
Tokyo : I Collect Debt in a weird way

[The beautiful wife next door has owed you a friendship debt, please urge her to complete the payment as soon as possible] [Payment method:] [Money: 1,000,000 yuan] [Food: a year's love lunch] [Friendship: a warm hug] Because Jun Hoshino, a beautiful boy who was too handsome and therefore isolated from his neighbor's friends, successfully met the neighbor's wife alone at sunset. Hoshino Jun: "Please, madam!" -------------------- Everything is owned by Original Author # Translation

Daddy6 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter : 1 Please collect the transfer of friendship

In the early days of April, Tokyo faced scorching heat as the afternoon sun lingered over the university. At 2:30 PM, Hoshino Jun, accompanied by Takasaki Yusuke and Takayanagi, left the classroom as the bell echoed.

"Tokyo's too hot this year, even for April," Yusuke remarked.

Jun nodded in agreement, adding, "It's scorching. But compared to Nagasaki and Hiroshima decades ago, we can't complain much."

As the trio walked, Jun gazed at the blazing sun and mused, "People today complain about the heat, but it's nothing compared to the silence in Nagasaki and Hiroshima at 6,000 degrees."

"The island countries are still too hot," he continued, "That seems hypocritical given their history."

The conversation flowed as they navigated the early summer heat in Tokyo.

It's been nearly three years since I arrived here. Despite the kindness of my aunt, life hasn't changed much from the past.

Both my parents are gone, and I lack a car or a house. On the flip side, I'm incredibly handsome, attracting love letters effortlessly. However, this beauty comes with a cost – the envy of my male peers, like Takasaki Yusuke and Takayanagi Cheng.

Contrary to appearances, Jun and I aren't friends. Our current collaboration stems from a shared obligation to attend a lecture at the teacher's office.

As Jun observed them, a mysterious panel appeared:

[Name : YusukeTakasaki]

[Strength : 5]

[Intelligence : 5]

[Charm : 7]

[Friendship : Indebt , judged unable to repay, debt transfer to girlfriend named Kato Nan.]

[Tip : Please collect this person's friendship debt as soon as possible. After the collection is successful, you will be rewarded.]

The friendship system emerged after Yusuke and Cheng framed Jun for theft the previous day.

  As long as Hoshino Jun opts not to address their wrongdoings, they'll accumulate a friendship debt if the system deems them unable to repay.

The debt may randomly shift to those close to them. Jun's task is to claim the system's reward after successfully collecting these friendship debts.

"Hey, Hoshino, make sure you say the right things when we meet Mr. Hamasaki," Takayanagi warned, his tone carrying a veiled threat.

Although Takayanagi and Jun are neighbors and were once good friends, everything changed two years ago when a girl Takayanagi pursued sent a love letter to Jun. Despite Jun's clear rejection and indifference, Takayanagi harbors a lasting grudge.

Yesterday, Takayanagi joined forces with Yusuke Takasaki to falsely accuse the financially struggling Jun Hoshino of theft.

Fortunately, a witness reported the incident, revealing that they had seen Takayanagi and Takasaki placing money into Jun's bag. This exposure prevented the money theft scandal from escalating.

"I understand. Since I promised to forgive you, I'll keep my word," Jun declared as he observed the panel in front of Takayanagi.

In his thoughts, Jun added, "Hope the system compensates me for this injustice. Otherwise, Takayanagi and Takasaki Yusuke will discover that Jun Hoshino can be quite stingy."

  [Name: Takayanagi Gao Liucheng]

  [Physical Strength: 6]

  [Intelligence: 4]

  [Charm: 7]   

  [Occupation: Student]

  [Friendship: I am in debt and have been judged to be unable to repay, and the debt has been automatically transferred to my mother "Takayanagi Yuki". ]

  [Tip: Please collect this person's friendship debt as soon as possible. After the collection is successful, you will be rewarded. ]

Hoshino Jun is curious about the rewards the system, which kept him in Tokyo for two and a half years, will provide. Money would be his preferred reward.

As Jun contemplates the potential benefits, he considers the looming task of collecting friendship debts from both Takayanagi and Takasaki Yusuke.


Since life at home feels tight for Hoshino Jun, and he's determined to secure money to ease the burden on his aunt.

One minute later, Jun arrived at the teacher's office on the third floor. After a polite knock, he entered upon hearing, "Please come in."

Inside, over a dozen teachers sat, all in uniform white shirts, their receding hairlines synchronizing with age. One exception stood out.

The afternoon sun beamed through unrolled curtains, casting light on a workstation at the innermost part. A woman, seemingly in her early twenties, sat there.

Respectfully bowing, Jun greeted, "Teacher Hamasaki!"

Hamasaki Sueyu, 1.70 meters tall, with flowing black hair, donned gold-rimmed glasses. Her flawless, slender legs were covered in sheer flesh-colored stockings beneath a professional skirt. Despite her regal appearance, she maintained a cold demeanor.

"Hoshino-kun, have you considered the situation? Takayanagi and Takasaki framed you deliberately this time. The teacher hopes you'll make the right judgment," Hamasaki Sueyu's voice mirrored her appearance – cold and regal.

As her gaze fell on Takayanagi and Takasaki Yusuke, the two lowered their heads like remorseful quails.

"We were just joking among friends with Chunjun, right, Chunjun?" Gao Liucheng interjected with a crazy wink.

Hamasaki Sueyu frowned, her long legs swaying as she scolded, "Did I give you permission to speak now?" Takayanagi apologized, "I'm sorry, teacher, I got carried away."

Lowering his head, Gao Liucheng seemed to pin his hopes on Hoshino Jun, realizing he had little room for further remarks.

Hoshino Jun met expectations, nodding after a brief pause. "Teacher, yes, Cheng-kun and I are neighbors, and Takasaki-kun has been my classmate for three consecutive years. I want to believe that they are just joking with me."

Hamasaki Sueyu, her eyebrows still furrowed, looked at Hoshino Jun with a hint of sadness, concerned for this kind young man.

"Hoshino-kun, you must understand that being too kind makes you susceptible to bullying by assholes," she remarked, clearly scolding Takayanagi and Takasaki Yusuke.

The two offenders lowered their heads further, not daring to argue and prioritizing their studies.

"Teacher, please don't worry. I'm not a fool who lets others bully me. This time, it's because I choose to believe," Jun reassured.

"Okay, this is your decision. You make the decision yourself," sighed Hamasaki Sueyu, quietly expressing her hope for Jun to be stronger. Although she wished for that, she respected Jun's decision.

"Hoshino-kun, please go back first. You two, Takasaki and Takayanagi, stay here and write a two-thousand-word self-reflection before leaving," commanded Hamasaki Sueyu, met with the frustrated protests of Yusuke Takasaki and Gao Liucheng.

As evening fell and the sun dipped behind the western mountains, Hoshino Jun received a text from Takayanagi Gao Liucheng.

"Hoshino, don't think that I will forgive you for what you did today," the message read.

Jun found Gao Liucheng's stance self-righteous. He never sought forgiveness from him.

"Dong dong dong!"

Hoshino Jun knocked on Takayanagi's door later that evening. A plump, beautiful woman answered, her long brown hair tied in a braid, hanging over a heavy conscience.

"It's Hoshino Jun. It's been a while since you visited. Come in!" she warmly invited.
