
Tokyo Ghoul: Kaneki The Villain

Leon had travelled to 'Tokyo Ghoul' world with his system called 'Darkening System'. Which give him target to turn the target into Darken or evil and when Leon progress on mission system gave him rewards points. which he can spent on shops where he can buy anything but is limited to that world. Now when he is sent to 'Tokyo Ghoul' world his target is 'Ken Kaneki' the protagonist of this world he will have to complete his mission to leave this world and go to another world. Now, let's see together how he will complete his mission of turning 'Ken Kankei' into Darken or Evil. ------------- patreon.com/Kazuma_trash ------------ Discord Link :- https://discord. gg/qxvX7Tvpqp (without space) ------------

Kazuma_trash · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Kaneki's Angry at Leon


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Kaneki:-"You knew she was a ghoul, why didn't you tell me!"


Leon:-" Kaneki ~ Kaneki ~ Actually, after many years of thinking and analysis, I think, as an ordinary person, it is impossible for you to live in this world with ghouls."

-"If I didn't remind you, you wouldn't have lived to this day, but the problem is, you can't always rely on me, right? Don't I need to rest? I'm scared all day, worrying that you will be eaten by ghouls, do you know how tired I am?"

-"So, for your own good, and for my own good, I thought it through. Instead of worrying about which day you will be eaten by ghouls, why don't you directly become one of them? Then you will have the ability to protect yourself, don't you? Then you change from prey to predator, don't you?"

-"How about it? Isn't my idea perfect? Now I feel much more relaxed! You must be thinking the same thing, right? "

Kaneki angrily shouted: "Fuck your perfection! Go f*cking away! So many people died, why don't I see you die?! "

Leon: "Kaneki-san ~ this, you can't blame me? I didn't give you a chance. I have hinted to you more than once, but you were fascinated by your Miss Rize. What else can I do? If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for being careless."

Leon's words made Kaneki recall the previous things. Recalling Leon's reminders to him again and again.

He was very angry, but there was no way to refute. The only thing he could do was to make a ferocious roar.

His fists, legs, or punched the wall, or kicked the stove, trying to vent the anger that was about to overflow in his heart. In an instant, there were various noises in Kaneki's home.

The sound of glass breaking.

The mad roar of a male.

The sound of hitting, collision, and so on.

The nearby neighbors were scared, they didn't dare to make a sound ask what happened, and quickly locked all the entrances of the house, for fear of causing trouble.

Kaneki didn't stop destroying the items in the house. Only when the kitchen was almost completely destroyed by him did he let out a beast-like roar: "Ugh ~ ~ ~! You're a demon! You're a demon! I shouldn't have trusted you! I shouldn't have trusted you!"

Leon: "Little Kaneki ~ Little Kaneki, if you say that, I'll be very sad! To others, I might be a demon, but how can I be demon for you? I've always been helping you!"

Kaneki roared again: "F*ck your help! Your so-called help is to turn me into …! "

Roaring until here, Kaneki seemed to realize something. He did not say it, but said in his mind:- "You want to turn me into a ghoul?! How am I supposed to live in the future?!"

-"You want me to eat human?! Let me tell you, don't even think about it! Even if I die, I won't eat human!"

Leon: "So what? If you don't eat human's, you can eat ghouls? You can eat kagune? "

Kaneki, who was gasping for breath, was stunned.

Becoming a ghoul, the most unacceptable thing for him was actually the problem of 'eating'. Otherwise, if he could make his physical fitness stronger and get abilities, it was estimated that not many people in the world would refuse.

Kaneki: "Eat kagune?"

Leon: "Yes, eat kagune. The reason why ghouls need to eat human. It's because they want to steal RC cells from humans. If you simply eat RC cells, it may not taste good, but at least you can continue to survive, right?"

Hearing that there was another solution.

Kaneki's mood gradually calmed down.

After calming down a little, Kaneki said again: "What kind of existence are you? Why can you collude with people from the outside world to harm me?"

Leon:- "No, no, no … Little Kaneki, you have a misunderstanding? How can I collude with people from the outside world to harm you? The reason why you are in this situation, I just played the role of 'not stopping'."

-"From the moment you fell in love with Miss Rize, you are destined to have such a fate like today. I think the result of this fate may be a good choice for the two of us."

-"So I chose not to stop it. Isn't it good now? After you became a ghoul, you became stronger. Isn't your safety more guaranteed now? In this way, I can live with more peace of mind."

Kaneki frowned: "What do you mean?"

Leon:- "Hey, your IQ hasn't come back yet? Do you want me to say it so clearly? To put it simply, you've been used as a test subject by someone. And I, I just know that someone is carrying out this experiment, and someone is silently paying attention to everything around Miss Rize."

-"I know that they have already put you on the list of experimental subjects, but I didn't stop it. So many days have passed since the operation, haven't you noticed the abnormality in the incident?"

-"When did you just only have a thigh injury, but in the end, you were transplanted with a ghoul's organ. Why at the most critical moment, there was a steel bar that fell down and hit Miss Rize."

-"Why did it take so long, it was obvious that the degree of damage suffered at the scene of the incident, it was obvious that only ghouls had the ability to cause it, but no Investigator came to you to understand or learn of the situation at the time?"

-"Obviously, all of this, isn't it obvious that someone is manipulating behind the scenes and suppressing the matter? Otherwise, how can no one come to interrogate you and monitor you, when you just had a transplanted from a ghoul's organ? "

Kaneki took a deep breath.

The anger in his heart slowly rose again.

Kaneki said gloomily: "Do you know who framed me?"

Leon: "Of course! The person who can do the above points is undoubtedly the people in CCG. Moreover, one must have a certain status to be able to completely suppress the entire matter."

Kaneki: "Tell me who it is!"

[Darkening progress: __]

[31% ...]

[32% ...]

[33% ...]

Leon: "Yo! Little Kaneki, I feel very excited when i see that you have such a boiling killing intent! but just … forget it. Now you are not the opponent of that person at all. For you, for my life, I can't tell you the identity of the other party. I don't want you to lose your mind and die in vain. "

Kaneki: "Humph! Anyway, the doctor must be one of the culprits who made me become like this. If I kill him, he is not innocent, right? "

Leon: "It is true. But … there are also people guarding the doctor from around. Before you have not completely mastered the use of kagune, I advise you to dispel the impulse of revenge."

Kaneki resisted the anger in his heart.

He was silent for a long time.

Finally, he only said a sentence: "What should I do to become stronger?"


Thank you for reading this story.


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