
Tokyo Celestial

Tokyo Celestial is an independent universe that was inspired from the anime/manga titled "Tokyo Revengers". The setting, world and original plot of TR were changed for the appropriation of TC plot and the original characters in TR will also be showing themselves in a few arcs. I do not own any of them. Tokyo Celestial is a dark fantasy, melancholic, comedic high-school thrillers with *many adult themes*. Please take pre-caution before reading. This book is about a renounced gang that goes by the name "Tennotsukai", or "Tenshi" for short. Why was the gang formed? What are they trying to accomplish? Where will their fate lead? Chapter 0 shall introduce you to the dark and chaotic, but at the same time comforting world of Tokyo Celestial. Throughout the stories, readers will slowly discover the mysteries and learn about the system, world, characters and interesting ideologies.

WriterEisdy · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2 : You know my father?

Three years had passed.

The grief and pain he felt was still with him, but the years had brought a new kind of darkness, a numbing dissociation that left him feeling disconnected from the world around him.

It was on a random night when Seiya just completed his daily training. He was just standing there, leaning against the wall, frozen, eyes glued onto the wooden ground. His mind was else where, in this fog-like state.

His father's unnerving footsteps approached.

Shino reached out and gripped Seiya's shoulder, squeezing it tightly. "Come with me."

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Seiya's legs started to move on their own. He followed his father out the door, into the darkness of the night without a question.

They walked in silence towards the driveway for several minutes, before Shino finally spoke. "I need someone to follow me around, to keep me company you see." 

"Its like a feeling of having a human pet around, so good. It makes me feel powerful, don't you think so?" 

Seiya's throat felt dry as he tried to swallow, "Father..." he managed to choke out, "why... did you... do it?" He spoke about it for the first time in a while, "with..mom." 

Shino stopped, as if he finally noticed his child, "You should not question your elders, Seiya. I did what I had to do," and started walking again.

He trailed behind his father as he always did. 

"You've become quite obedient, Seiya," his voice dripping with satisfaction. "I guess killing her was good for your development after all. You'll make a fine heir."

Seiya said nothing, everything that he wanted to say or could say was caught by the lump in his throat. He doesn't even know anymore, he had long given up, given up on feeling, given up on any hope of escaping. 

So there, after he reached the age of 13, his father started bringing him around. 

Every month or so, his father would bring him over to this large estate located in the North side of Shibuya. It was likely the estate of his father's leader, the man who held the highest power in the underworld.

Seiya often stayed in the garden, enjoying the peacefulness of the greenery and the soft rustle of leaves. It was here where he first met Ayumi Akiyama, the daughter of the leader's family. 

It was a random day when he was sitting among the garden's bushes, observing the estate's servants and the family members. 

He saw a young girl walking towards him with her nanny. She was only five years old, but he couldn't take his eyes off her. The girl had golden eyes that seemed to sparkle like stars, radiating a warmth that seemed to come from the very core of her being.

Her long silver hair was the colour of moonlight, swirling around her like a cloud of silk. She was lighthearted, with a sense of wonder and curiosity that seemed to permeate her entire being. 

"Mio-san, Mio-san!!" Her angelic honeyed voice echoed as she bounced around the grass field.

"Yes young miss?" The lady in the maid outfit smiled as she trailed behind the tiny girl.

"Mio-san! Let's play a game!!" Her golden eyes sparkled, "If you can catch me, I will give you anyyyyyything you want! okay??? Do you want to play??"

"Young miss, I won't be able to catch you," Mio chuckled, "and there's nothing I really want, except for your happiness, young miss."

"Is that so? thank you Mio-san, Yumi also wish for you happiness!!" her little arms wrapped around the nanny's legs "Your happiness, and everyone! everyonee's happinesss!!!"

"Aww…Thank you Young Miss." She squatted down and patted the little one's head.

It seem as if everyone loved her, everyone in this household seem to adore this little one, and to be honest, Seiya can understand why. Her presence brought a sense of tranquility, something that Seiya was never exposed to. He found himself drawn to her, her spirit and her energy. She was a magnet.


"Tsumi papa!!" Ayumi ran towards the big man and tugged on his trousers with her tiny fingers, "Where are you going Tsumi-papa?" 

"Awwww little Angel~" Katsumi melted, he reached down and picked up his 8 years old nephew, "Papa was gonna get some air in the backyard and light up a cigarette." His ear-to-ear grin was creepy.

"Tsumi-papa you shouldn't smoke so much!" She cupped his bearded face.

"Why? Does little Yumi hates it?" 

"Hmmm, Yumi do hates the smell, but my teacher said its unhealthy for you." 

"Is that so?" He smiled at her, "then I'll try, for Yumi yeah?~" lovingly pinching her rosy cheeks.

