
Tomb Raider

At twenty years old, due to my greed, I acquired an antique I shouldn't have. Since then, to survive, I had to repeatedly venture into places that were deadly to the living. Among them were the tomb clusters in the vast Qinling Mountains, the uninhabited zones of the northwestern Gobi, the lost ruins beneath the immense deep sea, and the forbidden zones of death on the snowy plateaus...

GraveRobber_001 · Horror
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76 Chs

Heavenly Dao Alliance

The matter of the Qinling Mountains was over, and the problems with me were basically resolved. According to the original plan, I should go home, then manage the small antique shop, and along the way, finish university, living a bland life for the rest of my days.

But... times have changed!!!

After experiencing all these heart-stopping events, could I really go back?

Only those who have seen the raging storms know that such an adventurous life is like poison, more deadly than opium, and it's addictive!!! Now that I've seen so much, could I really go back and sit in a classroom with my classmates? Just thinking about it makes me feel awkward. After such an experience, my destiny has already diverged onto a completely different path from theirs, we're not meant to walk the same road, we couldn't even pee in the same pot.

Moreover... I still carry too much hatred and entanglement on my shoulders.

Mulan destroyed her thousand years of cultivation for me, could I, as a man, just let it go?

My father was killed by a ghostly entity, his bones unable to return to his homeland, and now that entity still occupies him, could I, as his son, just ignore it?

If I could really do that, maybe I wouldn't be Ge Tianzhong anymore, but a numb creature.

Whether it's Doron or the entity that set up the Ten Deadly Tombs using the Cursed Dragon Land, I definitely have to settle these accounts with them, and I vaguely feel that this incident won't just end here, it's merely a beginning.

But, determined to become stronger, where should I start? Where to go from here?

At this moment, Mulan's voice suddenly echoed in my heart: "I understand your intentions. Since you have decided to take this path of no return and fight with dignity, why not try to gather a force around you? The people who went into the Qinling Mountains with you this time are quite good, why not try to join their organization? Their organization seems to specialize in dealing with matters between the yin and yang realms. If you join, firstly, you can use their resources to deal with some issues and temper your murderous intent; secondly, with your sincere and passionate nature, you will definitely find more like-minded friends in that organization. With that, a mighty torrent will form around you, and when trouble arises, you need only to raise your arms high, and there will surely be a cloud of responders. This is the way of a true man! Moreover, the entity that cut the dragon vein and set up the Ten Deadly Tombs with the Cursed Dragon Land is definitely not easy to deal with. Since he went to great lengths to create the Ten Deadly Tombs, he must have grand schemes. Doron is just one of his pawns. If you want to deal with Doron, you will eventually have to face him. To confront such an entity, you cannot rely on your strength alone, you must have loyal friends to help you. As the saying goes, 'A fence needs three stakes, a good man needs three helpers.' Throughout history, why were those heroes able to rise in troubled times and seize the world from emperors? Isn't it because they gathered a group of brothers with loyalty? Liu Bang did it, so did Liu Bei. A man walking in the world, with loyalty by his side, can make his path smooth!"

Mulan's words struck me like a bolt from the blue, awakening me!

Yes, why couldn't I join Fatso's organization? The path is right before my eyes, how could I not think of it!!!

Moreover, according to what Uncle Li and Fatso said along the way, it seems that my father was also part of this organization. If I could join, firstly, I could learn about my father's past, and secondly, as Mulan said, since I've already decided to go against my previous life and take this path, joining that organization would be all to my benefit!

Damn, my wife is incredible, after all, she was a general in ancient times, her words are insightful. With such a wife, wouldn't I be like a tiger with wings? Well, even though I'm not a tiger, even if I'm just a sick cat, with wings, I'd still be a flying cat, and no one on the ground could catch me!

My heart swelled with joy, and I couldn't help but silently say, "Wife, you're amazing, marrying you is the blessing of my eight lifetimes!"

