
Tokyo Ghoul: Reborn

When a Guy gets The choice to reincarnate into any world as anything, Why does he choose Tokyo ghoul, especially as one of the most hated things in it?

Aufruhr · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

The Chiyoda Lab Raid: Part III


It had been exactly 30 minutes since the raid began. it took us 10 to clear the entire building, and 20 to load up all the supplies we needed. we filled the trucks up, anything that wasn't bolted down was loaded into the trucks. I made sure that at least 10 investigators survived, and let the scientist leave unharmed. That being said. 10 out of 78 is probably being a little too merciful, but it will do and should get our point across.

I had to stop Rize from killing Kureo Mado, he apparently was here and since I don't want love inte- I mean, Akira to hate me, I just let her knock him out. I'll make sure to use his phone to call an ambulance for the CCG members who are injured when we leave. I am going to drive around after this on my bike while Rize and Ayato make sure that the shipment gets back to the Castle.

after the trucks were finished being filled, we shut the back to them, and they took off. we had about 10 of them. and only three of them were going back to the base. the rest were decoys.

I watched as the trucks left, as I heard a door open from behind me. turning I see two faces. one was not one I knew, but he was indefinitely a special investigator. the other was one I did not think would be here, and to be honest caused me to let out some surprise on my face, even if it was minuscule It was Akira! what is this place, a Mado magnet?! the two stopped in front of me. and they glared at me.

"Special Investigator Washuu, this is him, this... is Vasto Lord!" Akira said. surprising me. so this is a Washuu? he doesn't look like any of the ones in the show... maybe he died before the series began? "Good job Mado, go and find your father, while I handle this." he said, as Akira nodded. I decided this was the time to speak up. "Ahh, a Washuu, I made sure to kill as many Investigators as possible, if not how else will your family get fed?" I said as the Washuu's eyes widened.

"Again with this non-sense?! your trickery does not reach me!" Akira said, believing I was trying to trick her with the "Washuu's are ghouls" thing. "Oh, really Mado? Do you truly not trust me? im heartbroken. But what I say is true. if you do not believe me, then go dig up the graves of all the CCG who have died over the years. find their graves empty and barren" I said, much to their chagrin.

Washuu was starting to get angry, I could tell that he was about to blow his cap. "What, is little Washuu mad? dont worry, in a few years you won't need to worry, because I will have annihilated your entire incestuous cancerous family from the face of this earth. " I Say, as he finally burst "Dont you dare insult my family you filth!" he said, as he activates his Quinque and jumps forward. Perfect. Quickly I kick him into the wall, and activate my Kagune, trying to ram him through. quickly he parries it, and tries to stab me. I dodge to the left and jump over him, trying to Qui-gon him, but just as I stab forward with my Rinkaku he rolls out of the way.

"Truly you are worth your title as Special Investigator. it is too sad you aren't going all out. it'd be even more fun that way" I say, as he simply glares at me. suddenly he sprints towards me, trying to cut my head off, but I duck in time, and kick him in the gut, before grabbing his feet with my Rinkaku and hoist him into the air. " Here is your last chance, either use your Kagune or die!" I say as he spits in my face. deciding to take initiative I start to slam him onto the ground the sound of his bones shattering against the concrete fills the air.

getting bored I slam him into the concrete wall that surrounds the property, he slumps to the ground, half beaten. aww, did I break him? Now that won't do. walking to one of the dead investigators whose bodies line the area, I grab one and Rip off the arms off one, this one right here has enough meat on it. quickly I walk over to the battered Washuu and Pick him up by the hair. oh no, he looks like he's about to die! I can't have that. Taking the arm, I shove it down his throat hand first. dropping him, he seems to spring to life, with his Kakugan showing. coughing he looks up at me, angered.

"you...bastard!" he roars out, but I could honestly care less. Looking to my left I see Akira staring at the two of us in the distance, caring a limping Kureo. quickly I grab the Washuu by the Hair, causing him to Squeal, he's not healing fast enough, So I pull with all my might, and his head pops off like a lego. his body hits the ground as I look back at Mado. " I will let you live." I say, as I active my Rinkaku and use it to propel myself over the wall.

on the other side, my bike is in an alleyway, Quickly I get on it and put the keys in. Revving it, I put the Washuu's head in a bag as I drive off. it doesn't take long for me to reach my destination on the bike, since unlike my car I can dodge in and out of traffic, and I dont have to worry about hitting anyone, since hitting a person on a bike is hard to do.

as I pull up the CCG Headquarters, I pull the Emergency brake, causing me to drift a little as I look at the front door of the building. Most of the Investigators in the area had noticed me and took out their Quinque's, but I didn't worry about them. I did, however, look at who was coming out the door, Tsuneyoshi Washuu, Followed by Yoshitoki Washuu and Kishou Arima. they stepped out and stared at me.

"You are Either a fool to come here, or you are turning yourself in Which is it?" Tsuneyoshi said as I looked at the rape-y bastard. Silently I opened the bag and stuck my hand in and pulled out the head, displaying it to him. "He is the first, and soon, I will show all of Japan what you truly are, you elitist, Incestuous Rapist swine!" I said, As I threw the head towards him and quickly drove back off. An investigator with a Halberd Quinque tried to stop me, but I used my Rinkaku to propel myself into the air and onto the road, and drove off into the sunset, unmatched.


"F-Father is that...?" Yoshitoki asked, as he looked at the head of his younger Brother, Isshin. "Yes... it is. That bastard... I want him found!" Tsuneyoshi said, angered. He was mad, his youngest son, Isshin Washuu, his favorite who brought A smile to his face every day. Not only had Vasto Lord taken his daughter, whom he wanted to breed and kept her hidden from him, but he he had taken his greatest Joy, Isshin from him. He will have Vasto Lord Head, No matter what It takes.

I wanted to make the fight a little better, but Opted to this, since in my mind, Isshin is about the same age as Amon, and is about as strong as he is when he fights Kaneki for the last time at the end of the original manga. Anyways we will be going on for about 3-4 chapters of just prep for the Biggest battle, a four-chapter one, The Second Raid of Cochlea. next chapter, David goes to the Hospital, where Akira and her father have been Hospitalized! He also forges his Quinque!

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