
Tokyo ghoul: One Eyed Prince

Reincarnation, no cheat, no system ........... Yorimitsu has a chance to live a second life which should be a good thing...an ass! Reborn in Tokyo Gould which 90% of characters are lunatics is as tired as hell, especially when he is a son of the one-eyed king in the 24th ward. By the way, should he consider running away from home? Because his old man will become a dragon and destroy the 24th ward soon.

Wana_Wongsatain · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

9. The 6th ward.

The story about a ghoul using quinque was quickly reported back to CCG headquarters.

The CCG did not really pay attention to this because Yorimitsu was just a new-face ghoul and had no history of any 'glorious deed' before. Especially now with One-Eyed Owl making wind and wave everywhere.

Although fending off four investigators at the same time seems to be remarkable, those investigators were just second and third-class investigators. Most of the A-class ghouls could do the same thing as Yorimitsu did.

As for being a weapon user...it would be some outliner ghoul once in a while, Yorimitsu wasn't the first ghoul who tried to use quinque. Most of these kinds of ghouls were suppressed at last. At most just listed him as a potential S-class.

However, there were also people who paid attention to this rookie ghoul. That person was Marude Itsuki who had confronted Yorimitsu before. Although he did not sure whether this was the same ghoul he encountered in the 24th ward or not but the fact that Yorimitsu did not kill the investigators tipped his nerves.

At last, he brings this matter to his senior, Special-class Iba Fujishige, at Iba's farewell party. This senior investigator lose his arm after fighting with Kuzen and retired not long after coming out from the hospital.

The farewell party of a senior of this level was surely held grandly with hundreds of participants. But Iba felt that that kind of party was too big, so he held another private party with his friends and teammates such as Kuroiwa, Shinohara, Mado, and other special-class investigators. Somehow, this lineup seems more luxurious than a formal one.

"What? A new ghoul?" Iba said in a strange tone after hearing about Yorimitsu. "Why do you talking to me about this topic? I'm already retired, what to deal with this guy is your business"

"Yes, Senior Iba was already retired and this is a party, why don't we bring this up after this," Shinohara said, wanting to let Marude enjoy the party. "And it's just how should we name it. Why do we have to be serious about this, maybe another three months and it will be killed."

"This ghoul isn't a normal ghoul." Marude protested before hesitantly speaking. "I don't have any evidence but I have a hunch that I have seen this ghoul before, in the 24th ward. Mado did you remember? The one that uses quinque."

"You mean that guy!" Mado reacted violently. The 24th ward was one of his worst nightmares and Yorimitsu was a ghoul in a strong category so he could remember Yorimitsu without a doubt.

"From the 24th ward?" Hearing this, Iwa and the others began to frown. They were top investigators of CCG so they knew that One-Eyed Owl also came out from that ward, which made them have to take this matter seriously. "Tell me clearly about the incident."

Mado and Marude told Iwa about the time when they fight Yorimitsu. The one-armed senior pondered after they finish talking before saying in a serious tone. "I see. This ghoul might be a really big problem."

"Eh? Why, Senior Iba? Aren't there also cases of ghouls that used a weapon before? why this time is different?" An investigator asked.

"for the ghoul in those cases, their skills combined with kagune were at most evenly to a second or first-class investigator so we can treat them as a normal A-class or S-class ghoul. But this guy is different, he can fight an entire squad by himself, with only quinque."

Iwa continued speaking. "Just his skill is equal to that of a Quasi-Special class, and that's two years ago. His skills might be at the level of some special class by now. Even if this ghoul cannot use his kagune but he's still very dangerous. Let's put it this way, do you think a Special-class investigator with the same physique as a ghoul is scary or not?"

Everybody fell into silence. They knew the answer, a human with a ghoul's hardware. Wasn't that Arima?! Although no one knew that Arima was half-human they could see his strong physique, and if that ghoul possessed even only half of Arima's strength, he would definitely become the next CCG's big problem.

"Damn, how could this be. First is One-Eyed Owl, and then this ghoul, why are there such strong ghouls popping out one after another." Marude gritted his teeth. He just wanted to discuss Yorimitsu but did not think that he will be this much of a threat.

"Yes, it's surely a big problem," Iba said leisurely, feeling a little fortunate that he retired early.

"..." Marude twitched his lips when he saw his senior's expression. "Then what should we name this ghoul? Using Asura as that guy said?"

"Ridiculous! How can we do as the ghoul said?" Iba refused without any hesitation. "Moreover, a name for ghoul is just a means to identify them. We don't have to give them a good name. Keep those cool nicknames for us. Such as Shonohara the unyielding."

"What? People called me unyielding?" Shinohara looked incredulous. "How come I don't know before?"

"Wait, is this true? I mean, how we named the ghoul."

"Of course." The old investigator nodded. "Or else, how come no ghoul with a name of a legendary creature or a god?"

"..." At that moment, Marude felt that the majestic posture did not look so tall as before. "What name should we use for this ghoul?"

"He said that he doesn't want to be called Helmet, isn't he?" Iba waved his hand. "Then just use this name."

On that day, an A-class ghoul name Helmet was born.


Yorimitsu still did not know that he was given a lame name by CCG, and even though he knew he could do nothing, it's not like he could storm into CCG and change his name by himself. Moreover, he still working on the final draft of his novel which drained most of his energy, and he had no power to do a nonsense thing like change his name.

