papa told me to keep wearing a hoodie and jeans. He introduced me as "Luc" <Pronounced as Luck> to David. David is the boss around here, he commands other people and get easily angry. When we were at papa's quarters, he gave me a necklace and whispered "Wear this at all times, this was your mother's, so keep it safe and remember that your papa's little girl". After a few days in the base, papa told me, he would start working on a new project and leave, but he will come and visit from time to time. Papa also told me to remember, that my current known gender is male, my new name is Luc Wayne and I have to wear male clothes and keep it that way. I didn't understand what he meant, I am a girl after all, but I agreed to my father's wishes. I smiled and waved goodbye as the helicopter flew away.

Several weeks have passed since I first entered this base. I heard from the soldiers saying that the situation is getting worse and in one instance, the couple's child was the only one they rescued... What has happened to this world? It used to be fun and joyful and now it's just sad and lonely... Wait... is someone crying? I could hear a boy crying but where? I looked left and right but I couldn't spot the crying boy, is he under this table? I looked down below and saw... a boy, who had bruises all over his body, torn up clothes, and an injured knee. I asked "Why are you crying?". He didn't respond, so I went under the table and sit next to him. I offered a water bottle and said "What ever it is... It'll be alright... your safe here, with me!". "Thank you" he said with a warm smile. I told the boy "Let's play together! I'll take you to my secret hideout, I am Lucy- Luc! By the way, what's your name?". He agreed and replied "My name is John and I'm 10 years old". "Really? We are the same age!" I said. We played around the base until we found a small hole in the wall, we went through it not knowing that it led  outside.

It was getting dark, I had a lot of fun with John, playing hide and seek. It may be scary but his smile takes it all away. We sat down and watched the sun set, "You know... my mother and father are gone...and because of that I felt all alone, I don't have a family to turn to... I couldn't handle that dad and mom couldn't hug me again" he said. I replied "It's gonna be okay, if it makes you feel better, you'll be my brother so that we could be a family! and you wouldn't be alone anymore". "Okay, sure I'll be your brother and your best friend" he added.

While heading back to the hole, there was a growl. "What's that sound?" he said. I feel like we were being watched. "Was it an animal?" he asked. "I sure hope so" I said. A "scary looking person" appeared in front of us. Me and John both screamed and ran back. I ran fast as I could but noticed John was running slow because of his injury. I tried helping him by giving him a piggyback ride. We were both panicking to the point that I tripped over. I looked behind us and saw the "scary person" was close. I don't want to lose my friend... so I stood up. Grabbing a stick, I swing it side to side hoping that it would hit the person. "Run Luc!" he said. I looked at him and said "I am not gonna leave you behind". Losing my balance I tripped over beside John and we both screamed on the top of our lungs.

An axe came slashing in, "That's enough" a familiar voice said. It's David! "You kids shouldn't be out here" He said. "I am sorry" we both said, feeling terrible about ourselves. "Come on up, if I weren't your awesome guardian then your father would be sad by now" David stated. All of us head back, "I guess I'll have to train you both, so that you can defend yourselves in the future" David told us. David seems scary but he's actually very caring. "Thanks for sticking with me back there, even though you have the option to leave" John whispered. "It's no problem" I whispered back. "Next time if your in trouble, I'll make sure I'll help you" He whispered again. I chuckled, "Are you guys making fun of me?" David asked us. Me and John laughed as David carried both of us back inside.

Years have passed, papa was still busy with his work, apparently he is working on a cure to this "infection", I have witnessed that the situation outside is getting worse and worse as we speak. I heard from the other guys referring to the "infected" as "Undead" or "Zombies". Me and John were trained by David in all aspect, in martial arts, shooting, and even setting traps and alarms, so that we could fend off these so called "Undead". Papa was too busy with his work to visit and keep his promise but tomorrow papa told David he will come visit for my 15th birthday, and I am gonna tell him all the adventures I had and being part of the "Expedition Troop". Being part of that group is a big task... search and rescue, saving people has it's risk but seeing them safe as whole family warms my heart.



