
Tokyo Ghoul: Dark Comes

The Remastered Version. It's about a ghoul child who wanders the World(Tokyo) in the hunt for food and what is encountered as he roams. As he goes forward with life he meets a bunch, of people with problems that he ends up solving. Schedule = Tuesday

Auther_Uchiha · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 33: Shira Ita

In the 11th district, the wild lion group that has annexed the Scarlet Group and has completely risen has rushed all the Ghoul species into the residential area and surrounded them.

They can only enter but can not leave. However, the Ghoul species of the Free Alliance have nothing to do.

This is also the order issued by the Mad Lion Hagi, attempting to conquer the 11th district with the smallest loss because these free gang members are his subordinates in the eyes of the Mad Lion, so why bother to kill their own family?

So Hagi simply came and encircled them, and just consumed with the Freedom Alliance, and the Ghoul inside would always be unsettled. Once there is chaos, the mad lion can easily conquer them!

Mad Lion's idea is good. According to his method, I am afraid it will not be long before he can completely conquer the 11th District, but he has missed a person or a certain child, the chief culprit in the fall of the Scarlet Group!

At this time, the child was hiding in the tall building, looking at the wild lion team that was constantly patrolling outside the wall, looking at the few S-class ghouls from time to time.

With the child's intelligence at this time, he can already understand that these guys are surrounding the place where he is. If he wants to go out, those guys will probably not agree to it, and if he rushes out, he might not be able to beat him.

Suddenly, the child turned around abruptly, watching the figure appearing not far away with a pair of bright eyes.

It was a slender figure, with a way of acting that was a major red flag and red long docilely placed on her back, with only a red feather on her head as a decoration. It was a very beautiful impression of Judy's Moody.

"Hey, Kid, don't be nervous~~"

Sherry is one of the S-class ghouls in the Liberty Alliance. She was walking outside with nothing to do, but she accidentally saw the figure of the child. She was immediately full of curiosity, and then quietly followed.

The name of the Evil Spirit is known in the 11th district. Sherry has long been curious about the kid's true face. After the actual meeting, he was such a cute boy!

Scattered hair and a delicate face, a slightly thin body, apart from the tattered clothes, the whole body is full of attractiveness to select women, Sherry is no exception, and she is immediately attracted by the cuteness of the child.


The child snarled at the girl and sent out a danger signal, instructing Sherry not to approach him.

After all, normal creatures are attracted to beautiful things. Sadly child doesn't feel that the creature in front of her looks very beautiful, but with the weird smell she gives off, the dangerous aura on her body also reminds him to be careful.

"Little child, can't you speak?"

Seeing the child's behaviour, Sherry was shocked and then asked a little surprised.


As if he understood Sherry's problem, the child shook his head slightly and took a half step back guard.

A child who has grown up a lot will no longer be like before. When he sees other ghouls, he only knows how to fight or hide himself. At this time, he doesn't know why, after being seen by Sherry, he didn't even choose to leave.

"What a poor child~ Don't be afraid, sister won't hurt you!"

Sherry's eyes are a little bit pitiful, a teenage boy who is still unable to speak, it can be seen how miserable he has been in these years, if he was his friend it would be a lot better right?


The child knew that he couldn't understand such complicated words, and so he looked at Sherry strangely, with some doubts in his eyes.

"I, no, fight with you. Can we, can we make friends?"

Sherry slowed down, waved her hands gently, used gestures to express the meaning of her words, and finally stretched out her most likely child molester's hands to the child to show that she was not hostile.

Seeing Sherry's hand stretched towards him, the child instinctively took a step back, staring at Sherry grinningly, ready to fight.

But watching Sherry didn't make the next move, that her hand was placed in front of him like this, without hostility.

The child took a step forward cautiously, staring at Sherry with his eyes tightly. Once she moves, what is waiting for her will be a thunderous blow and a becoming a donut.

Sherry still didn't move, and the child leaned forward a bit.


Sherry was amused by the child's actions. She had never seen such a cute child!

He clearly doesn't understand anything, but instinctively he is wary of everyone, and how much suffering such a child has gone through!

Seeing the smile on Sherry's face, the child was a little stunned. The smile seemed familiar as if he had seen it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it. But strangely, seeing such a smile, the child couldn't help it. Go get close.

So, the child approached Sherry in small steps, and finally came to Sherry, looking at the flawless hand in front of him, the child raised his head and glanced at Sherry, and then cautiously reached out and put his hand on it.

The touch is a bit cold and feels weird. Although the child does not know how to express it, this is how he feels.

"Hehe, from now on, we will be friends~"

Sherry gently held the child's small hand and saw that the child did not resist anymore, she couldn't help but smile.

The child just looked up at Sherry silently. Although his hand was held, he did not break away because he did not feel the danger, but he was still instinctively on guard and did not completely relax.

"From tomorrow, I will teach you to talk when I have time, okay? However, we still have many enemies. Can you please help us to drive them away?"

Sherry took the child to the wall and pointed to the mad lion squad in the distance and said.


The child was not being taken advantage of without getting a free lunch.

"Just fight and kill them!"

Hong Luan was speechless and could only explain as straightforwardly as possible.


The child understood now, nodded happily, and agreed. His understanding was somewhat different from what Sherry said. He thought Sherry was asking him to kill those people and then eat them.

The child would naturally not refuse to eat, so he agreed without hesitation.

Therefore, although the two people understand their meanings differently, at least they have reached a cooperative relationship temporarily.

"Now, little brother, let me give you a name, okay?"

"My name is Sherry Ita, so you can call yourself Shira Ita with your sister's surname! The world of Ghoul is as dark as hell, but my sister hopes that you can be the most dazzling full moon in the night, no one can cover your light!"

"Shira, do you think we can drive away those greedy guys?"

Under the night sky, Sherry kept talking and the child kept listening. Although he didn't understand, he still listened quietly, seeming to understand that he had a name called...Shira Ita.

(That sounds stupid.)


[Filler_Chan: Praise, me simps and watch as I've broken the script and added a name for my second favourite novel. :)]

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