"Mm mm!" She shook her head, "you should try for yourself!" 

"Hahahahah.. I see I see~"

Seiya was watching the silly exchange from a safe distance, he had good ears so fortunately he can listen without talking to her directly. For 3 long years he continued to admire her from afar, and soon watching her became an escape from the gruesome world. His admiration by the year turned into a sense of attachment and affection.

On one random day, he fell asleep in the garden and wasn't checking the time, the sun was beginning to set. Seiya rushed out of the backyard, his heart racing with fear of his father's wrath.

He felt a sudden impact on his chest.

He stumbled back before looking down to see Ayumi on the ground, Seiya's heart skipped a beat.

She had fallen.

He quickly knelt down, "Are you alright?" his voice wavering. "I'm so sorry, I should have been more careful."

"It's okay," she took his hand. "I just got a little startled."

Seiya felt a rush of relief. A part of him couldn't believe that he was standing so close her.

"I'm sorry again, I am glad you are okay, Ayumi." 

"umm..but who are you, brother?" a sense of curiosity, "Yumi have never seen you around."

Reluctance, he didn't want her to know him.

Before the conversation could prolong, he heard his father's voice calling, he knew he had to run.

"I'm sorry, I have to go."

"Why? Where do you have to go? ah I still haven't got your name brother- what is your name?" 

"You wouldn't know me."

"But I want to know you."

Seiya felt a pang in his chest, but it was quickly replaced by fear as he heard his father's voice getting louder.

"I'm sorry," he said, running off. "I have to go."

It was a conversation that stayed with him, it was the first and last time they spoke, but it was a moment he cherished. His emotions for her were something that kept him distracted.



Seiya sat on the couch in his private backroom, lost in thought, as he reminisced. It had been so long since he had seen her, but he still remembered it all well. He wished that she would leave this place forever, so that she could remain safe, and so that she could live a happy life, a life away from all this.

"Ugh…" he groaned and covered his eyes, he haven't felt so much in so long.

After the Akiyama group announced dead, his soul died along with the news. His last reason, his last touch to reality was gone. That bastard Shino just had to take it all away from him, but the bitterness was so strong that he went completely numbed. Too numb, too lost, to do anything anymore.

"Ayumi…she looked so different…"

He guess the death of parents can change people, her eyes were no longer shining, and her long silver hair that reminded him of the glistening moon replaced by the overly damaged and dull pixie pink.

It wasn't that she lost her grace, but her spirit was no longer there. He wondered what happened, what happened to her after that day… Fatigue was starting to kick in, his dark red eyes shut tight, and he just slowly drifted to sleep.



Angel stepped out of the Mūso night club, still reeling from what had happened. She walked down the streets of the sins city, the night was alive, screaming violence, betrayal, and death. The air was thicken from cigarettes, alcohol, and the lingering hints of blood.

Despite all the chaos, her mind was distracted by messy thoughts. She still couldn't wrap her head around everything. She didn't expect to find out the truth so fast, to realised the mastermind behind the Akiyama group downfall so soon, but was all that even the truth?

Who was that guy just now, Shirashi Seiya. She could have sworn they never met, and she was sure that she have an excellent memory as well, so she couldn't have forgotten..? 

Suddenly she felt shuddering chill in the air. She knew this feeling, a sense of danger, murderous intent. 

"Hmmm…" She stopped walking, "Who?" and ruffled her hair in annoyance.

A group of men surrounded her. They were big, with menacing faces and eyes that pierce right through her. Members of the Valhalla gang, the same gang from which Angel had stolen the bracelet. They leered at her with hatred, their muscles bulging, their veins were twitching.

"What do you want?" 

"You know what you did," the group's leader, Shuji Hanma sneered, stepping forward. "You disrespected our gang, and now you're going to pay the price." He took a long drag from his cigarette, "That or you could just give the bracelet back, say sorry, get on your knees and lick my shoes, since I don't hit women? How bout that? Aren't I so kind?" 

"Ahh of course,  Valhalla, a bunch of lifeless 10 years olds. What a surprise, totally did not expect."

"A bunch of what?" Hanma scoffed, "You just don't have a clue, do you? I gave you one chance to hand what you stole over, so do it when I am still asking nicely missy."

"I would have given it back, but since you are so damn irritable-" she ripped the bracelet off her wrist and threw it into the body of water next to them.

"YOU!-" Hanma took a deep breath and stepped back. "Alright…alright, you damn brat...I'll be the bigger person and consider it that you are making this intere-"

Angel stretched, cracking her knuckles and swivelling her neck before she took few backward steps and charge full speed, leaping into the air, her leg stretched out sending Hanma, who barely managed to parry, flying backward. He clashed on to the men crowding behind.

