
Told By The Frightened

Sparks fly when an illegitimate daughter of a duke is being sacrificed to become the wife of a devilish rogue who happens to be Prince Alexander, the future king of the kingdom. The plan was to kill him while fast asleep, but, to her utter dismay, he managed to capture her heart wide-awake. Lillian is put in an adventure of loss and love, where she will learn the secrets of her new family’s fractured past. A story of resilience, deception, and forbidden passion that forces Lillian to confront the truths and lies which took place in her heart. But will discovering long-buried secrets heal the rift between Lillian and her new husband, or will the past haunt their present and future forever, and make them always strangers to one another? Will the fire of passion they share between the sheets fan into flames of love?

AliceMyra · History
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2 Chs

chapter 2

"Once upon a time there was an empress, trapped as a ghost in the ruins of a jewelled palace, cursed to find another soul to take her place. At least, that's what the empress heard. But, as it turned out, stories can have any ending you like."

― Kirsty Logan, The Rental Heart and Other Fairytales

In another place, within the walls of the palace, the king was sitting on his huge bed, and around him were many concubines, for his bed was large enough to fit nine people together. His hand was around a glass of red wine, which he began to mix with honey with his index finger. His long blond hair was gathered in the form of a ponytail at the lower part of his head, and he was trying to look as though he were thinking excessively on what Lord James had just said about his younger brother, Prince Alexander, instead of what he was truly thinking of, which were ladies, of course. He would have been having so much fun, right now, with the ladies he spent the night with, if it were not for the duke and his friends who chose to cut his fun earlier this morning than ever before. He was trying not to appear upset because it was not in his nature to leave girls without fun.

"King Oliver, Prince Alexander is rather mature and old now, don't you think his marriage is inevitable?" Asked the duke of Merrylands King Oliver.

"You know, I heard that, your highness, you are not on good terms with your younger half-brother. If you present this matter to your brother, he may soften his heart for you, which leaves the matter of his sudden death easier— and people won't have any suspicions that it was you who killed him. Since the prince cannot be killed with force, we will try a new tactic and kill him with kindness!" Exclaimed Lord James, not waiting for the king's answer for the earlier question asked by the duke of Merrylands.

The lord's malicious words caught the attention of King Oliver, as well as the other officials. The king stopped mixing the wine and honey carefully, and sat upright on his majestic bed. He always wanted to kill his younger brother, but all his attempts were utter failures because his younger brother was a monster who kills mercilessly, and could never be defeated.

Lord James smiled cunningly at their reaction, raised his gaze a little, and said proudly, placing his right hand on his chest and the other behind his back. "Let me tell you my humble idea, and I also hope that the Duke of Ambershire will agree with what I have to say."

Waiting for the Duke's approval, the lord stood silent for a while, as he looked at the Duke of Ambershire, who looked at him back with arrogance, then nodded his head. At that, Lord James turned his head back again to the younger king, and started explaining his idea with a devilish grin.

"I have heard that the Duke of Ambershire has an illegitimate daughter from a maid..." He stopped talking when he heard the duke's loud gasp, heaving angrily, before starting yelling, "James, do you dare say that in front of me eh..."

"That's enough Marcus ! It's a well-known fact and it won't change anything; for everyone already knows that you have an illegitimate daughter! Let's just listen to what Lord Goldman has to say quietly." Duke Daniel interrupted him with a strange smile on his handsome face. Silencing himself with a difficulty, Duke of Ambershire pressed his hand hard until it turned white as King Oliver looked at them calmly then with a nod ordered Lord James to complete his speech

Pleased with himself, lord Goldman escaped from him a small laugh before he smiled as he repeated his words and looked at Ambershire with laughing eyes. "Ahem, as you know, the Duke of Amberahire has an illegitimate daughter, so I thought of making good use of her. I once went to the Duke's palace and she seemed to be so attached to her mother that I was thinking..."

"That Lillian Ambershire, the illegitimate daughter of the Duke of Ambershire, marries the second Prince of the country, Alexandre Mountbatten, is that what you're trying to say, Goldman?" Duke Mathias interrupted with a calm smile as he looked at the Lord who smiled in return. The Lord nodded softly at the duke, before returning to address the king," It will be a fine plan, my lord the king, I am sure of that."

The king looked at him silently before saying inquiringly, "I don't understand what you ministers are getting at. I'm a king, not a codebreaker, anyway, explain." The king said his last word with an order and earnestness. It was difficult for him to understand what they were saying, because he was a little foolish.

"I can't believe I serve such a foolish king, however, that won't last long." Indignant at the king's stupidity, Thought lord Goldman to himself before returning to reality as he looked at the king and laughed dryly, and calmly said, "We will force Miss Lillian to marry Prince Alexander, and then, on the night of their wedding, she will kill him and get rid of him."

"And what if she does not submit to us?" Puzzled, the king inquired.

The king's question made all the ministers want to beat him for his stupidity. Lord James Goldman sighed and between his clenched teeth said, "My lord, I mentioned earlier that she is very attached to her mother...We can threaten her."

The king jumped out from his bed and said with joy as he came out from under his many fur blankets. "I know, I know, I understood from the beginning but I was testing your wits. Anyway I agree to this plan as it will inform us of all that Alexander is doing, before putting an end to his life."

"But, my lord، Lillian is not...." The Duke started to speak nervously, trying to make the king reject this idea, but the King stopped and looked at him seriously, saying coldly," Do you object to my ideas, Ambershire?"

The king's words planted a lot of hatred in the heart of Lord James, for it was his idea, but that king attributed it to himself.

"No, no, sir, but she is but a foolish wee lass who does not dare to do what you imply." The duke said softly as though speaking to a child and not to a king as he bowed his head down.

King Oliver looked at him in astonishment then said to him:

"I never knew you cared for that girl!"

The Duke sighed in annoyance before surrendering to the king as he cursed Lord Goldman and his ideas which destroyed his plans on making Lillian get married into a prestigious family to profit from her and make a lot of money as he initially planned.

"No, my lord, if this is your decision, then I submit to it from its start to its end."

The king smiled before saying, "That's what I expected." Then, he looked at one of the guards and told him to tell Prince Alexander that the king is asking for him.

The guard bowed respectfully and got out.