* Somewhere in the cafeteria *



Luc's birthday is tomorrow... what should I get him... After he gave me a round pendant for my birthday last month, I'd like to give him atleast something... He didn't mention anything he wanted... He is smart, resourceful, and puts others before him... I guess this is my last option huh... this revolver I found at the previous expedition could be my gift... does he even need this? I think he didn't have any side arm... this should be perfect for tomorrow.

"Hey what's that?" a voice coming from behind said "Can I have that?". I replied "No you can't-". He grabbed the revolver, I turned around and it was Justin. One of the squad leaders, Justin is a skilled man, he was training in the military before the apocalypse... when he arrived here, he was boastful of his skill and  gets what he wants. I am not as strong as him but I have been training my ass off so that I could stand up to him... "Hey you give it back!" I said.  Justin leered at me saying "Ohh look who have the guts to talk to a higher ranking". Without a second thought, I slide my foot, making him trip, and  dropping the revolver. Answering him back, I said "Huh your no officer of mine". He stood up and shouted "I'll finish you-". Both of our radio started calling, it's Sir David! "Calling all Expedition Troops, we have an emergency search and rescue! Get to my office immediately" Sir David announced.  I grabbed the revolver from the floor. Well I guess, there is a mission, better put this in my backpack to keep it safe.



* David's office *



"I have gathered you all here  today, because we have received a another distress call of a family who would try to cross the "Brink bridge" and we will pick them up in 2 hours" David added "You, Luc will still be the squad leader in defending the position of the truck in west entrance of the bridge, meanwhile you, Justin will still be the squad leader of  intercepting them in the bridge, this mission should be a success, you must redeem yourselves after, 4 back to back failures, all troops dismissed". Huh so my squad will still be the one guarding the trucks, I didn't realize it's already been 5 expeditons. We usually switch sqaud task every 6 expedition to keep us "Expedition Troops" well rounded. Since the last 4 missions were a failure, Justin's squad always had trouble resulting to firing their guns, so this time... I'm going to defend the truck with a sniper, it'll be easier spotting, and eliminating enemies from long distance.

This Barret M82 should do the trick!



* West entrance of the Brink Bridge *



The truck is parked outside because the bridge is full of abandoned vehicles. We didn't have to move these cars because because it serves as cover for us to be hidden from the "Zombies". I told my squad that I'll be scouting Justin's sqaud just in case they ran into some trouble, I had John guarding my position for any incoming "Zombies". Huh! I see our survivors and Justin's squad... "We have 2 female survivors, one around 35 of age and the other is around 15 of age " I reported through the radio. Okay... Justin's team are intercepting...




Why are they punching the survivors and bringing them in a van parked in the bridge...


"John! Intercept them quick!!"  I shouted. John replied "What do you mea-". "Justin's team are going rogue!" I once again shouted with a teary eyes.

"Okay I'll go and save our targets" John ran into the bridge.  "I'll support you  in a long range, make sure to bring them in a clear shot from here" I radioed John. "Okay every one" I radioed to my squad "We have rogue squad, I repeat Justin's squad gone rogue... please... I trust everyone one of you to look after the truck". "Roger that!" my team replied. I know I can trust my friends to fend off the truck... Kenneth our rifleman, Katie our medic, and Simone our swordsman...

Justin's squad won't get away with this...



* In the Brink Bridge *



Sh*t! Sh*t! I won't make it in time! I ran around the cars and the van is almost in my sight but there are these damn zombies in the way- A zombie appeared in front of me, giving me a jumpscare! A bullet was fired from a long distance, hitting the zombie. "Go! Go! Go! I'll cover you!" Luc radioed over. Huh even we grew up, Luc always seems to find a way to save me... I won't let him down...

I ran pass the cars and zombies while Luc is shooting every zombie in my way.   A shot nearly missed ME! I went down to cover and radioed over "Hey that was too close for comfort". "It wasn't me" he radioed over. If it wasn't him then who? "Do you think we won't hear those silenced shots" Sean shouted, Sean is Justin's righthand man. I heard Sean ordering the other members of Justin's squad to help defend the van against me and the zombies. Bullets were fired from different directions, I tried changing covers but they instantly found me. That leaves me in killing them one by one, but who knows what's happening inside that van... Radio turned on and said"Come in John, Co - in- leaving - position - gonna run -". What... Luc is leaving me behind... A bullet hit my arm... "Huahahaha! I'll beat the sh*t out of you for interfering with us!" Sean stated with a devilish look.



