
Scouting Bottles

After a few minutes of family time, we parted and she took on a serious expression as she held me by my shoulders and asked "Where did you get that expensive medicine? I refuse to believe that those bastards lent it to you. So tell me." 

When I heard that, I averted my eyes from my mom's threatening gaze and said while stuttering "I went to the forest."

When she heard the word 'Forest' her face went red with anger and when she was about to give me an earful. Fearing the inevitable, I continued my explanation in a hurry. This time with confidence as I faced her "I didn't go too far!"

"On the outskirts, I saw a heavily injured snake and I just went and removed its fangs and plucked some herbs on my way back!" 

As my explanation went on, Mom's anger subsided bit by bit but didn't disappear. On realizing this, I was about to excuse myself when I found my hand held by my mother. 

"You don't need to go anywhere, my son. We haven't stopped talking just yet." Although she was smiling, the atmosphere said otherwise.

After an hour of our 'extra special' family time, mom calmed down.

There was silence between us for a couple of moments, but mom broke it with her sigh. Eyeing the 10 liter bucket almost full of pinkish liquid, she asked "So what are we gonna do with all of this?" 

"What else? We're gonna do a makeover for the Eatery!" I announced with a grin plastered on my face. After saying so, I stood up and ran to the floor below.

The ground floor was dedicated to the Eatery. The Silver Moon Eatery. The stairs led to the kitchen. And the kitchen was twice as big as the one above. After all, it was for official use.

The kitchen had two doors, one leading to the kitchen garden for local produce, while the other one led to the main hall. The hall was mostly open with two pillars supporting the roof and three sets of tables and chairs for customers.

There was an L-shaped desk opposite to the main door, with the shorter part of the 'L' being connected to the wooden wall separating the kitchen and the hall.

I walked around the place, looking for something. As the Eatery wasn't opened for months, everything had at least a millimeter thick dust blanketing them.

Near the window, there were two identical trolleys. On paper, the trolleys were to serve dishes to the table, but actually they were just for decoration with a couple potted basil plants on them. They were a meter high and had two small drawers below the surface for storing cutlery and other stuff.

I approached the trolleys and put my hands on the handles of each and tried moving them.

—Khinch —Tinch

They made some noise because of the dust that had settled into their wheels.

Some grease and they will be good to go. I mused.

Soon enough, I heard the sound of Mom's footsteps coming from the stairs. I turned around and approached her.

Approaching her, I asked "Mom, can I get some money?"

For a second, she looked startled due to the sudden question. But then she put on a gentle expression.

"For what?" She asked.

Now it was my turn to be startled. But then I told her that I was planning to sell that bucket full of pinkish potion that relieved her from the fever.

"So? How much do you need?" She asked after careful consideration.

"Um… 50 Bronze Vels sounds nice." I don't have any plans to take more than that. 

"Anything for you, my Son." She said, smiling sweetly, and made her way back up, followed by me.

As it was evening time, the adventurers, traders, travellers and all sorts of merchants flooded the streets.

Before leaving home, I had my clothes changed so that I wouldn't look like a beggar in the streets. Currently, I have a cloth pouch hanging on my waist containing 50 Bronze Vels.

Vels in this world is just another term for coins, in respect of the name of the world, Velaris.

Currency in this world is pretty simple. There are Bronze Vels, then Silver Vels, then Gold Vels and lastly Platinum Vels. With bronze being the smallest unit and Platinum being the biggest. 

Where Gold Vels and Platinum Vels are further divided into two parts, Small and large. With conversion being as follows:

100 Bronze Vels = 1 Silver Vel

100 Silver Vels = 1 Small Gold Vel

100 Small Gold Vels = 1 Large Gold Vel

100 Large Gold Vels = 1 Small Platinum Vel

100 Small Platinum Vels = 1 Large Platinum Vel

With a smile, I went forward into the bustling streets where adventurers were exchanging Anchor Shards and other beast materials for money. Which they would probably spend on booze.

I took a walk around the market, taking in the sights of stalls and shops selling Anchor Shards, various potions, meat, Armaments, etc. 

From all the novels I had read during my 'stay' on earth, I understood one thing: "Always rely on yourself."

Since it was already late in the evening and the sun had started to set. My only choice was to scout possible locations to put up my stall tomorrow since almost all the places were already booked.

After taking a mental note of three places around square, I nodded to myself and turned around to another district. 

The darkening sky also gave me an indication of the time I have. For dinner, although there wouldn't be much to eat, I was eagerly looking forward to it.

On my way around the district, I did some maths. 

10 liters of potion… and one bottle being 100 milliliters… That would make a 100 Bottles of mid-grade healing potion. I calculated with my chin resting on my fingers. 

Although I could make a decent profit even after negating the cost of the bottles, the problem was, how could I, a dirt poor kid, get my hands on a few empty potion-preservation bottles. Let alone a few hundred.

"Haaa…" I sighed and sprinted into the market section where the wares made by artisans were sold, I soon found the one that sold potion bottles and approached seeing that the man was alone and was packing stuff up.

Seeing the pottery wheel at the back of the stall, I assumed that the man was also the manufacturer of the wares, which included bottles and pots of all shapes and sizes.



"Sir, what is the price of a minor preservation bottle?" While sorting through the boxes filled with utensils branded with magic circles, the man glanced at the source of the voice. 

The man was in his mid-20s, he had black hair and brown eyes with a short beard. He wore a basic cloth tunic and leather shorts. Although looks-wise he could be considered average, his eyes on the other hand, exuded great experience.

When he found the source of the voice, he raised an eyebrow. The source was a kid who seemed to be around 14-15.

"Depends on why yer askin'?" Hearing this, I smiled victoriously. 

"Can I buy them? I want a few hundred of the ones branded with minor preservation magic for potion storage." This time the man's other eyebrow also flew up. I purposely lied about the number of bottles I wanted to get some discount if possible.

"Though you can buy them, how are you gonna pay? You see, I don't run a charity."

"With the money of course. How much is it?" I said, touching the pouch on my waist.

"4 Bronze Vels for one, 40 Bronze Vels for 12. How many do you want?" The black haired artisan asked.

"I only have enough for 12 bottles. Can I get a discount?" 

"Oy kid, take it or leave it. I don't have time for your banter." He dismissed by waving a hand to shoo me off. 

He was truly curious as to what the kid will do, as to the matter of selling the bottles… well as long as someone managed to pay up the appropriate price for his wares he doesn't give a rat's arse as to whom bought his wares.

Seeing him go back to pack up, I knew that negotiation wasn't a thing in this situation.

"Okay then. I'll have 12 bottles, please." I said.

"That's more like it. That'll be 40 Bronze Vels." He said as he fetched a crate to put the glass bottles in.

"Also, Can I have a First Circle preservation seal? That for potions too." I asked.

A preservation seal, as the name implied, was something that kept things from deteriorating. Although it won't be a hundred percent efficient, the potion seal would prevent the healing potion from losing its potency too much.


"Sure." He said and put down a small wooden crate filled with 12 glass vials, each with a cork. Then he brought out a white colored slip and put it inside the crate.

"Thank you, sir!" But as I got only one Seal, I could only use that for about a day.

As for how I know all that? Well, go say thanks to the previous owner of this body.

After roaming for a couple of minutes, I decided to go back home.

Home… Sounds nice when someone is waiting for you there.

With my thoughts paused there, I entered the Eatery, The Silvermoon Eatery.