
Tokyo revengers: Gangsta's Dream

In the heart of a crime-ridden city, Kayne, a ruthless thug feared for his violence and cruelty, falls prey to a cunning conspiracy orchestrated by his adversaries. Betrayed and mercilessly slain during a mission for his boss, he finds himself engulfed in an infinite void. Yet, instead of fading into obscurity, Kayne awakens in the body of Takemichi Hanagaki, the protagonist of his beloved manga, Tokyo Revengers. Bewildered by this unexpected twist of fate, he swiftly comprehends that he has been granted an extraordinary chance to alter his own destiny and that of those he cherished in his previous existence. Resolutely set on avoiding the errors of his past, Kayne decides to harness his knowledge of the manga to ascend to the pinnacle of strength. But will his unwavering determination be sufficient to conquer the formidable obstacles that await him?

Ghost_flame07 · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

The Secrets of the Street: A Fragile Balance

Chizu moved stealthily through the dark alleys of the city, her senses on high alert. The meeting with her informant was crucial. Since the threat of that group of men and Takemichi's daring action, it was vital to know the Xelno's status. Especially since it was only a matter of time before war broke out between the Meibukai and the Xelno, and once they learned that Takemichi was the one who set their base on fire, they would surely be furious.

The buildings around her cast threatening shadows under the streetlights, and the air was thick with the smell of rain and damp concrete. After about ten minutes of walking, she finally reached a small café out of sight, half-hidden by neon signs and faded banners. Inside, the atmosphere was smoky, and the clientele was varied, consisting of people trying to go unnoticed. Chizu spotted her contact, sitting at an isolated table in a dark corner.

The informant, a stocky man with graying hair, was known as Tatsu. His simple clothes and features marked by years concealed his past as a feared mercenary. However, his piercing eyes betrayed his sharp mind and keen survival instincts.

"Chizu," he murmured, barely looking up as she sat across from him. "I wondered if you would come."

"I'm here, Tatsu," she replied calmly. "What can you tell me about the Xelno?"

Tatsu leaned on the table, his fingers tapping nervously on the wooden surface. "The Xelno are furious," he began, lowering his voice to avoid attracting attention. "They're searching the city from top to bottom. Hideaki is ready to do anything to get his hands on a certain individual."

It was expected that the Xelno would never let this pass. Chizu had just confirmed that Takemichi was truly in a complicated situation, and it wouldn't end with a simple fight.

"And regarding the information you asked me about the group of guys who attacked you," Tatsu continued calmly. "I dug a bit and found out that these guys weren't part of the Xelno or even the Moebius."

"What!" Chizu exclaimed in shock. "If they weren't part of those gangs, why did they attack us..." A flood of questions bombarded Tatsu, who remained completely untroubled.

"As I told you last time, these days they seem very busy," Tatsu continued. "They're chaining attacks on small groups in the area, who have no choice but to be annexed. As a result, they have acquired considerable strength in recent months, both in the number of territories controlled and economically. In Moebius, the number of divisions capable of facing the Xelno is continuously decreasing."

Chizu couldn't believe what she was hearing. What had the Meibukai done to have such a powerful enemy? Could they even fight these bastards? And to top it off, Takemichi had just provoked these guys. The more Tatsu provided information, the darker Chizu's expression became.

"And as for the guys who attacked you, they were just employed by the Xelno," Tatsu concluded.

Chizu was now plagued by a headache. After hearing this, anyone with a bit of common sense would stay away from these guys. But on the other hand, abandoning them would mean giving up on their lives and families. Most of the guys in the Meibukai considered it not just a gang but a family. How could she ask these people to abandon everything? And would the boss be willing to do something like that, having raised the Meibukai and considering each member as family?

"How the hell did these bastards become so powerful!?" she thought out loud.

"How?" sighed Tatsu. "Let me tell you a story... The Xelno, whom you now know as a feared gang in all of Tokyo, were once a disparate group of aimless criminals. Their history dates back to the same period when another famous group was also raging, the Toman."

"The Toman!?" Chizu said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes... do you know them?" Tatsu asked, continuing his story. "I don't know the whole story, but the foundation of the Xelno coincides with the arrival of Hideaki Takeda, a man who would change their fate forever."

"I have a vague idea," she said, waving her hand. "Someone told me about them... but anyway, continue."

"Alright," Tatsu said, taking a sip of water. "Hideaki, nicknamed 'White Wolf' for his nearly white hair and fierce temperament, grew up on the street. He quickly learned to survive in this ruthless environment, earning a reputation as a fearless fighter. At only sixteen, he joined a small group of thugs, quickly climbing the ranks to become their leader after just a few months, and brought many changes, including a new name, thus creating the Xelno."

Chizu was focused on her interlocutor's words. From a distance, thanks to her serious expression, one could already guess they were talking about something very important. Tatsu continued his story while enjoying the dish the young waitress had just brought him.

"From the beginning, Hideaki imposed iron discipline on his men. His natural charisma and ability to inspire loyalty made him an undisputed leader. He knew that to survive in their brutal world, more than brute strength was needed. He devised a strategy to come under the protection of the Moebius, and through his moves, by controlling the lucrative districts of the city, attacking illicit businesses, and extending their influence through corruption and intimidation, it was easy to see that he sought to climb the ranks and control Moebius entirely.

In any case, the Xelno quickly became famous for their uncompromising violence. They did not hesitate to use terror to establish their domination. Rivals who dared to challenge their authority were automatically eliminated, often in a spectacular manner to serve as an example. In just a few years, the Xelno, who had joined the gang as the twelfth division of the Moebius, would be nicknamed the 'fangs of the Moebius' and become one of the wildest and most feared divisions of the gang and Tokyo."

Tatsu simultaneously finished his dish and his story. "I decided to tell you this just to make you understand who you're dealing with."

After that, Chizu stood up, thanked him, and left first.


[Meanwhile, at Misaki's place]

Hours passed, each second ticking by with growing tension for both the Meibukai and the Xelno. Tokyo, once a bustling metropolis, was gradually turning into a hunting ground. The Xelno, furious and determined, were searching every corner, every dark alley, every possible hiding place to find the one who had dared to challenge them, killing any enemy who could not provide proof it wasn't them.

Meanwhile, Takemichi remained cautious. He knew his attack would provoke a violent response, and he prepared to face it. He had found refuge in the apartment where Misaki lived, away from the Meibukai headquarters. It was modest, quite secure, and sufficiently out of sight to go unnoticed.

Misaki often observed him, intrigued by his calm despite the brewing storm. As evening fell, while they shared a simple meal, she broke the silence.

"You seem surprisingly calm," she said, setting down her chopsticks. "You know the Xelno won't give up easily."

Takemichi shrugged, a slight smile appearing on his lips. "I know," he replied. "But I'm determined to make them pay."

Misaki sighed, visibly worried. After that, they talked about everything and nothing until Misaki's phone vibrated. It was a message from Chizu, saying she had obtained the information and they should meet as soon as possible.

have fun, happy Sunday

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