After a week of hardworking, the final draft of Full Metal Alchemist was finished and given to Shiono. This time, the young editor's attitude changed 180 degrees compared to the first time they met. He attentively read the entire book and praised Yorimitsu that he was a genius.

"Can my novel get published?" Yorimitsu did not pay attention to this guy's licking but asked directly.

"Sure, your work has a very high quality and interesting plot, it will become a masterpiece after you fixed some parts of the language."

"So…another rewriting?" The boy's mouth twitched.

Shiono seemed to understood his thought. He patted Yorimitsu's shoulder and encouraged him.

"It might be okay if this is an online novel, but publishing books is a work at another level that the reader expects for the best both the story and the language, so tried your best. After the start, it will become much easier."

"I hope so." Yorimitsu sighed.

"Come to think of it, you said that you came out from junior CCG academy, so now you aren't attending the school, are you?" Shiono asked. "Do you plan to be a professional writer without further studying?"

"No, I will. This's just my source of income." He shook his head. "I planned to go to school next year."

"Do you need my help?" Shiono spoke generously. "I can drop by with some food and clean your house from time to time."

"Nah, tanks. I prefer not to let anyone come to my personal space." He politely rejected it, although he was sure that he won't leave any clue that could expose his identity in the apartment but he didn't want to make the same mistake as Eto did.

He talked to his editor for half hour about how should he improve his book's language and say goodbye to each other.

"It feels like I'm in the manga name Bakuman instead of Tokyo Ghoul" He stretched his body before heading back to his home

Due to his work, Yorimitsu almost did not step out of his room in the next three days. Made a final version, send it to Shiono, and received the first payment for his book. This wasn't all the money he could

get. The money would increase according to the book's sales.

"Ah ha ha ha, my money, my first batch of money." Yorimitsu drooled while looking at the money stack in his hand. Thinking about what should he buy.

As a ghoul, he could make a fortune by looting his food and doves, but he determined to create his human identity. It would be troublesome if someone question him about the untraceable money. So at least he shouldn't use that money as 'Yorimitsu'.

He decided to take a break after his first work and develop his ghoul identity. That night, he went out through the window and traveled to the 6th ward again.

As everyone knew, long ago, ghouls in Tokyo dug up giant underground passageways to secretly traveled from one ward to another, and some ghouls even used it as a hideout. Which included the 6th ward.

Yorimitsu also knew this well so he did not wander around like last time but went down through the drainage and went through underground instead. Although he spent some time because this was the first time he had been in this area, he could use his sense of smell and hearing to find the hideout of Matasaka's group.

"Oh, it's pretty spacious down here," Yorimitsu said after he saw the giant cylindrical hole with countless passageways connected with a huge pillar in the middle of it. It looked like a tower that was built underground.

There were many ghouls gathered here, and when Yorimitsu saw them they also saw Yorimitsu. The ghouls always had high alertness so they immediately realized that there was a stranger. Especially when the stranger carried quinque with him.

"He has quinque. An investigator? But the dove won't dress like this."

"I...I remember that outfit. This guy is a new A-class ghoul that CCG gave a wanted not long ago, Helmet!"

"That's right, I heard that he take down a group of doves like nothing. He's very dangerous!"

Hearing the conversations of 6th ward ghouls, The boy twitched his lips when he heard his nickname.

"That damn CCG, I said that I don't want this title. How could they..."

Although he was a little upset about his unsatisfactory name, it also give him an identity and the weight of his speech. So when he demanded to see Kamishiro Matasaka, no ghouls jumped out to fight with him.

Another reason should be characteristic of Matasaka which upholds the honor of martial art users and did not fond of meaningless fights. This should make the ghoul under him become less "aggressive". Unlike Clown or Aogiri which were full of warmongers.

"Why do you want to meet our boss?" One of the ghouls asked, looking at his suitcase cautiously.

"I just wanted to fight him. Or is it too sudden?" Yorimitsu asked politely. There was no need for violence since the other party was willing to communicate.

"I don't think he will reject, but Shachi-san isn't here right now. Normally he would find a quiet place to practice alone in his free time. And we did not know when he will come here." The ghoul explained.

"Well, that's a pity..." Yorimitsu paused, feeling the strong presence from above and quickly evading the attack. In the next moment, the burly figure descended from the sky, or the ceiling in this case, and smashed the ground where Yorimitsu was standing to pieces with his stomp.

"Ah, isn't he here?" Yorimitsu smile after he saw that the attacker was a burly man with long black hair and a mustache, just by looking at his aura and attitude, Yorimitsu knew that he was the leader here. "Did you listen from the start and wait for the grand opening scene?"

"Nonsense, I won't do something like that," Matasaka said. "What is your purpose in fighting with me, kid?"

"I prefer you to call me by title." He shook his head but explained truthfully. "As you can see, I take a liking to human martial arts. And I heard that you are the best in this aspect so I wanted to try it out. If I lose. I will study from you but if I win, well..."

Yorimitsu smiled through his eyeshield

"Take over this ward sounds pretty good."

"Foolish!" Matasaka yelled before looking at the suitcase in Yorimitsu hand with some interest. He could recognize the boy as a ghoul who took the path of martial art himself which make him a little interested in this guy. He revealed his kakugan and said. "Let me see did you qualified to say those words, whether it is to become my disciple, or take over this ward!"


Ah sorry for disappearing for a long time. I will publish at least once a week after this.