Maybe my words were too shameless, but then again, it's rare to see someone embrace their wife's thighs so openly. But what can I do? Can you marry such a smart and capable wife? It's fate, and there's no helping it!

After a long while, Mulan said somewhat shyly, "My fate is connected with yours, our hearts are in sync. If you have worries, it's only natural for me to share them with my husband..."

I grinned, ancient wives are great, no question about it, just two words—reliable! Man, I really am lucky. If it were nowadays, how could a guy like me marry such a wonderful woman?

At this time, Fatso might have noticed that I was silent, just grinning foolishly, and he seemed a bit annoyed. So he slapped my shoulder hard: "Hey, Little Tian, Fatso is also looking out for you, can you at least say a few words?"

I was jolted back to reality, looked up at Fatso, and after collecting my thoughts, I began to ask about their organization.

"Little Tian, you're not thinking of joining my organization, are you?"

Fatso was taken aback and asked me. Seeing me nod, he laughed, slapped me on the back so hard it hurt, but I saw he was genuinely happy, so I bore it. Fatso then told me, "Actually, even if you didn't say anything, Fatso was planning to recruit you this time. Having a brother like you to work with makes me feel at ease, nothing else!! As for whether you can join the organization, don't worry about that. You're from the Ge family and have received the true teachings of the Faqiu sect. According to the organization's rules, as soon as you join, you can immediately become the head of a province, because your Ge family is a hereditary family in the organization, irreplaceable by anyone!"

I was stunned, head of a province? A hereditary family? This sounded almost like the feudal system of emperors. So I asked Fatso what exactly this organization was and what kind of organization it was.

"Heavenly Dao Alliance!"

Fatso said with a smile: "That's the name of the organization your dad and I used to work for. How to put it? Its existence is to maintain the order of the yin and yang realms, to act on behalf of heaven, to prevent the dead from causing trouble in the living world!"

Then Fatso went into detail about the Heavenly Dao Alliance, and I finally understood what kind of organization it was.

In plain terms, it's a huge organization that deals with various supernatural events, founded during the time of Zhang Daoling, the real person of Longhu Mountain, by Zhang Daoling himself, and has been passed down to the present day. Any sect that deals with the dead is absorbed by it, such as the Taoists of Longhu Mountain, and our Faqiu, Touch Gold, Mountain Movers, Ridge Unloaders, and other tomb-robbing sects, as well as Onmyoji, Xiangxi corpse drivers...

In short, the scale of the Heavenly Dao Alliance is quite large, with institutions set up all over the country, specifically taking on tasks issued by people who encounter supernatural events, to eliminate those evil spirits that refuse to enter the cycle of reincarnation and cause trouble in the living world. Any supernatural event, the organization will handle it, just like the case of the White Powder Lady that I dealt with Zhang Jinya, and this time the case of the Ten Deadly Tombs in the Qinling Mountains, I was involved in all of them unintentionally.

Fatso said that with me included, our Ge family has been serving this organization for six or seven generations. Except for me, almost all the people in our Ge family have a murderous intent of seven levels or above, which is the level of a Taoist master. The most formidable was my grandfather, with a murderous intent of nine levels, even more powerful than a great Taoist master, cutting down drought demons like chopping vegetables, he was the number one expert of the Heavenly Dao Alliance at that time. Because our Ge family is formidable, according to the rules of the Heavenly Dao Alliance, our position in the Ge family is passed down from generation to generation, always responsible for solving supernatural events throughout Shanxi province. Of course, if there are tasks from headquarters, our Ge family must also contribute.

Fatso said that as long as I'm willing to join the Heavenly Dao Alliance, the organization will definitely still follow the old rules and hand over the entire Shanxi province to me!

Fatso opened another window for me, leaving me dazzled—so my grandfather, who always squinted his eyes and puffed on his dry tobacco pipe, was that awesome?

But then again, what exactly are Fatso, Qingyi, Rosa, and Zhang Jinya's positions in this Heavenly Dao Alliance? Suddenly, I became curious...
