
3: until I found you

3: until I found you

Y/N: Kelly, what do you think you're doing? You know Jungkook is not interested in you. He rejected your proposal, for heaven's sake!

Kelly: Oh please, Y/N! Just because he turned me down doesn't mean he's not interested. He's single now, and I have every right to pursue him.

Y/N: Pursue him? More like harass him! Can't you see he's uncomfortable around you? He's my friend, and I won't let you disrespect him like this.

Kelly: Disrespect him? You're the one disrespecting him by not letting him explore his options. He deserves someone who appreciates him, and I can be that someone.

Y/N: You're delusional, Kelly. Jungkook deserves someone who respects his boundaries, not someone who can't take no for an answer. And that someone is definitely not you.

Kelly: How dare you! You think you know what's best for him? You're just jealous because you can't stand seeing him with anyone else.

Y/N: Jealous? Please, I'm looking out for my friend, unlike you, who's only thinking about herself. And let me make this clear: Jungkook will never be interested in someone like you.

Kelly: We'll see about that, Y/N. I won't give up on him, no matter what you say.

Y/N: Suit yourself, Kelly. But mark my words, you're fighting a losing battle. Jungkook will never be yours.

Kelly: We'll see about that.

(Y/N walks away, knowing she's won the argument, while Kelly fumes with frustration.)

Jungkook: umm, Y/N. Thanks for stepping in back there with Kelly. She just doesn't seem to get the message.

Y/N: No problem, Jungkook. I couldn't stand seeing her make you uncomfortable like that.

Jimin: Seriously, Y/N, you were like a superhero swooping in to save the day!

Y/N: *laughs* Thanks, Jimin. But honestly, it was the least I could do. You guys are my friends, and I'll always have your backs.

Jungkook: We know, Y/N. And we appreciate it more than you know.

Y/N: Aw, thanks, Jungkook. Now, let's not let Kelly ruin our night. How about we enjoy the rest of this party and forget about all this drama?

Jimin: Sounds like a plan! Let's dance our troubles away!

(They spend the rest of the night enjoying the party, dancing, laughing, and making memories. Later, they all head home feeling grateful for each other's friendship.)

Y/N lays on her bed, the events of the party swirling in her mind. She couldn't shake the feeling of jealousy that had consumed her when Kelly kept throwing herself at Jungkook. As she thought deeply about her emotions, she realized something profound: she loved Jungkook.

It hit me like a wave, the realization crashing over me with undeniable force. Every moment we spent together, every laugh we shared, every glance exchanged between us suddenly took on a new meaning. I had been oblivious to my feelings for so long, but now they were impossible to ignore.

My heart raced with the intensity of my newfound revelation, and I couldn't help but smile. Though uncertain of what the future held, one thing was clear: I had to tell Jungkook how I felt.

With determination burning in my chest, I made a silent promise to myself: tomorrow, I would confess my love to Jungkook and take whatever outcome came my way. For now, I closed my eyes, feeling a sense of peace wash over me as I drifted off to sleep, dreaming of a future where Jungkook and I could be together.