
Tomorrow's Earth

RexxDrink · Fantasy
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7 Chs


Over the sound of small but numerous snow particles being dragged by the strong wind, there was a building abandoned by time. It was something to be impressed by its size and its extension, something that people of today's time would never dream of seeing. Inside this construction there were several worn objects and walls in ruins, a kind of open hole led to a deeper floor, in this hole was where the elevator should be found, which was no longer present due to having its wires broken. In the deepest rooms of that sinister place you could find some species of disgusting insects with several legs and a kind of lighting on their head, they surrounded the environment and fed on the remains of other beings. On that same floor, due to the extremely cold climate, it was possible to notice countless human skeletons that must have worked or lived in that room. All the equipment was inoperative, the corroded energy hoods served as food for some of those disgusting animals, with no power in the place, only the small insects to light that deep darkness. Deeper still, where the lowest floor was located, the temperature reached an impressive minus thirty-eight degrees Celsius, unlike the other rooms it was the only one that had some lighting due to the giant test tubes with a green liquid that showed phosphorescent properties. However, as in the other rooms, most of the objects were destroyed, with the exception of an inclined chamber, in which there was a skeleton lying on it and a small crack of smoke coming out of it. After a few seconds this smoke stopped coming out indicating that something had been finished, causing an unlocking sound to be issued and opening the compartment, inside it a man with frozen skin was sleeping, but it was already possible to hear the noise of his breathing and it wasn't long before he finally opened his eyes.