

Tomioka: I woke up in my bed looking at the phone and I saw that it was around 5 in the morning, I got up and then sat on the bed and then massaging my head thinking about what happened yesterday even though I had killed a man or should I say a ghoul, I didn't feel any regret and I didn't even seem to be upset thinking about all that it seems that the memories of the previous tomioka are strongly influencing me and also my way of thinking and also my personality I've been up to these days, it's useless to think about these things.

Then I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to wash my face and also my teeth for the time being I won't go back to school I thought because I have to think about my goals now and for the future, I have to think about it maybe I should join the GCC academy even if I don't trust the GCC it could be an opportunity to become stronger and gain more knowledge about ghouls and also the GCC.

I need to find out how to join the GCC and if I have to do the academy I will see if I can find out these days, I'm still not sure about joining the GCC though, I'll see how things develop in the future, I'm going to do my morning physical training now, I'm going to eat something first.

After a few hours of training, I take a shower then when I'm done I change and leave my flat without forgetting to take my sword I decide to take only one for the moment because I still don't know how to use two swords and I will leave the shusui and hide it behind the cupboard.

Now I go out to eat something because I'm very hungry.

And this will be the routine for the whole year which means training and also going back to school so as not to arouse suspicion and also looking for information about the ghouls and the GCC and this is what I was thinking about while I was walking along the streets of Tokyo from what I understand I am in the twentieth district.

While I was walking I finally found a restaurant and I went towards the restaurant and I went inside the restaurant and then I sat down at a table and then I called the waitress and I asked and asked if she could give me the menu and then she gave it to me and I read it and there were many dishes and I ordered a steak, then after a while I arrived and I started to eat it and I must say that it was very good.

The next day.

Tomioka: I woke up as usual and today I'm going back to school, what a nuisance, I put on a school uniform and then I went to the school, and when I arrived I heard that a lot of girls were looking at me and saying, look how handsome he is, and I went on without being influenced by what they said.

And that was my routine for a year and sometimes I met some ghouls who tried to kill me but they didn't succeed because I was stronger than them.

Like the time I met a ghoul who used a kagune, it was a kind of tail that came out of his back.

Ghoul: but who do we have here a kid who looks really tasty!

Tomioka: but why do I always meet degenerates I asked myself, andi idiot I said who is it that you want to eat I looked at his face mocking him with an emotionless face?

Ghoul: what who would be an asshole how dare you useless human and I ventured against that arrogant human kid who wasn't afraid of me and I wanted to tear him to pieces then he saw that the kid in front of him had a bag and he put it on the ground and took something inside it then he saw what he had in his hand and I started to laugh, it was really a katana what do you want to do with that then he pulled it out I don't know why but it gave me a strange feeling that sword then I heard the kid.

Tomioka: who said that this sword is normal then I drew my sword and I threw myself at him and then he defended himself with his red tail I parried my slash and then we started to fight with more ferocity blow after blow but the one at a disadvantage was the ghoul who was full of wounds.

Ghoul: aaahh how can you be so strong and fast even though you're not a simple ghoul, in the ghoul's thoughts how can a simple human reduce me like this, it's not that he's a detective but he doesn't have a briefcase just a simple bag and a beautiful strange katana that can hurt me then I was interrupted from my thoughts by the boy.

Tomioka: your time is coming ghoul I got tired of playing with you, I got into position for a kata I took a strong breath and jumped and said cutting the water surface.

Ghoul: after hearing his words I got angry and said you'll never succeed, but then I saw that he put himself in a strange position and then I saw him jump in my position and then I observed his sword better and it had something strange I saw that a trail of water was appearing then I was interrupted by his sword that was coming towards me with a smirk I stopped it but all at once I saw that the world was turning and that I realised that he had cut off both my tail and my head these were my last thoughts before seeing everything black.

Tomioka: he really thought he could parry my kata what a fool, I cleaned my sword and left.