
Tokyo Ghoul: Dark Comes

The Remastered Version. It's about a ghoul child who wanders the World(Tokyo) in the hunt for food and what is encountered as he roams. As he goes forward with life he meets a bunch, of people with problems that he ends up solving. Schedule = Tuesday

Auther_Uchiha · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 35: Ice & Fire

"Frey, come in!"

In the meeting room, after agreeing to include Frey, the old man yelled at the door, and everyone looked at the door, their faces full of expectation.

Sherry also pulled Shira to find a place to sit down and stopped talking with a smile on her face, and Shira squatted quietly on the chair, looking around curiously, with clean eyes. There was a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

After teaching all night last night, the only thing Shira understood was his new name. He didn't understand a lot of the rest of Hongluan's words, but fortunately, there was still a little improvement. Now he has been able to understand some simple sentences.

Of course, the whole night of getting along has also let Shira let go of his previous high level of alertness and no longer resists being with the same kind, which is why he has kept quiet after entering the conference room.

If you change to the previous version, I am afraid that you will not hesitate to start a fight directly, or you will not enter here at all!

Therefore, meeting a good teacher is a very important thing in everyone's life! Although Sherry is not a good teacher, at least she is kind by nature. She can patiently guide Shira so that Shira will no longer lead the beast-like life before!

And language is the first step, and being able to communicate normally with the same kind is the first step to getting rid of the beast! Sherry was undoubtedly doing very well on this point. In just one night, Shira was already willing to come into contact with the same kind.


Slight footsteps came from the door, and a very figure wrapped in a black robe appeared, cold! Everyone's first feeling when they see him is cold, like ice that has not melted for thousands of years, exuding a cold breath all the time.

"Frey, he was once a member of the Scarlet Group. The last time the wild lion raided the Scarlet Group, Frey did not participate in the battle but chose to leave the Scarlet Group. Now, he is willing to join us. Join us against the Mad Lion Hagi!"

The old man always had a kind smile on his face, introducing the origin of Frey in detail.

"The Scarlet Group guys don't have any good or loyal members! Old man, are you sure it's a good thing for him to join us?"

Frey's identity is a bit sensitive. You must know that the Scarlet Group is famous for its cruelty and viciousness in the 11th district. Frey was once a Scarlet member, and this has to worry those who return.

"No, you are misunderstood. Although Frey used to be a Scarlet member, he has not done anything vicious. He is just to fight his brother Freya who joined the wild lion!"

Seeing that everyone's faces were a little bad, the old man hurriedly explained the reason why Frey had joined the blood.

"Brother? He turned out to be the younger brother of Ghost Fire. Old man, someone needs to tell you a possible truth that maybe he was sent by Ghost Fire to undercover, so you foolishly asked him to join us?"

Hearing the other identity of the Frey, everyone was immediately surprised, their mouths were open, and they directly expressed their thoughts, not afraid of causing Frey's dissatisfaction.

"Huh! A person who can kill even his own biological parents, I will not admit that he is my brother!"

Marx obviously stimulated Frey. Although he couldn't see the expression on his face, Frey's body language was obviously very angry, so he turned around and left, so the old man stepped forward and caught him in time.

"Marx, he's just like you and is also a poor child! He joined us, just wanting a chance to kill the Ghost Fire with his own hands!"

The words of the old man contained too much information, and everyone looked different, and they were silently thinking about the credibility of it.

It just seems that there is no time for them to think carefully!

"It's not good, it's not good, the soldiers of Mad Lion suddenly came over!"

Suddenly, a ghoul came to the door in a panic and shouted.

"Make it clear, how many people are here? Who will lead the team!"

The smile on the old man's face finally disappeared, and he asked coldly.

"It's a squad led by Ghost Fire, there are twenty people in total!"

The Ghoul answered honestly.

"Go, let's go and see!"

The old man looked back at the people and walked outside while pulling Frey. Everyone in the room looked at each other one after another and then walked out.

Ghost Fire will bring the wild lion squad over, what is it for? Could it be...

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall on the back of Frey.

As everyone moved forward towards the front of the base and Shira just jumped out the window.

On the high wall, the old man and Frey stood side by side, looking at the Wild Lion team standing quietly not far away from the base entrance. The one standing in the front was obviously Frey's brother who was wearing battle clothes and stared forward at the gate.

"Ghastly Flame, if you dare to come here alone, are you not afraid that we will take the opportunity to kill you?"

The old man's expression was no longer kind, and he stared coldly at the ghost fire and shouted.

"Hahahaha, want to kill me? Then you come down! See if I kill you or you killed me!"

Hearing the words of the ghost fire, he burst into laughter, and the contempt in the words was not concealed.

The reason why the wildfire is so confident is that they only dared to stay inside and once they went outside it would be a total squad battle and they would be surrounded by 20 A-rank ghouls and a S-rank.

As every point of the Freedom Alliance's current strength is very important. The elderly will not be wasted in vain because of a momentary impulse. You know, as long as Ghost Ice joins them, they will have the capital to resist the wild lion!

The Liberty Alliance already has five S-levels, plus Shira and Frey, and there are only seven. Compared with the Mad Lion squad, there is only one less S-rank, and the Liberty Alliance has more A-level soldiers than the Mad Lion squad. After one hundred, dividing this one hundred is enough to deal with the remaining S-level!

This is also the reason why the old man insists on wanting Frey to join them. Without Frey, the Mad Lion will have another S-rank combat power, and the impact on the situation is not negligible!

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense, I knew that Frey came to you, my dear brother, why didn't I say anything when I saw my brother?"

Seeing that the old man was silent, Frey no longer paid any attention but jokingly looked at Frey next to him.


Frey's hands hidden in his sleeves clenched into fists, and she made crisp noises because of too much force. From this, you can think of how angry Frey is.

"Freya, I will kill you, sure!!"

As if roaring from his throat, Frey's voice was deep and hissing, and the hatred in her words was not modified in any way!

"Hahahaha, I am here to kill you, and you are here to kill me! Come on! Why don't you dare to come down and finish this endless battle?!"

Freya provoked him as this age-old battle began once again.


The old man was startled, and he wanted to stop Frey while screaming but found that it was too late.

So Filler_Chan is doing well of course she added a name for the Child which still pisses me off but it's okay because I'm going to focus on this story for the next couple of days. And Everyone knows what that means...I'm coming out of my bed and moving my well-rested bones.

Auther_Uchihacreators' thoughts