
Tokyo Ghoul: Dark Comes

The Remastered Version. It's about a ghoul child who wanders the World(Tokyo) in the hunt for food and what is encountered as he roams. As he goes forward with life he meets a bunch, of people with problems that he ends up solving. Schedule = Tuesday

Auther_Uchiha · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 16:

The boss's annoyance grows as he witnesses the child's impatience and attempt to pull him off the battlefield. From the boss's perspective, the child's actions seem reckless and naive, showing a lack of understanding of the life-and-death nature of their situation.

However, the child's thought process is different. In his intuition, he recognizes the boss as the most dangerous adversary and decides to eliminate the biggest threat first. While this approach may seem simplistic, it offers a strategic advantage. By dealing with the boss, the child can neutralize the most powerful opponent and focus on the remaining two.

The boss, thinking about his own past struggles, becomes jealous of the child's innate strength. He compares the child's abilities at such a young age to his own arduous journey to survival, which involved sacrifices and humiliations. This jealousy fuels the boss's anger, and his RC cells become highly active, enhancing his Kagune and increasing his power.

Despite the sudden eruption of the boss's strength, the child remains unfazed. To the child, the concepts of fairness and unfairness hold no meaning. He has a single-minded focus on survival and defeating his enemies. The child's indifference to the boss's eruption further frustrates the boss, fueling his jealousy.

In a surprising turn of events, the child roars like a wild beast, symbolizing his transformation and growth.

The roar signifies that he is no longer a helpless child surviving by hiding but has become a force to be reckoned with. This display of newfound strength shocks the three brothers, who now see the child as a formidable opponent.

The child initiates an offensive, launching himself at the boss with tremendous force. His punches carry an unexpected power, and the boss is knocked back, rolling on the ground in a dishevelled manner. The second and third brothers rush to the boss's side to assist him.

As the boss regains his composure, he realizes the child's strength is beyond their expectations. He acknowledges that the child's power poses a genuine threat, even to the boss himself.

The boss's perspective shifts, now regarding the child as a difficult opponent who must be taken seriously.

Undeterred by the boss's power, the child continues his relentless assault. However, the boss counters with his Kagune, using a formidable tail-like appendage.

The boss's Kagune proves to be a formidable defence, blocking the child's attacks and showcasing the boss's own strength and abilities.

In this clash between the child and the boss, their true capabilities and determination are revealed.

The child's growth and transformation from a vulnerable survivor to a powerful combatant surprise and challenges the three brothers, while the boss proves to be a formidable obstacle. The battle intensifies as the child faces the full force of the boss's strength.

The child, with his bright red eyes gleaming with a predatory light, presented a bewildering contrast—a mixture of innocence and cruelty that seemed incongruous in his small, fragile form. It was as if two opposing forces were waging a relentless battle within him, each vying for dominance.

On one hand, there was a lingering trace of childlike innocence—a glimmer of vulnerability and purity that managed to seep through the cracks of his twisted psyche.

In fleeting moments, when his guard was momentarily lowered, one could catch a glimpse of the child he once was—a being untouched by the darkness that had consumed him.

His delicate features, marred by the traces of blood and violence, bore an ethereal quality that belied the brutality he was capable of.

There was a certain fragility to his form as if he were an innocent soul trapped within a vessel tainted by the horrors of the world. But this innocence was a mere façade, a fragile veil that concealed the true nature of the beast lurking within.

In the depths of his crimson gaze, one could discern a haunting depth—a profound emptiness that hinted at the depths of his suffering.

It was the gaze of a predator, honed by the harsh realities he had faced, and imbued with a chilling wisdom far beyond his tender years. His eyes held the weight of countless lives extinguished, the weight of the atrocities committed in the pursuit of survival.

And it was within this paradoxical fusion of innocence and cruelty that the child found his power. He wielded his sadistic tendencies with a cold, calculating precision, inflicting pain and terror without a shred of remorse.

His actions were fueled by insatiable hunger, an insidious thirst for domination and control. Yet, there was a certain detachment to his cruelty—a clinical detachment that only heightened the unsettling nature of his demeanour.

In the midst of the chaos he wrought, the child would occasionally display a flicker of genuine curiosity—a fleeting glimpse of the innocence that had been corrupted by the harsh realities of his existence.

He would observe his victims with a childlike fascination as if studying the intricate workings of a fragile toy. But this innocence was ephemeral, swiftly eclipsed by the savage hunger that resided within him.

The child's capacity for cruelty knew no bounds. He revelled in the suffering he inflicted upon his foes, relishing every agonized scream and tortured plea.

His actions were driven not by malice, but by an insidious need—a primal instinct that demanded he assert his dominance, that he establish his place at the top of the food chain.

Yet, there were moments when a glimmer of doubt would flicker across the child's countenance—a flicker of uncertainty that hinted at a lingering conscience buried deep within.

In those fleeting instances, he seemed almost pained by the monster he had become, by the atrocities he had committed. But such moments were fleeting, eclipsed by the all-consuming hunger that drove him ever forward.

The child stood as a paradox—a living embodiment of the duality of human nature. He embodied the potential for both boundless innocence and unfathomable cruelty. He was a walking contradiction, a testament to the complex tapestry of the human soul.

As he continued his relentless onslaught, leaving a trail of devastation in his wake, the child's innocent facade crumbled further. His true nature, the unhinged hunger that lurked beneath the surface, became increasingly evident.

In his actions, in his gaze, in the way he revelled in the suffering of others, he epitomized the dark side of humanity—the capacity for cruelty that lay dormant within us all.


Auther Sidenote:

Bikaku = Balance

Rinkaku: = Attack Beyblade

Koukaku = Defense Beyblade

Ukaku: = Range

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