
Todoroki x reader I'll fight for you

Jilliann1234 · Fantasy
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76 Chs


It was the Everyone's last day at UA high school. It honestly feels like it's been a long journey, but everything that happened definitely been worth the journey. I was in my dorm room packing up all of my things since I had to move in with my dad again since graduation was coming up and we would no longer be attending to UA, which means we wouldn't be staying in the dorms anymore. We were all graduating tomorrow and I was excited, sad, nervous, too many emotions at once.

"Are you okay love?" Shoto came up and hugged my waist from behind. I slightly smiled.

"Yeah just fine, just nervous for graduation I guess." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Hm you'll do just fine, it almost doesn't seem real." I turned around while he was still hugging me from behind and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"It has been 4 years, I mean we have to find a place to live since we been living in the dorms and." I stopped my sentence and started blushing once I realized what I just said. Did I just ask him to move in with me?? Oh this is embarrassing. I buried my face in his chest, and heard him chuckle.

"Your so adorable, we do need to find a place to live don't we?" I jumped out of his arms in shock.

"W-w-wait! You just said we!" I jumped and pointed at him.

"And so did you." He chuckled again making me smile.

"If you want we can get our own apartment and go from there, it would be easier if both of us were paying for rent as well"

"Are you serious about this? Like you really want to live together after graduation, no doubts no concerns about it?" I walked a little bit closer to him.

Shoto walked closer as well and put both of his hands on my shoulders and looked at me in the eyes.

"(Y/n) I never been so sure in my life." He gave me a big genuine smile and pulled me into a hug.

"We should start looking soon then!" I said in excitement and hugged him tight.

"Would All m- I mean your dad be okay with it?" He asked me, sometimes it's hard to remember that my dad is the retired #1 hero, I still find it hard to believe myself sometimes.

"He'll probably tell me why I shouldn't, then give me a whole list of concerns he has for me, then talk to you about setting boundaries, but at the end of the day he probably would." I gave him a slight smile.

"That's going to be a fun day." Shoto sighed.

"But it will definitely be worth it, I don't think he will have a problem with it." Shoto then pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead.

"You talk like your so sure." I giggled.

"Well, we'll just have to see love, I'm going to finish packing up boxes in my room, I'll see you tonight." He gave me a wink and I blushed... tonight was definitely going to be interesting.

Shoto's POV

I walked out of (y/n)'s room and back towards mine, and halfway through I was stopped by Kirishima and Bakugo.

"So did you ask her yet?" Bakugo asked with his arms crossed. He definitely did act like (y/n)'s slightly older brother.

"No, I was going to wait until after graduation, the time didn't seem right, I want it to be special, a perfect day for her."

"Im sure you asking  her to marry you will be memorable no matter what!" Kirishima laughed.

"It has been 4 damn years as long as you propose she will be happy idiot." Bakugo said while still crossing his arms.

"Are you sure you guys don't think it's too early?" I asked them. I had no doubts about marrying (y/n) I loved her to death. I just wasn't sure if she was ready to get married at such a young age, I mean her wanting us to  move in together definitely makes me feel more confident but I was still was nervous about asking.

"Are you kidding me?! You guys stuck together like glue for the past 4 years! She will definitely say yes!" Kirishima jumped around excitedly.

"Even if she does say no, there's a very little chance of you guys breaking up, probably not even a chance, just do it moron." With that Kirishima and Bakugo walked away.

"Okay then." I let a breath out that I feel like I been holding for minutes and walked into my room and closed the door.

As soon as I closed the door I walked straight to the drawer I put the ring in, I should probably hide it in a better place, maybe I should ask Bakugo to hang onto it for me, I feel like one of the girls couldn't keep a secret, and plus Bakugo never lets anyone in his room so it should be safe in there.

The ring was beautiful but very expensive, I was lucky my dad was a pro hero and that my family adores (y/n) or else I probably couldn't have gotten this ring. It was made of diamond and I was only hoping that it would fit her ring finger perfectly. I was only hoping that the answer to my question would be yes. I took a deep breath once again and put the ring in the case and the case into my pocket. I should probably take it over to Bakugo's room since (y/n)'s spending the night in my room tonight since she  took her bed out of her room today and brought it over to Allmights.

I walked out the door and over to Bakugo's room it was starting to get late and I didn't want anyone to see the ring, not yet anyways, this was probably going to be a surprise to everyone except Bakugo, Kirishima, and Allmight. I already got his blessing.


I knocked on Allmights door with sweaty hands, this is probably one of the most nerve wrecking things I ever had to do. The door opened slowly and there was standing a small and weak yet tall looking Allmight.

"Oh, young Todoroki, did you need something?" He asked in a confused tone.

"Uh, yes actually, can I uh, come in?" I asked nervously.

"Of course" Allmight let me in and I sat down at the table while he went to make some tea.

"So what is it you want to talk about? Is (y/n) okay?! Did you guys break up?!" He asked in a panic once he sat down.

"No no! Quite the opposite actually." I looked down at the tea, my hands only getting hotter and sweatier. I looked up to see Allmights eyes widened, then go to sad, back to normal. Then he sighed.

"I knew this day was going to come... your asking me if you can marry (y/n)? Is that right?" I thought he would have been more in a panic but he seemed oddly calm.

"Y-yes sir." I said struggling to keep looking up and not at the table. He sighed again.

"You have my blessing Shoto, I think your good for her, but don't go breaking her heart, not like I did to her mother, and not like your father did to your mother either, be better, treat her right, listen to her, and don't mess up, because one small mistake or choice can make you lose everything you had. I'm trusting you to take care of her." Allmight smiles and tears started to run down his face.

"It's hard because I don't want to let her go, she's still so young. Just make sure to visit often alright?" Allmight wiped tears away.

"We definitely will, your not forgotten Allmight, (y/n) loves and cherishes you a lot, I'm sure she will come visit weakly." I smiled at him, and was happy that I got his blessing to marry (y/n).

End flashback