
Masked Woman.

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| As Shinichiro and the rest of the black dragon gang were all busy planning and preparing for any upcoming ambushes or tricks from the anonymous masked gang, Wakasa was isolated from the rest of the members. He already knows what his plans were and what he's going to do and don't do, but Benkie keeps on asking to at least listens to the actual plan that their leader is planning.

"At least know the plan that Shinichiro is thinking of and try to cooperate with us here." Benkie said to his friend who was not really interested on what he was saying, and Benkie can tell that he wasn't paying much attention. Benkie walked away and went to his leader. "Where's Wakasa?" Takeomi asked. Using Benkie's thumb, he pointed towards his white haired friend. "Being all stubborn and moody back there, hating the world I guess."

Benkie said. Takeomi sighed and threw his cigarette on the ground. "I'll go talk to him-" Before he could walk towards their friend, their leader stopped Takeomi which the two looked at their short friend. "Let me talk to him." Shinichiro said and proceeded to approach the white haired male. As Shinichiro approaches his friend, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous, he really doesn't know why he felt this way but he could let it win. Shinichiro took a deep breath, "Wakasa." He called out. Wakasa looked over his shoulder with a raised brow. "Let's talk."

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| Wakasa looked at Shinichiro as he waited for him to talk, he really wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone but he was curious as to what Shinichiro wanted to say. So he waited for him to speak. "I know we really aren't in good terms right now, but I want this plan to be successful in the end." Shinichiro said. Wakasa looks at him and nods. "You don't really need to worry about me, I know what to do." Wakasa reassured his black haired friend. Shinichiro nods and walks away.

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| "I'll be off now. Senju might be waiting for me back home." Takeomi said. "Alright. We will continue the plan another time." Takeomi nodded and walk out of Shinichiro's shop. "Shin, I have to go too. Have some personal business to attend to." Shinichiro nods and let Benkie walk away. As they all left, Shinichiro was left alone in his shop, without anything to do he decided to close the shop. Once he closed it he walked out of the back door and locked it. While he was locking the door a wave of pain hit his head, Shinichiro collapsed to the ground unconscious. A masked woman was standing behind him holding a metal pole.

"One done." The mysterious woman said. She let's go of the metal pole she was holding and tried dragging Shinichiro's body. As she struggles with Shinichiro's body, she saw a shadow behind her, it looked as if the person was in the air. 'nice try.' She dodged the attack and saw Wakasa was trying to high kick her. "Sneaky, But not that sneaky." She laughed and ran away. Wakasa didn't care if that person got away, his only number one priority right now is Shinichiro. He went to his friend and carried him, he then started running to the nearest hospital.

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| Wakasa was waiting patiently outside for the doctor to gave him any updates on his friend. Once the door opened the doctor came walking out. "Your friend is fine now. It's a good thing that you brought him here on time, or otherwise he might have lost a lot of blood from his head." Wakasa let out a sigh of relief knowing his friend was now fine. He thanked the doctor and walked inside the room to see his friend. There he saw Shinichiro laying down unconscious in the hospital bed.

The door soon opened and came walking in are Takeomi and Benkie.. and Yuri? Yuri seemed so worried. "Oh my.. my poor Shiny.." Yuri said and immediately came to his side and caressed his cheeks. Wakasa was confused and looked at Benkie. "Did you tell her what happened?" Wakasa asked, although, Benkie shakes his head. Takeomi also did the same and shook his head to indicate that he didn't even go near that woman. Wakasa looked at Yuri crying all over Shinichiro's sleeping body. He stares at her, he felt uneasy, he could feel that something wasn't right here.

Eventually, Yuri had to go so she said her goodbyes to the three and walked out the room. Wakasa trailing behind her. As he approached the girl he called out for her. "Yuri. Wait." He said. Yuri stops and looks at him with a raised brow. "Yeah?" Wakasa walked closer to her and stared down on her. He really doesn't feel at ease with her.

"How did you find out about this?" He asked. Yuri gave him a confused look. "Why would you ask that? Of course I asked his family where he was." Yuri said. "I would love to stay here and talk more but I have some work to do." Yuri said and walked off. And Wakasa just stared at the girl that walked out of the hospital entrance. His suspension grew bigger when she gave her answer. He knows that it was a lie. They never even informed the Sano family about Shinichiro's state yet so what she answered was a lie.