"Say what? don't hit women? am I suppose to appreciate that?" she spitted at him, "bull fucking shit. Come at me." 

"You Bitch." He grinned in anger, "you really want to die huh."

The men leaped on to Angel, but with lightning-fast reflexes, she dodged swiftly, her small stature giving her the advantage of sheer speed. She fully used the surroundings to her advantage to combat against their brute strength. The fight raged on with her jumping, running, and countering when she can. 

"Stop." Hanma voice got the group frozen. Angel was breathing hastily in her stance, glaring at the leader, "Okay little monkey. Stop running and fight me head on. It's a one on one, if you win I let you off," his typical grin dropped, golden eyes darkened, "if you lose I am dragging your bitch ass to our base." 

She laughed, "I get nothing if I win? What kind of lame ass deal is this? Are all of you this stupid or is it just Valhalla?" 

Veins popped on his forehead, "you think you're in the position to ask for something?" 

"If I win, Valhalla is mine. How bout that?" She stood up straight, her face dead serious. 





"Jesus! Kaitou really saved us today at the end there!!" A group of men was walking out of a fight club nearby, the one with vibrant red hair excitedly yelped. 

"He's our MVP after all HAHAHA! We have been making so much more money since he joined." Another spoke back.

"Uhhh…Kaitou-san?" They gaped back and forth, the MVP right next to them had disappeared.



As the big burly men of Valhalla surrounded the young lady, a sudden hush fell over the group. The tension in the air was palpable when a figure emerged the shadows, walking towards the scene with a calm stride. It was a tall and broad-shouldered young man. His brown hair was short, messily slicked back. His eyes were a piercing grey colour that seemed to stare right through the members of Valhalla.

They seemed to shrink in size and shifted nervously, exchanging glances with each other.

"Oh my? If this ain't the infamous star of the Mūso Fight Club Mister Killer K." Hanma swung his gaze off Angel, his face coloured with amusement, "to what to I owe the pleasure?"

Killer K: "What's going on here?" 

Hanma : "Its nothing, we are just dealing with a pest." 

Angel : "Pest-!!?" 

Killer K: "This is Muteki's territory, you're lucky I showed up when I did. Leave, before things get ugly.

Hanma knew well not to mess with Muteki. It would trouble if things got too complicated. 

Hanma: "Oh my...guess we picked the wrong date to pay a visit." His eyes cloaked in irritation leering back at Angel, "we're not done here. You should be scared monkey. The next time I find you, I'll make sure you are dead."

"Don't care, fuck off." She laughed.

Hanma gritted his teeth, "You're truly insufferable."

He let out a heated exhale, his pretentious smile returned, "Then, Mr Killer K, sorry for disturbing. We'll take our leave then!" And so the men of Valhalla marched back into the shadow where they arose from.

"Tch, what a bunch of bastards…" she grumbled before her eyes met with 'Killer K', "Really? Killer K? out of all nicknames you could have picked."


"That's so lame." 

"Huh?" he furled his eyebrows, "its usually thank you for helping me first you know." 

"If you hadn't interrupted I could have taken Valhalla for myself." 

"You can go home, sleep and dream about it. Leadership won't be transferred that easily, Shuji Hanma is the son of Valhalla's Group number 1." 


"and I did not name myself Killer K." 

"ah!! so it must be "wow! hes so special I will start calling him Killer K!!!" kinda thing." She mocked.

"Stop it." He started to understand why she was grouped on. "Look like you're new here, you should firstly stop stealing and picking fights like that. You will die soon with that attitude."

"Is that so Mr Expert?" She chuckled, "But enough playing, thanks though, for the help." 

"Was nothing." He waved his hand with the 'whatever' look, "Just go home safely and stop roaming the street at this time -" 

"Kaitou, found cha!" It was the one with long red hair, walking out the fight club with 'Killer k', "where did ya go, we were all lookin for ya~" 

"To clean up some mess." 

"Uh…wait-" Angel face started to twist in confusion, "red head…what did you call him again?" 

"Excuse me?? how do you not know??" He swung his arms around killer k's shoulders, "This is the star of our Mūso Fight Club, the MVP of the most renowned fight club in Japan, Kimura Kaitou! How do you NOT know him." 




Silence sunk the already quiet, and deserted area once more. Angel face was frozen and so was everyone.

"Uh…did I said anything wrong…? :D"


"Yeah, what's wrong with my name? You have a problem with my real name as well now?" 

"…Kimura…" She muttered, "Katsuya…"

Kaitou paused, dark grim eyes widened.

"You know my father?" he grabbed her shoulders, "Oi. Kimura Katsuya, my father, you know him? Do you." 

I know everybody's father

- WriterEis

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