
Tokyo Ghoul: Chaos

What difference can someone who just want to have fun and protect their friends make in a multiplayer game with different goals? Well, any unknown piece can easily generate chaos. English is not my first language, it's history is a Google translation. (Tokyo ghoul is the property of Sui ishida)

Grinmy · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

How to plan criminal invasions.

Tatara was thoughtful.

Tatara was always thoughtful, he was Aogiri's chief strategist after all.

Eto was a good strategist, but she was, too, Eto most of the time.

Tatara was thinking about his two biggest current problems.

The first one being Aogiri's strength, it was too weak, there weren't that many strong ghouls to go up against the CCG in the current way.

So in an argument with Eto Tatara he decided to "recruit" some of the cochlea a ghouls.

Which brings you directly to your second and biggest current problem.

The "informant" of Aogiri.

Tatara snorts at the thought of the individual in question.

Ryo Konton, according to Eto who is Ryo's main contact with Aogiri.

Eto asked (it reads demanded) to leave Ryo with her, and as long as he didn't hinder them, Tatara allowed it.

As if he could deny Eto anything.

And since then he has no idea what Ryo is doing, they have never been in touch again.

His only information was snippets Eto told him about the fact that Ryo was extremely smarter and more dangerous than he looks.

What did Tatara not believe in the intelligence part, after all, what kind of human accepts to work for terrorist ghouls?

But dangerous Tatara had to agree, besides being a great fighter, Ryo was weird and was a risk to Aogiri.

If he didn't have really useful information like Eto said he would have to deal with this unknown.

In a way or another.

-When will this meeting start?

an arrogant voice asks.

Yakumo Oomori.

Also known as Jason.

A tall, burly man with blond hair and a menacing face, he wears a soft white and looks like a gangster.

She is also being a current headache for Aogiri.

-When Eto arrives with our informant.

Tatara responds dryly.

- Do we have an informant? Why wasn't I warned?

Jason asks again.

Tatara stares at him.

-Because it doesn't matter whether you know it or not, it's also Eto's property.

Jason looks like he wants to answer but backs off.

The other present are Noro, two masked ghouls, the Bin brothers, and a blue-haired, blue-eyed teenager, Ayato Kirishima.

Currently all Aogiri lieutenants.

"We are really weak..."

Think Tatara.

He knows that as much as those present in this room can handle most rank 3 and 2 they won't be as useful above that.

Enguanto thinks Tatara hears the noise of a car engine approaching and after a few seconds a car comes crashing through the wall of the building they were in.

Everyone in the building prepares for a fight but soon recognizes two familiar scents.

Then two figures get off the car.

A tiny mummy with a red hood, Eto.

And a taller figure, wearing a black robe with a hood raised on his head and a black beaked mask that resembles a raven and in the eyes of the mask with two bright red lenses, Ryo.

Upon seeing the figures, Tatara lightly rubs her temples.

Eto looks dizzy and even nauseous getting out of the car.

And Ryo was jumping up and down excitedly.

"I already regret..."

Tatara thinks and then says.

-This is our informant...


"I love driving"

I think as I analyze the building in which the meeting is being held.

And an abandoned factory located on the outskirts.

I huff and ask Eto.

- You can't choose nicer places for meetings, can you?

Eto doesn't respond and appears to be recovering from dizziness.

- Can't take a run?

I ask mocking her.

-Go fuck yourself...walking at full speed I even accept...but climbing on the third floor of a building to ramp...passing the car through a window...and bursting more than one wall is not DRIVING!

Responds Eto yelling.

I hear a cough and pay attention to those present.

Tatara, Noro, my acquaintances.

A big blond man who must be Jason.

A teenager I've never seen.

And finally two masked ghouls that must be the Bin I read in a file.

I approach Eto and whisper to her.

-This and all the strength of your terrorist organization that is going to overthrow the CGG?

-Why do you think I want to invade the cochlea? And on top of that they're the executives, we have other ghouls that don't need to be in this meeting.

-OK then.

At that moment Tatara speaks.

-Ryo can you...

I stop him by pointing to my mask.

-...Hey! A mask serves to hide the identity, don't say my name casually like that!

I say offended and Tatara closes his eyes and sighs heavily.

Eto gives a light laugh.

-Ryo you know we can recognize you by your scent don't you?

I freeze and make a forced cough.

-but at least the mask is stylish...

Whisper and Eto laughs even harder.

-Send the information you got right away.

Tatara orders with irritation in his voice.

- Calm calm...

I say and go to the trunk of the car I arrived in and open it.

From there I pull out a laptop and take another look at the building I'm in and lightly scoff.

I open the car door and take out a folding table that I open right in the middle of the building.

During all this Eto looked at me curiously and Tatara increasingly irritated.

-What are you doing?

Tatara question growling.

-The information you want...is in a slideshow I made...

I comment casually and Tatara looks incredulous.

Eto moves to my side and pays attention to the notebook.

-Who is this informant anyway?

Jason asks mockingly.

-ohhh I didn't introduce myself...

I walk to the middle of the building and bow slightly to the unknown ghouls.

-I'm Ryo Konton...

"I don't even mind trying to hide my identity anymore"

-...Rank 2 investigator known as a Crow...

"I think at least"

-...and also Eto's informant...can call me Crow as an Aogiri member too...

I introduce myself casually and return to the laptop beside Eto.

- Do you really think it's a good idea for two enemy organizations to have a member with the same nickname?

