
killing time arc 1 part2

We see Todlight. He is going to market suddenly one person say hello todlight.and see the yesterday crying people hey I have a idea and what are you think about my plan and hehe what is your name. And people say my name is Lucas .And Todlight say so Lucas you give me. And Stop Stop I will give you 150000 dollar and Lucas but what is your plan . Lucas you want revenge. Todlight say my plan is I Will go and Kill the boss but you know about my name .And Lucas say I know about you are the best assassin in the world . Todlight yes I am best Assassin of the universe because I kill 100 lake trillion people . Lucasy you are very dangerous . Todlight say yes you are right . And I will go and you send me address . Lucas my friend I give you address of 200 people. Todlight going to the base of 200 peoples and see the 200 peoples group and a boss of 200 peoples and Boss see the Todlight and say who is this man . Todlight say I am your dad. Group of 200 people say he is a crazy guy. Todlight say you is my boy . Group of 200 peoples say you don't know about aur group. Todlight say you are Balas gang . Group of 200 people know our group. Todlight say my boy and I will killayou the balas gang balas gang laughing in Todlight. And punch on ground and balas gang 20 people is dead Boss balas gang say he is so powerful we will not kill this man and Todlight is laughing and singing a but