

The next day was another roller coaster, a very beautiful one at that. Before I woke up everyone was dressed and I was baffled at the change of norm.

"Okay. What's going on here?", I asked all surprised as Kelita hissed and left the living room. "She thinks she is now a princess or what", she mumbled as she walked out.

"It's a family outing. Since you guys are leaving by weekend. It's better we do it today", Christy said as she arrange the bags on the table.

"Okay, let me go dress up then", I replied as found my way upstairs but Christy stopped me halfway.

"Wear Ankara please. Gogo prefers it"


Christy hooped out of the car with excitement. "Welcome to Kievits kroon", she spread her hands in excitement as Gogo laughed.

"She is so full of joy and energy. One of the reasons I can't trade her for anything", she said solemnly as we walked to our corner.

"Who are your parents?", she asked calmly.

"My parents are Igbos from Anambra state in Nigeria", I replied tensed.

"Melokuhle took after me. I can be very stubborn but her own is higher than mine. Don't mind her annoying comments about you. She thinks everyone is a racist because Olajide's mum Funmilayo was one. How anger can turn one into racist themselves".

"I didn't know she passed through racial discrimination but Mama Funmi is very sweet"

"She wasn't sweet to my daughter. Talk to her alone and rub minds with her. Prove to her that you are different. She will definitely let her guards down", she whispered.

Everyone was busy playing games when I noticed Melokuhle sitting alone with her laptop on one side. I was very nervous when I got to her.

"Umama, can I have a word with you ma?"

"Don't call me Umama for now, call me Melokuhle"

"Okay ma. I don't know what my presence here might have caused you. I just want to say I am sorry"

"I love your son ma and I promise not to hurt him in anyway", I added.

"Humans hurt human, hurt is inevitable but settling it at the right time is the most important thing to do".

"I don't know how to prove it to you but I can do anything for your son to see him happy and fulfilled".

"Do you know Funmilayo, Jide's mother?", She asked calmly.

"Yes, I know her. Tayo and I have been to her place couple of times".

"Do you like her?", She asked calmly without taking her eyes off her laptop screen.

"Yes, I like her. She is very accommodating".

"Sure she will be very accommodating, since you are a Nigerian. I hate to see my son marry a Nigerian because it will give Funmilayo the chance to take away my son from me".

"I can never do that ma. I can't take your son away from you."

"Tayo told me you are different. I am sorry for putting you through a lot though but one thing I want you to know my dear. I can shatter you into pieces if you break my son's heart. That's how much I love him", she said as we both laughed.

"I was eighteen when I met Olajide, Tayo's dad. He was so sweet and we loved each other but he was a coward. I got pregnant three months after our relationship and he proposed to me which I agreed. Gogo never liked him from the onset but she accepted him because I said I love him. Things went wrong when he took me to Nigeria to meet his parents. The parents told me he has been betrothed. I was treated badly that I returned three days after our arrival. They didn't give us their blessings. Olajide followed me back to South Africa and told me to abort the baby which I refused. He left me and moved on with his life in Nigeria. I raised my son till high school but Tayo insisted he wanted to see his father and further his education. I didn't know he planned on staying there".

"It's very normal for you to hate me at first sight Umama because what Tayo's dad did was very wrong but I promise I am nothing like them", I tried to clear myself.

"I know but I need your help", she said quietly.

"What is it ma?", I asked curiously because I was happy at the fact that she talked to me.

"Can you live here in South Africa?"

"I don't have a problem with that just that I don't know about Tayo"

"Persuade him to stay"

What she asked for seemed like an impossible mission but I understood the fact that she wanted her son around her and she deserved it after what she's been through. Tayo had a job and a private hospital back in Nigeria and to be sincere I was confused as hell. Mama Funmi and Laide were just like Melokuhle and Kelita back in Nigeria, the last thing I wouldn't dare to do was to step on their toes. Hearing Melokuhle side of the story made me feel compassion for her.

It was around 12:00am that I woke up to drink water. I saw Tayo busy on his laptop and he seemed too serious.

"Babe, what's up?", I asked calmly as I massaged his shoulders.

"I need to sort some documents out real quick", he replied with his eyes fixed on the laptop.

"Babe, and I have something to tell you o".

"Okay, what's that?"

"Can we stay a little longer, I am starting to like it here"

"You can't be serious right, what about your business in Lagos?"

"Hannah will take care of the business."

"Patricia, we have had this conversation before and I am telling you it can't work and it will not work. I have a business to run in Nigeria."

"What kind of a son are you Tayo, your mother has been through a lot for you and she wants you around her."

"Patricia, I am not ready for an argument this night. Park your things and we will be on our way this weekend."

"You know what Tayo, what you are doing is terribly wrong. You are being selfish, you only care about yourself and no one else."

"Don't you dare judge me because you don't know what it's like to be me." he replied angrily as he shut his laptop and left me all alone.

I followed him to his room and sat beside his bed, "Tayo I am sorry for calling you selfish but you need to see things from your mother's view. She has been through a lot for you".

"If you truly love me, you will see things in my own view and not their views", he replied.

Hi, it's Asakethewriter and I just got the courage to show my talent which is writing. As much as I love writing, your reviews and ratings will go a long way for as a writer.

Please show some love.

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