I open the Power point.

-Maybe...but i am the only can be called a crow...and the first nickname you gave me after all...

I comment smiling to Eto who gives a light happy laugh.

-Ok so...

She is interrupted by the screaming teenager.

-What the fuck is a weak human doing here? And a damn dove on top of that?

"Being rude, violent and looking rebellious...where have I seen this before...?"

-I'm here mainly because I like Eto, like my life and because it's fun...

"Wait…did I just say I like Eto?"

I look at Eto out of the corner of my eye to see her reaction.

She is wearing a mask.


-...now shut up brat, I have information to show...

I say turning over the laptop.

The teenager looks offended and advances towards me without activating his kagune.

I sigh.

When he gets close enough I trip him and he starts to fall to the ground, but before he falls I squeeze his throat with a hand that has fake claws in the fingers piercing his throat causing the blood to flow and choking him.

The teenager opens his mouth and tries to scream, he tries to struggle out of my grip but he can't.

-Enough Ryo...

Tatara comments.

I drop the teenager to the ground as he crawls away from me.

-This is my professional courtesy to you... if something like this happens again I will rip off at least one member of you.

-Why don't you just kill him at once?

Jason asks looking at me with interest.

-After all, life...

-...of the weak is in the hands of the strong.

I complete him, who looks surprised.

-That's an interesting philosophy of life...but I prefer mine...

Jason looks curious.

-...strength does not lead to victory...

A moment of silence in the air.

And Jason breaks him talking.

-Following my philosophy, you wouldn't mind if I killed you would you?

he asks sadistically.

I laugh.

- You think the strong can do what they want with the weak... but your philosophy against mine... well...

I stare at him.

-...you can try, come to me with your greatest strength and then see me destroy you...100-7...don't you like it?

His expression turns to one of mild fear and then anger, mostly at my final question.

-I studied you, your cochlea file...I just find it interesting how you have this thing so tightly, after being tortured for so long...or better yet...

I pause and tease Jason further.

-...what was it like to be tortured by someone weaker than you? What was it like to be constantly destroyed and tormented by someone so simple? And on top of that, did you know the CCG has files on everything that man did to you? And everything you did?

Jason pales.

-...it was very...very funny to read that specific file, but I have a job here...


Says Tatara.

I show the slides and start explaining the basics of the cochlea.

The constantly guarded entrance, the placement of the cells, the known prisoners, the fact that it's impossible to know the actual location of the prisoners because only the jailers know it, the upper entrance that's always open for some reason, the security from within. , the protocol in case of invasions and finally the release system of RC suppressors.

This whole explanation was accompanied by images of the said things.

-I thought of two plans that might help.

Ryo comments after the presentation.

Tatara nods for him to continue.

-I knew this organization was strange but ask for help from an investigator and the end...

Jason comments clicking his finger in a strange way.

-...I'm leaving this shitty organization!

exclaims Jason mockingly.

I smile brightly under my mask and nudge Eto who nods his head.

Tatara looks irate.

-...I don't need you anymore and especially this one-eyed King...

And with that line even the Bin Brothers seem ready to attack Jason.

Jason starts to exit the building.

-It's strange that you say that...especially after being beaten up by Rize...

I comment.

Jason takes a short break but keeps walking away.

Tatara looks like he wants to attack but Eto stops him.


Eto shakes his head at him.

-It's part of Ryo's plan.

And with that everyone's attention returns to me.

-It's good that you have a reason...

Tatara growls.

I nod my head.

-I thought of two plans for you to invade... the first would be with many people, you would put masks on normal people and force them to advance towards the cochlea, the CCG when it found out that they are human would be afraid to kill indiscriminately and with that you could infiltrate in there.

Tatara nods, impressed.

Ayato, as I found out the teenager is called, looks mildly disgusted.

Eto already knew about my plan.

-And why should Jason leave here alive?

I smile.

-For my background I need a black sheep...

Tatara looks interested.

-Explain better.

-...My two plans require you to attack next week...


Ayato interrupts me.

I glare at him and he recoils a little scared.

- do you prefer to fight with Arima?

Everyone says "No" in unison.

-Next week he's Squad 0 they're going to be in a meeting outside of Japan so it's the best time to attack...my plan is to basically use Jason and his sympathizers as a target, I'd make the CCG do an attack of extermination on the 13th and while that happened you would attack the cochlea, they would not be able to receive reinforcements.

Everyone looks thoughtful.

And I finish.

-That's why I was teasing Jason, Eto already told me that his arrogance was hurting Aogiri so with that we killed two birds with one stone.

Tatara looks truly impressed now and looks at me in awe.

- You're really smart...

I take offense.

-Why does everyone always say something like that?

Eto starts to laugh.

- You know why.

She says between laughs.

-Ok...one last point of mine, two of the SS class I know, one is a guy known as Shachi, I really recommend you to recruit him besides his own strength he can train ghouls to be better fighters...and the another is Donato Porpora, The priest...don't rescue him...

Tatara looks curious.

-... Donato is anybody's guess, he is the most important informant of the CCG and I don't know his goals or ambitions, I just know that he is cruel, having a dubious part like him in the game can be dangerous.

Eto laughs.

-Ryo...you're a dubious piece.

I laugh.

-True, but do you want to have two then?

Eto shakes his head childishly.

The rest of the night is spent with me, Eto and Tatara discussing some strategies.