
14. Teacher and Student quality time

'Why is he here? And with a little girl… She is strange too… Not a ghoul but not human… Is this one of the kids from this sordid place called the Sunlit Garden.', Yoshimura thought calmly as he showed the CCG Reaper and the pink-haired girl instantly he connected the duo to the rumor that started a few months ago.

Yet he stayed calm and didn't show any external change, there was no reason to panic. He was with his life and age past this innate reaction, even if he truly understood how dangerous the man was.

"What would the Little Miss want?", he asked Kaede who looked down at the menu for a long second, going over the coffee with a frown she directly chose a simple hot chocolate.

"And for you Mister?", he asked again and Arima decided on a black coffee to the unhidden disgust of Kaede. Walking back to the counter the old ghoul spoke to his employee, a male ghoul with a pompadour named Enji Koma. 

"Ah yes it will be done swiftly.", he responded nervously eyes switching from his boss to the two customers, Yoshimura smiled and gently put a hand on his shoulder in encouragement before walking away.

'Very nervous now are we? Not like we are going to do anything...', Kaede thought, very much amused with the ghoul at the bar, there was eye contact and she smiled waving at him excitedly seemingly calming him down.

Then she took her phone, one she bought herself from money she permanently borrowed from her targets/prey/toys after she killed them. 

Phone of which she fiddled with an app that gave the position of people with a phone nearby, something she coded herself, she wasn't much as interested in technology as in biology but learning 'basic' programming was easy, particularly when you start young and are gifted and also had the bonus of memories from ones past life. 

Her plan before everything else was to become a world-renowned scientist expert in multiple domains, informatic being one of them. She will simply forget the official part of it all as clearly the chance to get any Ph.D was dead.

Back to the app, it was a still-in-progress but very useful tool, the fact nobody per her knowledge had thought of it before surprised her but again here people have different priorities, and technology was at some point underestimated. 

The world here was just as insane as the one when she was a human male but not the same kind of insane. Social media weren't as popular and people needed to be constantly vigilant be it ghouls or humans. As the third party of course she was going to take advantage of this.

It collected data from the internet, social media, and musics, last time connected all of these kinds of things put hidden in those hundred pages paragraphs people clicked yes without a second thought. Evidently, it wasn't very legal, not that she even bothered to learn the laws in deep detail.

And with that, she could very roughly deduce with another algorithm which was more likely a human or which more likely was a ghoul. 

Ghouls, even 'good' ones needed human flesh, also why a lot of such 'good' ghouls often passed through areas with high suicide rates, it was with this kind of data she could have an idea about the species of people. 

Of course, one without phones or rich ones that could buy human meat from a distance was excessive if impossible to know without backgrounds check or her being close. But nothing was perfect, it was still in its infancy, limited by her resource, time, and get other more important projects such as getting stronger.

"You seem to greatly enjoy playing with your device.",  Arima criticized with a barely hidden glare, it hardly earned a reaction from the girl if a careless shrug and half-lidded gaze of annoyance.

"Yes and? Are you going to increase the intensity of my training again and was searching for an excuse again?", she uttered with boredom, being as insufferable as she possibly could, this time earning a visible reaction from the half-human in the form of a deep crease of his brows.

'I won… But at what price? Heh, who cares it's a problem for future me.' she thought knowing in a few days she would curse herself but she will still do it again. Very childish but not like really cared as fundamentally she still was one, mental age depended on your physical age too.

Enji arrived in front of the duo, a saucer with a hot drink in each, he was internally shocked by how 'normal' they were talking to one another. 

"Here is your command dear customer, may you have a nice drink.", he gave their order to the two, then bowed slightly before walking away, a bit more briskly than usual, heart racing in his heart almost bursting out.

The man's behavior didn't go unnoticed by Arima who narrowed his eyes, at first he thought this was a unique case with the girl and that he scared her for X or Y reasons but now…

"Please. I don't want blood in my hot chocolates and they are children and innocence.", after a seep of her chocolate Kaede stopped any bloodshed from happening, but her words basically confirmed the half-human guess that it was an establishment of a ghoul. 

He knew she could tell if someone was a human ghoul or any in between, he didn't know how she did it, likely with her strange 'psychic' ability, anyway, the fact she said this surprised him and…

'Children and innocent?', he internally scoffed amused by her statement, the only kills she did were in self-defense or a surprise attack on a ghoul but he was certain she wouldn't hesitate to end humans' lives, innocent or not. If she realized how far gone she was that he wasn't sure. 

She was like him in many aspects, a born monster in every facet of the words. And he was only making her better at what she was inherently best at. But the current world couldn't continue to stay like this.

In another room of the same building, Tuoka was sitting on a chair hands trembling while Yoshimura prepared her a cup of coffee, the special ingredient being a cube of sugar composed of ground humans' bones.

"Is this man who I think he is?", she asked terrified by who she just saw, the fact Yoshimura appeared outwardly calm didn't really help. 

"Yes, Touka… He is but he doesn't know we are what we are, it's not the first dove you had to deal with either, he is no different. It's normal to react this way. You can rest and here take this, it would help you relax.", Yoshimura said slightly opening his eyes, his ever-present kakugan and gentle smile making her breathe deeply as she tried to calm herself down from her short meeting with the equivalent of the Grim Reaper.

Hello. Sorry for the lack of an update. Here is a more slice-of-life chapter.

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