* West entrance of the bridge *



I can't get a clear shot from this location, I'll move in, better radio ahead. "Come in John! Come in!" the signal seems weak but I'll have to try. "I am leaving my position and gonna run towards you okay!" Huh... I hope that went through...


I was in a rush, I had to sprint above every vehicle to get a fast momentum... while running I can see 2 of Justin's squadmates fending off the "Zombies", I could kill them but then the "Zombies" would be rushing from the other side of the bridge, I ignored the chance of killing them. Reaching the location, I saw John pinned down to the ground. Immediately seeing John getting beat up, with full on rage I quickly aimed my scope, and with that bullet, I killed one of Justin's squadmate... "What the..." Sean looked up with anger in his eyes, he fired his sidearm. It was so quick that my reflexes didn't comprehend fast enough. The bullet hit my arm... John regained his consciousness and rapidly pulling his sidearm and ending Sean's life...


John stood up and said "Thanks, I guess I'm still not strong enough...". "You are strong, you did save me back there, and I thank you" I said. "Here! It's a birthday present from me, you might need it later" John gave me revolver. I replied "huh... thanks, but my birthday is tomorrow-". 2 shots were fired, and it came from the van. "Hey guys did you fend off the zombi- Luc! what are you doing here and why is he pointing a gun at me?" Justin asked. "Open the door!" I replied. "Sorry but I can't, Sean, Patrick, Gram, and Jeof! report!" Justin radioed over. "Sir me and Jeof are defending the east side of the bridge!" Justin's squadmates reported. "Where's Sean and Gram?... did you killed them?" Justin said in despair... he pulled out his sidearm and aimed at John... "Luc can't possibly kill my squad members because he is a responsible enough to know the feeling of losing a member, but you had a grudge againts me and my squad..." Justin said.

The sun was setting, I could feel a storm coming in, and Justin had a gun pointed at John. I pulled out my revolver and aimed at Justin. "I am sorry" I said as firing the gun. The bullet missed Justin but it gave John an opening, he grabbed  Justin's wrist and pinning him down to the ground. I opened the door and saw... 2 dead bodies naked. Jeof and Patrick came running in and saying that a horde of the "Undead" was coming. I told John to let Justin go and start heading back. Jeof hit my head with  the butt of his sidearm, and I fell unconscious...



* John *



I got Justin pinned down, then Jeof and Patrick came running saying a horde of the undead is coming. Luc ordered me to let Justin go and head back. As I remove my knee, that is pinning Justin down, Jeof hit Luc's head, making him unconscious. I tackled Jeof but Patrick hit my head with the butt of his gun, I felt a little light headed. "Your still standing? Throw their body off the bridge" Justin said. Jeof and Patrick carried Luc's body, I tried stopping them but Justin held me off, by punching me in the stomach and uppercut me in the head. Luc's body was trown in the river, then that leaves me with three people... I feel a little dizzy but I have to keep standing for Luc! Jeof tried punching me but I ended dodging every hit and I even land a punch on his head. Patrick immediately covered Joef, punching me in my forehead and making me more groggy. I fell down to the rails of the bridge, with a bleeding nose, a light head, and beat up face and body. Justin aimed and fired his pistol in the middle of my chest, he walked closer to me as Joef and Patrick shoot the incoming zombies. Justin whispered "I told you, that I will finish you". He lifted me and thrown me over the bridge.

While falling from the bridge my life flashed before my eyes... When I was 7 my aunt and uncle bought me bike, my 10th birthday with dad and mom, the last day I saw my parents... "Son! I'll be fine son, go with your mother and get to the basement... I'll follow you don't worry" Dad said while holding back the door. Mom took me to the stairs leading to the basement but I slipped and mom caught me as we fell down the stairs. I stood up and looked over... Mom hit her head at a corner of the steps... her last words were "Live... and keep smiling"

Huh... the sky looks like it's being eaten up by the stormy clouds from where I am looking...

This was an idea that come up recently and I am planning to release weekly but I might have difficulties on keeping up with the schedule because sometimes I just got inspired and sometimes I dont

Cp_Bornfightercreators' thoughts