
Toji Fushiguro a.k.a Sorcerer Killer in "Love after World Domination"

Toji gets sent to " Lover after World Domination " by God and he is able to take baby Megumi with him since he actually loved his son and God took some pity on him.

Parody_King · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Things will now get messy

Gecko society soldier A (POV)

"Wtf ! ... Th-ats him, the messy haired guy who fucking killed 25 gecko soldiers in a few seconds in his rage. I heard he-'s a monster..."

Gecko society soldier B (POV)

" Bro chill we have Shinigami-ojou with us. She has never tasted defeat before. Moreover he has a kid strapped behind him , we are lucky finding him in such a vulnerable position. Let us ATTACK THAT PIECE OF SHIT !!! "

Other canon fodder

" YES ! LETS DO IT !!!"

With that the cannon fodder(along with that idiot Culverin bear) rushed towards Toji.

Meanwhile the heroes were confused 😕 and shocked at the same time. They heard that cannon fodder A saying that this tall man carrying a baby is a mass murderer and It felt kinda true , all those gelato heroes could feel "uneasiness" around this man. Something didn't click right at that moment. Even Desumi was in high alertness mode(like never before ever in her life). She tried to stop those ignorant Gecko warriors but was not able to stop some of them . Well she tried to stop them because of two reasons : First of all she didn't want to hurt the baby in any way and wanted to fight him herself with a plan. Second , she couldn't pinpoint her feelings properly but the word "DANGER" was ringing in her head.

Well I guess you guys know what happened to those ignorant souls , well R.I.P anyway that Culverin guy was among those idiots as well. Toji was about to slash off his head from his body since he was MAD like really MAD 😡, that bastard launched a small rocket 🚀at him which Toji obviously dodged but what happened next angered Toji , that rocket immidiately turned course and Toji with his Super enhanced senses could predict that this rocket was aimed at 'Megumi' specifically, luckily the red gelato guy could react in time and save Culverin barely (his right arm was cut off) and he was screaming like crazy. Fudo( red gelato) handed him (culverin) over to Pink gelato and asked Misaki-neechan to help taking this man to the hospital. Meanwhile(simultaneously) Desumi was furious , It's True she didnot like the way all those brutes didn't care about the baby's safety and even using it to their advantage but they were still her allies, the only people who were with her in this world. She sped towards Toji lost in complete blind Rage swinging her iron club.

Toji sighed , she was cute chick and he didn't want to kill her but he couldn't let anyone get away with trying to harm his kid but just as Toji was about cut her head off he noticed a subtle change in Desumi's attitude. At the last second Desumi had been able to control her blinding range and shifted her attention towards getting the baby out of this mess. Toji could feel she had good intentions through subtle changes in her facial expression.

Well you may ask why Desumi had a change in her heart , well that's because seeing the cute baby face of Megumi up-close reminded Desumi of her 4 younger siblings whom she loved very much.

Well Toji was a human too so he decided to not fully kill her (but he would still retaliate because he doesn't care his opponent is a man or not, no-one gets away trying to attacking him (which could have hurt Megumi) ) . As Desumi closed in , she tried to use her hand to get Megumi but was caught off-guard. Toji repelled her hand off easily and with a grin on his face used his cursed tool to slash through Desumi from top of her head to her feet and kicked her hard in stomach. Desumi fell to the ground , lying sideways in a pool of her own blood.


"Wtf just happened. Am I so weak? I was overconfident. I thought I was unbeatable. Shit! Shit! Shit! it's hurting so much. Man my head feels so light , Why did this man not kill me ? Is it because I showed my weakness the last second? Shit I can't think through. Well he seems to better than I had thought.

It's expected right?, he fought back cause I attacked him. At last I thought my life won't be boring anymore. Shit ! I still have so many questions for this man. At this rate am I going to bleed to death? ...."

With that Desumi lost her consciousness. The gelato members tried to intervene using hand-hand combat but ,


"Idiots. Trying to fight me in close quarters despite seeing all this shit happen. Shouldn't you heroes try some super hero beam or something . Oh I see , You are true heroes right? You are trying to apprehend me without hurting my kid. Well aren't you the good guys but well this is the end."

With that Toji easily defeated those 3 gelato guys(the girls went to take Culverin to the hospital) using his hands (well , they were trying to apprehend him rather than attacking him like actual heroes since a baby was involved so Toji spared their lives. Also Toji didn't use his cursed tool despite feeling a lot of potential in Fudo since he seemed like a genuine nice guy to be honest from his actions and he didn't outright attack Toji).

While lying on the ground with their suits battered , the gelato group could only think "Who the fuck is this guy?"

Fudo(POV)( Looking at the unconscious Desumi)

" I messed up. I underestimated him. I never thought that I would meet someone this powerful. He defeated all of us like an adult playing with small kids. I will catch this man. I WON'T GIVE UP. He even beat Shinigami ojou like nothing. He is a miniac , he is too dangerous to be left free."


"I can sense potential from that red suit guy and that exhibitionist girl , well they are still unrefined and not matured yet. Reminding me of my old days ."

After all this shit happened , as Toji glanced at Desumi his facial expression contorted a bit when he was given a glimpse of Desumi's face through the crack in her mask( due to his slash attack).

Toji (POV)

"For Real ?'

Megumi (POV)

"Maaa-ma ??? Waaaaah..."

Seeing his mother in such a helpless state made our(for us) precious Megumi cry 😭😭.

[Desumi ofcourse is not the mother of Megumi but her face is similar so both (Toji and Megumi) were taken back. Also Megumi loved his mother(in this story) as a kid but was sad at her death. ]