
Tokyo Ghoul: Dark Comes

The Remastered Version. It's about a ghoul child who wanders the World(Tokyo) in the hunt for food and what is encountered as he roams. As he goes forward with life he meets a bunch, of people with problems that he ends up solving. Schedule = Tuesday

Auther_Uchiha · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 40: I Didn't Spiral Into Madness

{A/N: Hi guys I'm taking grammar classes and now I'm back with a vengeance don't worry I've had my Assistant work on this weeks chapter so It'll be the same but with slowly but surely increased grammar.}


Entry from Dust's Diary:

Year: 2006

Dear Diary,

Today was a day that changed everything. I met Shira, a young man who would become my closest friend and confidant. It was a chance encounter that shattered the solitude of my existence and opened a new chapter in my life.

As I roamed the city streets, burdened by the weight of being a man-eating ghoul, I caught sight of Shira from a distance. His presence was captivating, a silent strength emanating from him. But what struck me the most was the realization that he, too, shared the same fate as me.

At that moment, the fear and loneliness that had consumed me for so long began to dissipate. I approached Shira cautiously, unsure of how he would respond to my presence. But to my surprise, he greeted me with a kind smile, a flicker of understanding in his eyes.

It was then that I noticed the confusion in his expression. Shira had mistaken me for a girl, and I couldn't help but find it amusing. In a world where we were both outcasts, this small misjudgment became an unexpected icebreaker, a moment of lightheartedness amidst the darkness.

With a chuckle, I corrected Shira's assumption, and we shared a laugh that echoed through the desolate streets. It was a moment of connection, a shared understanding of the challenges we faced as male ghouls in a world that rejected us.

From that point on, our bond grew stronger with each passing day. Shira's friendship became an anchor in my life, a source of comfort and strength. We navigated the dangers of the CCG's relentless pursuit together, relying on each other's instincts and unwavering support.

In Shira, I found a companion who accepted me for who I truly was, unburdened by societal expectations or the labels imposed upon us. We shared a mutual understanding that extended beyond words, a silent pact to stand by each other's side no matter what.

As I reflect on that fateful encounter, I am grateful for the innocence and serendipity that accompanied our meeting. It broke down the barriers that separate us as individuals and reminded me of the power of genuine connection.

Shira's initial misconception served as a reminder that appearances can be deceiving and that true understanding comes from looking beyond the surface. At that moment, we set aside the preconceived notions and prejudices that plagued our existence, forging a bond that would withstand the trials yet to come.

Together, we faced the challenges of our shared reality, seeking solace and camaraderie in one another's presence. Shira's presence in my life has forever changed the course of my journey, teaching me the value of friendship, compassion, and resilience.

As I continue to pen these entries in my diary, I will forever cherish the memory of that first meeting with Shira. It serves as a testament to the transformative power of human connection, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, a flicker of light can ignite a flame of hope.

Until next time, dear diary.

Yours faithfully, Dust


Entry from Dust's Diary:

Year: 2008

Dear Diary,

It feels like a lifetime has passed since I first met Shira. We were both young, lost souls in a world that despised us for what we were. Born as man-eating ghouls, we were marked as monsters, hunted by the relentless CCG. But in each other, we found solace, a flickering light in the darkness.

I remember the day we crossed paths, our lives forever intertwined. Shira, with her expressive eyes and gentle spirit, captured my heart from the moment I saw her. It was as if fate had orchestrated our meeting, bringing two kindred souls together in this cruel and unforgiving world.

From that day forward, we became each other's sanctuary. In a world that feared and hated us, we found acceptance and understanding in one another. We communicated through unspoken words, a silent language of trust and companionship. Shira's presence, her unwavering loyalty, spoke volumes to me, even without the use of her voice.

Together, we faced countless dangers and hardships. The CCG's relentless pursuit cast a constant shadow over our lives, but we remained resilient. Shira's strength and determination inspired me to keep going and never lose hope in the face of adversity.

Through our friendship, I discovered the true power of humanity and goodness. Despite the darkness within us, we were capable of love, compassion, and selflessness. We helped each other navigate the complexities of our existence, finding moments of joy amidst the chaos.

But as I write this, a heaviness settles upon my heart. The world around us is changing, growing more hostile by the day. The CCG's grip tightens, their hunt for ghouls becoming more relentless. It is a constant reminder of the fragility of our existence, of the danger that lurks in every corner.

Yet, I refuse to let despair consume me. I hold on to the belief that there is goodness in this world and that compassion and understanding can prevail even in the face of adversity. Shira and I stand as a testament to that truth, a beacon of hope for others who may feel lost and alone.

In this diary, I will continue to document our journey, our trials, and our triumphs. It serves as a testament to our resilience, a testament to the power of friendship and the indomitable spirit of humanity.

With each passing day, I am grateful for Shira's presence in my life. Together, we will navigate the stormy seas, holding on to the belief that in our shared experiences, we can find the strength to endure and, perhaps, create a brighter future for ourselves and others like us.

Until next time, dear diary.

Yours faithfully, Dust


{A/N: Did you all like the new format I made? Also, you can wonder who Dust is but I mentioned his name in the first five chapters, which means that he is mentioned somewhere in chapters 1-5 as a character.}

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